Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 813, Tian Yunge, the discipline

The Lord of Tianyunge, who is unpartuous, is a look at the surroundings. The spin is solidified in Nawu, and the sound of the magic is issued from his mouth. The eternal, actually died in a sense of God, can you really face the long face? "

When I heard the words of Tianyunge, Mr. Wu was shameful, and said: "The main, it is incompetent, but the strength of this kid is indeed, he is the most reversed God I have encountered. He has also smashed with Thunder, and even the thunder is old. He is dead in his hand. He has this incomparable warlord, and it is really enemy. "


Tian Yunge's main is cold, and he did not pay attention to Mr. Wu, and his eyes with a faint angry, but the sword was not double.

"Kid, kill my Tian Yunge, a guest of Tian Yunge is still not enough, I still want to kill the second place? The gut is really unsained." Tian Yunge is low, each word contains great power pressure There is no double body in the sword.

The sword is unbolded, and the abnormality of the flesh is suppressed, but fortunately, his flesh is far stronger than the same order. If it is changed to other God, the stress is sufficient to put it on the body.

"Tian Yunge Main."

The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is respectful.

No matter what the Yunge Lord will tear his face with him, this Tian Yunge will be a genuine Dao Zun, which is worthy of the sword.

"The disciple of the thunder, the deceased the ancestors, the rebelkeeper, but also harmful to my last pulse is closely informed, this enemy does not wear the sky, I will kill him, and the thunder is going to block, and still I want to kill me for his disciple! "

"Since he wants to kill me, I will naturally be polite. As for Mr. Wu, he came to chase me with the thunder, I certainly won't let go, I want to change into Tianyun Pavilion, you should not Will you put a person who wants to kill you? "The sword did not double directly.

"Hey, you are the mouth of the mouth." Tian Yunge is the main cold. "No matter what the reason you have, you kill me Tian Yunge, this is the fact, the fact is not a sophistry!"

"However, you are lucky, I have encountered me."

Tian Yunge will continue to say: "This is a Tianyunge Pavilion, and the Tang Daozun is not to personally deal with you, but the little punishment is what."

"All the treasures you got from the thunder, and then, the 3,005 million crystal is handed over to compensation."

The sword is not double-colored.

Open all the treasures of thunders, Shenjing, and then compensate for 30 million crystals?

"Okay, I promise."

The sword is unparalleled only for a moment, nodded and promised, and then he handled two Qiankun Rings.

"These two Qiankun Rings, one of them is I got from the thunder, I haven't come to find, as for another Qiankun ring, it is 20 million crystals, and there is a million worth 10 million The treasure of the god crystal. "

Tian Yunge is mainly connected, browsing for a while, nodding, "This is the matter, you can go."

"Thank you, the main person."

The sword is unparalleled, and after leaving the eternal war, he left.

On the sea, there is only the main owner of Tianyun, and there is also the heart of Wusong.

Mr. Wu is a little surprised to see Tian Yunge, and he knows that Tian Yunge is the main thing. Self-weight, I don't want to be a double shot for swords, but I just only only let the sword have no double compensation for 3,0 million crystals.

The sword is unparalleled. One of the times he has never seen before, many means, and the family is definitely extraordinary.

Others don't say, the eternal is the war, the eternal war, the value is quite.

But Tian Yunge is only from the sword, there is no double body, and this is not too cheap sword.

Of course, these doubts will only dare to hide in the bottom of the heart, and they don't dare to ask more.

"You go back, this is also busy." Tian Yunge said that the body is directly left directly.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, who worshiped in the direction of Tian Yunge's main body, and then left directly.

Outside Zihinia, the vast sea is void.

A thin white, some hunchback thin old people, sitting on a purple impaired beast, this purple different beast is random, and a cross faster is a few miles.

! I suddenly appeared next to the purple impaired beast, I just punished the Tianyunge of the sword.

"Islander." Tianyun Pavilion is the thin and beast on the Purple impair of the beast.

"How? Disciplinary is light, some are somewhat hard?" The silver haired old man smiled.

"Hey, the kid is indeed lucky. If you are not talking to him, I just want to take a slap in the palm of it.

"Haha, if you are a slap, it is really a long time." The thin old man laughed, "just the little guy, not simple!"

Speaking of this, the thin old man is slightly smashed, the voice has also become a bit more, "he has the blood of the same, although it is still very weak, but the potential of the blood, even I don't dare to have slightly Large, and a sense of God in his district, the war can be strong, it is incredible! "

"So, in addition to their own avenm, there is also a high person behind him, this high person may be his teacher, or his elders, in short, it is definitely a very great energy And even more than one. "

"Such a big energy, don't say you, even I, I don't dare to get crime."

"In addition, have you noticed the bloody god sword before he used?" The thin old man suddenly.

"Noted." Tian Yunge is slightly nodd, "the strength of this kid, it is not much better than thunder, but it can use the sip of the sword, but thunder is completely suppressed, the war has reached the sixth step. This is the power of the sword, according to me, the sip of the god sword should be a shower! "

Tian Yunge The main and this thin and weak old people have just been nearby, and the swords are unilaterally thunders. They all look clear.

But even the thunders were killed, this Tianyunge owner did not shoot, only when Mr. Wu is about to be killed, this Tian Yunge is coming.

"Di Shen Bing?" The thin old man nodded slightly. "At the very least, it is a soldier, but it is from the end, I can't see this."

"Refining the people of the sctology, the accomplishment of the refineries, absolutely reached the steps of Dengfeng, he refined this soldier, and also used special means to hide the various kinds of people. Strange, if the two just saw this little guy used the sip of the singer to kill the scene of the thunder, we couldn't see the virtue of the goddess. "

"People who can refine this soldiers will never be silent in the ancient world, and with this person's energy, as long as you refine a few emperors as the price, you can easily invite several strengths. The road is to make a hand, you can easily become a hegemon. "

"Well, the people who refined this goddess were indeed very powerful." Tian Yunge mainly nodded.

"So, let you know that this little guy is reasonable, if you really want to kill the little guy, huh, if you are found by the people behind him, do you think you can live?" The thin old man smiled.

I heard this, Tian Yunge is also cold sweating, and said: "Just a lot of users reminded."

"You are mine, I will naturally help you." The thin old man laughed: "You just punish the little guy, the little guy will not care, and will not remember you, and he also Don't look for his trouble, this matter is coming. "

"I understand." Tian Yunge main point.

"Okay, come out for so long, and I have seen a great little guy, it's not bad, I will go back." The thin old man smiled, "Yes, tomorrow Xia Kei's two son will rush to Zihinia, you Get him for me. "

"Xia Ezu 2 Bono?" Is the first day of the first day of the ancient world? "

Tianyun Pavilion is a moment, "The first day God, I don't know if I am taking this small guy who is called sword, and how?"


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