Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 818, the first day of God

In the words of Xia Yi, with a absolute confidence, there were countless military people in the bloody platform.

The Xia Ezuo is intended to win with the enemy three, and it can win in the half-column fragrance.

"Hey, good tone."

Lin Yu stared at Xia Yizhen, low Shen said: "I said a pair of fierce battles, then it is one-on-one, Zongo."


A strange figure immediately broke out from the auditorium, appearing on the ring.

This person, the height is more than two meters, and the body is strong, and the living is like a beast.

"This is the first opponent I have arranged for you." Lin Yu said.

Everyone in the bloody stage couldn't help but looked at the beast. The identity of this beast man was also recognized.

"It's a lot!"

"Once in the bloody battle platform, the gods of the gods were finalized, and the peak strong!"

"He is really just a sense of God, but it is said that the war is more terrible than the normal third step."

On the audience, discussing.

Xia Wei also glanced at the mites, and there was a touch of smile, and the body shape was moved, and it appeared on the ring.

Seeing Xia Wei also embarked on the platform, the whole bloody platform, it was quietly quiet.

"Xia Zhen Gongzi, please!" That is the homework, the man, the unknown open.

"Despite it," Xia Wei is still a look of a son, and the face is also self-satisfied, and the eyebrows is a bit proud.


There is no nonsense, after the cold, his entire body is like a huge magic, directly exploding.

The , ................ .

Subsequently, I went straight.

A hammer is pulled out, and there is a dramatic sound explosion on the platform.

"Good power."

The surrounding audience can't help but shock.

The attack and power of this , it is clear that it has exceeded the category of God, even if it is one step, two steps will not be comparable to it.

However, in the face of such a strong offensive, the summer is still a windy look, just in that hammer is less than one meter, immediately, when he bombards him, this summer is slow Reach your palm.

In an instant he reached out, a dark knife passed out.

The knife is as ink, no sound.

Fast, too fast.

Fast makes that there is no way to make a slightest reaction.

This museum is clearly the first shot, but his housing has not really fallen in the body of Xia Yanyu, and the darkness of the dark, but the blade of the ink has been quickly gone into the body of the former.


The knife was bruised, and there was a difficult confidence in the eyes, and his body shape was directly poured. The giant hammer of the whaled hammer was dissipated.

Just a trick, but it is the electric flame, but this parade has been directly killed.

On the bloody platform, everyone couldn't help but grew up their eyes.

"too strong!"

"This, this is the strength of the first day of the ancient border?"

"The is also the top three ends of the third step, it is actually killed by him? Is he really just God?"

Everyone is secretly praised.

Everyone in the field, although he had heard the record of this Summer Gongzi, but after all, there is no truly see that the bottom is inevitably doubtful.

But now, this summer is a terrible war, making these people who have no dare to have a slightest, and even they also believe that this summer is better than rumors.

Under the ring, the people who saw their senters were killed by Xia Yi, and the face was also changed, and the silver teeth were bite, and then they were open, "the magic spirit."


A strange figure appeared on the platform, which made the second God sent by Lin Hao.

This second sense of God, is more slightly better than the first Zongo, and he is good at speed, the body is more strange, and it should be unparalleled.

However, after this God made his hand, then the summer broke out faster, the same, a knife, a knife, the second God, once again killed.

In the successful killing of two powerful people, and it was a knife to kill, the audience had countless audience, and it was full of shock and admiration.

Such strength, no wonder can be called the first day of the ancient world!

"It is a good thing to cultivate Xia Kei. This summer is the same as his big brother." Zihuia island Lord smiled, then Lin Lin saw past, ", almost?"

"Hey, this is the second sense of God, what is the urgency?" Lin Yu was slight.

See this, Zijing island, the old people of Xia is all laugh at it.

For them, Lin Zi's move is just a child, they will not care at all.

"The last, swordsman!" Lin Zuo opened.

In a corner of the audience, the swords who are sitting together with Yang Weixuan, slowly stand up.

"The summer is not weak, be careful, but there is no ditch to turn the boat." Yang Changxuan will.

"Well." The sword never nodded, but it was slowly to loot, just a moment, and appeared on the ring.

"The sword passer, I will rely on you." Lin Yu glamatically with his hands and looked at the sword.

Around the ring, countless viewers, including the Zijing Island, Xia Ezu, and the old people, etc., respectively, the swords have not seen it.

"It's him?"

Zijing Island Lord, Tian Yunge, the two people have seen swords and unparalleled, and also know the strength of swords, so when they see the sword, there is a look at each other, and the looks have appeared. Variety.

"Hey, actually gave him?" Zijing Island hossed his beard and gained slightly.

"This is what is interesting." Tian Yunge's main eyebrow is also a pick.

He is very clear, the summer is called the first day of the ancient world, the strength is indeed strong.

When he had just killed the manda, the magical spirit, he had fully proved his strength, but the sword was unparalleled ... Then the front is killing the thunder.

Of course, Zijing island, Tian Yunge, the main saw that the sword was unparalleled, they knew that the sword is unparalleled, it will not be weak than that of the summer.

Other people in the bloody platform are not thinking about it.

"Hey, another death."

"This person is stupid? He didn't see this Xia Yi just a knife and killed two strong temperament. He actually dared to come up?"

"It is estimated that the big lady pays for the price that he can't refuse, so I know that I will die, he also wants to fight, but unfortunately, it is self-ineffective."


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