Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 819 Swordless

Around the ring, everyone is full of mercy.

In their view, the sword is unparalleled, but it is also sent to death.

"Show out, take out your strength, or you have no chance." The summer is indifferent to look at the sword, the eyes seem to be watching an antite.

"as you wish."

The sword is unparalleled, and the young sword appears in his hands.

A sword waved, and immediately had a huge sword shadow to kill the summer.

However, the distance is not so far, and that sword speed is not fast, don't say Xia Yi, it will easily avoid it.

"What is this kid, what are you doing?"

"Don't you know that you will die, so I have already given up, just want to do it?"

"Don't do it like this, this sword, I can hide."

The audience is in charge of many martial arts.

And as they expected, so 'Guang Ming's big' swords and shadows came over, the summer is just a slight magical, it will be easily avoided.

"Sure enough, it is a antique."

Xia Yu didn't smile, and the figure was moving in front of the sword without double, and then the darkness of the darkness was bruised.

This knife is amazing.

Before that, the magic spirit was died in this knife.

Seeing this scene, many people on the audience have secretly sigh.

But when this knife is right, it's going to touch the sword.


The sound of the metal hit, only to see a strange sword shadow quietly appeared, the appropriate benefit of giving this knife down.

"Well?" Xia Yu looked up.


"Is it turned down?"

The surroundings around the ring are a horrified.

They saw that the sword was unparalleled, and the knife was blocked.


Xia Yun's mouth is slightly tight, but his eyes are extremely cold, his wrist moves, the handle of the paint black and cold knife! ! ! Connected.

Three Sen Seni is disrupting the knife shadow of the cold and temper, and the heart is not a sore throat, the heart, the eyebrows are all caused.

These three knives and portions are not much, but the speed is extremely horrible.

clang! clang! clang!

Three consecutive three-way hiking, the three knives shadows were also blocked by swords.

"Do you have a speed that I am going out?"

Xia Yuxin has a strangeness, but it can be a cold, the Hmbing Cold War knife in the hands will be lifted, and the power of a raft is instantly agglomerated.


The knife is changing.

Before this summer, the war knife was just a speed, but the power is very general, but now this knife is showing a vast power.

The sword is not immediately swing.


A big sound, this knife sword is unparalleled.

However, the horror of this knife is like a huge mountain rush, and the first time retreats the sword without double earthquake, and finally smashed the most edge of the ring.

On the ground, there was a giant pit, and the dust was rolled.

"This is still reluctant, but unfortunately, it is still a waste." Xia Wei looked at the sword in Juji, and smiled, then turned and whatever.

On the audience, countless people who watched the war were full of fear.

"This summer is really too strong."

"Three games, he is all the strongest temperament of three very strong, and he is a lightweight."

"I can't say that he dares to say that I have to be three enemies. Even if these three natural gods teamed up, it is estimated that in his hand, it is also supported by half column."

A stunned voice came from all directions.

These sounds have fallen into the ear of Xia Yanyu. Xia Wei is still a windy, a son model, and there is no smashing of these amazing sounds, but it is extremely comfortable.

He, very enjoyable, the feeling of honoring the moon.

This feeling is very happy, very comfortable.

With a smooth pleasure, this summer walked to the edge of the ring, and the Lin Yu came over, "Miss Heier ..."

Xia Yu just wants to say anything, it can be suddenly, hehe! The ground fragmentation sounds suddenly, and a stone is directly towards the head of the head.

The summer is sinking, and the body is on the body, and the stone is directly shocked into powder, follow him to see.

I saw the sword unparalleled figure stood up from the huge pit, and he stood there and waved the dust on her clothes.

Looking at the sword in this moment, the color of the summer is not changed.

"not dead?"

"Not only don't die, but I haven't been injured."

Xia Yuxin rose a surprises.

He just had a knife, and the power is good, even if a fourth step is a positive collision, it is impossible to have no injury.

"He didn't be injured?"

"It's not hurt, even the breath didn't weakened it?"


The surrounding weapons, a lot of the militors, also re-faced the sword.

These marties are also shocked.

The only thing is not surprised, it is estimated that only Zijing Island is the main, Tian Yunge main, Yang Weixuan three.

On the ring, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no emotion, staring at the summer of the front, "Xia Wei, I heard that you are called the first day of the ancient world?"

"Is there this, what happened?" Xia Wei coldly sword unparalleled, but the eyebrows were still disdain.

The sword is not a big mouth, the cold words slowly spit out from his mouth, "there is nothing, I just want to tell you, if your strength is only this level, then start today, your first day of God I am worth it. "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is very flat, which can make the many martial arts in the bloody platform, but one by one, etc., can't be widened.

The first day of God's title is attributed to him?

what is this?

"Oh, very good, then I want to look at it, how do you take away from my hands." Xia Yanyu became cloudy, obviously the sword is unparalleled, it is completely irritated.

"Will you know."

The sword is unparalleled, there is no more nonsense, and he tightly the young sword in his hand, but the next moment has directly urged his blood.

Time, his body began skyrocketing at an amazing speed.

Not only the figure began to skyrocket, but also rushing sharply with his breath.

In the surrounding countless martial arts, only a moment, the sword is unparalleled, it is already in order to respect the golden god of 15 meters high.

The young sword in his hands also skyrocked with the body, soared to ten meters long.

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