Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 812 Harmony

It's too close!

Such a near distance, the secret of the sword is unparalleled, although it is only a thunder, but just a sword, the sword has been attacked.


The sword light instantly took the thunder's head and shocked the life of thunder.

The fifth step, the top of the strong, thunder, this is killed!


After killing the thunder, the sword is unparalleled to take the thunder, and the treasures of the thunder, then stand there, but it is a hot sword in his hands in his hand.

Step 6! "

"I have made my best to break out, and I can only reach the fifth step, but once my blood peak sword, my combatization has risen to the sixth step."

"And this shank is too strong, just five swords directly crushed the eternal people of Thunder."

"This sword ... is terrible!"


Yes, it is terrible!

It is worthy of the mysterious one person, it is worthy of the peerless heroes above the eternal.

The power of this sword is far beyond the imagination of swords.

"My strength is too weak. The power of this sword, I am now impossible to completely urge it, I can only have a small part, but it is such a small part, it is enough to make my strength to improve a big step. Waiting for the future, I broke through the eternal, and even have the opportunity to break through the respect, and all the power of this sword broke out, how much would it be? "

The sword is unparalleled secretly.

Of course, don't say that it is a respect, even if it is eternal, it is still slightly slightly a distance.

In a short time, he wants to complete the power of the blood peak sword, it is impossible.

After a while, the sword was unparalleled.

"Thunder is already dead, then it is ..." The sword has a cold and cold, and the other battlefield has seen the past.

In another battlefield, the sword is unparalleled, and the enthusiasm of Mr. Wu is war.

Because the sword is unparalleled, as long as the war is wrapped in Mr. Wu, don't let him have a chance to make a hand, so the war has not made every effort, but it is still a gas that is not allowed to give it.

When the sword is unparalleled in this battlefield, Mr. Wu is even panicked.

"What's going on?" Mr. Wu is surrounded by it. "How can you, thunder?"

He has just been crushed by the war, and he couldn't distinguish it, and the battlefield where the sword was unparalleled. So did not see the scene of the sword without dinning.

"Thunder!" The sword was unpaired and laughed. "He is dead, if you want to find him, I can send you to see him."

"Thunder is dead?" Mr. Wu is angry, and immediately shook his head. "How can it be? If you, you can kill thunderstorms?"

"Can you kill, you will know it immediately, not only thunder is going to die, you have to die!" The sword has skyrocketed.

This time he killed thunder, suppressing the sister, and the purpose has been reached.

But because of the appearance of Mr. Wu, he had to let the eternal warfare, you must know that every time you shoot, you need to spend a lot of god.

The time of just sword is unparalleled with thunders is not short. In this time, the eternal war has been entangled with Mr. Wu, and the consumption of the Shenjing has exceeded 10 million.

The consumption is so big, the sword is unparalleled, and the Mr. Wu is killing, then earned.

"Hand, kill him!" The sword didn't have a pair.

The three meters high eternal war, one heard the sword unparalleled orders, no longer leaving, and suddenly broke out its true power, I saw the gods of him, and I consumed it. The quantity of 10,000, and his body is quiz in an amazing speed.

This speed is too fast!

Far exceeded the level of the fifth step, even the general sixth step, Yongheng, but it is more than.

"How can it be so fast?" Mr. Wu is horror, and he also noticed that while the sword is unparalleled, he kills him.

"not good!"

Mr. Wu is afraid that you want to escape, but he is directly chased by the eternal war.

As the Eternal War, the right hand is grasped, the horrible punches are gathered, and then the explosion.

It is also a punch that is babbled by the eternal war, but the power of this punch is better than before, I don't know how many times.

Such a horrible punch, absolutely reached the top level at the top of the sixth step, Mr. Wu also clearly induced this power.

He has no God, and he is full of endless despair.

It is at this time ...


It's like a cold, it is like a snort to be calm and rushed, and it slammed on the sea.

This coldness also contains a horrible power, and the first time will come to the Eternal War.

The anion of the eternal war is immediately resolved. At the same time, his three meters high is like the shells directly shoot out. It is still rolling on the way of shooting, and the sound is very ramp.

"What?" The sword was shocked on the face.

The eternal war is already full, and the top six steps have emerged. If the truth is, even if it is the same, it is the same as the end of the end of the sixth step, it is enough to be ahead.

But now, even the other people have not seen it, just just a cold snort to be bombarded.

How much is the strength of the other party?

~~~ a tall figure suddenly came.

This person is a bald man wearing holy white robe. The bald man faces cold, and it is also a touch of angry.

A suffocating horror war is spreading from this bald man. It is aware of this majesty. The sword is not a double eyebrow. The heart is also a sudden.

This is the power, the permanent advice can be owned.

It can have such a perfect pressure, and the status of this bald man is undoubted.

Dao Zun!

Dao Yu!

And when I saw the bald man who appeared, Mr. Wu, who was desperate, was immediately revealed, and he had a fanaticism, looked at it, but also directly bowed down.


"Meet the owner!"

Mr. Wu excitedly shouted.

"Who's main?" The sword is unbolded without a change.

Mr. Wu is the same as the thunder, and the owner of this Hammer, there is no doubt, naturally it is the mainland of Tianyunge!

One of the six great power of Zihinia Island!

The truce of the goods is really high.

"I just killed a thunder, turned out to introduce Tianyunge Pavilion," The sword was unparalleled, looking at the active head man in front, her heart was boring, but also wondered.

"It is already outside Zihinia, this Tianyunge Pavilion, how can it appear here?"


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