Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 821 First God, but this!


The sound of the heavy object sounded, and the ground of the entire bloody platform was blocking, and everything was saved.


The whole bloody platform is still quiet.

Nothing is incredible to look at this scene.

It is not only those ordinary martial arts, but also those strong people from the Zihinji Island, and the Summer camps are all shocked.

"Losing, lost?"

I don't know who is the first sentence, and the whole bloody platform is boiled immediately.

"After the defeat, the first day of the ancient circles, there was actually defeated!"

"Not only defeated, and it is very miserable!"

"Three swords ..."

Countless military doctors are angry.

This battle happened under their eyelids, they all saw clearly.

Xia Yi, did defeated, and it was very miserable, the other party only used only three swords.

This three swords ...

The first sword made the summer gang blood seriously.

The second sword is the war knife in the hands of the summer.

The third sword is to take Xia Yanyu into the ground below, clean and neat! And if it is not a sword, there is no hands, and the sword is unparalleled just to directly kill the summer.


Thoroughly, it is completely crushed!

The gap between strength is too big.

However, don't forget, before this battle, the summer is known as the first day of the ancient borders, and his opponent sword is unparalleled, and it is just a sense of God.

Among the shocks, the sword has no double shape has fallen below the ground.

And that summer is full of faces, all over the blood, he struggled, but it could not stand up, or the two strong eyes of Xia Kei were fast, and they quickly gave Xia Yi to help.

After helping, Xia Yi reluctantly lifted his head, just saw the sword was unparalleled to slow him.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no mood. The same cold voice is issued from his mouth. "The first day God, but so!"

The first day, but this?

This sentence is a shock in the hearts of everyone.

In the heart of the heart, it also nodded.

Indeed, although this summer is known as the first day of the ancient circles, it can be more than the sword. The gap is indeed too big. In the sword where there is no double, he is indeed this.

However, this sentence was listened to the ear, but the only one of his heart was completely broken.

He is directly twisted, and it is also full of neponvoicense.


Xia Yu hit his hands, whispered, and even a madness.

"Do I say something wrong?"

"If you don't have this color like this, it can be called the first day of the ancient circles. The first day of the ancient world, there is too much."

The sword is quite calm.

"Right, I heard that you still have a big brother. He claims is the first Yongjing in the ancient world. And is it the youngest and eternal?"

"The first Yongsheng, the first Yongjing, before I am looking forward to him, you can look at the younger brother of the first day of you, hehe, the title of the first Yongjing in the ancient world, it is also the wave Get a virtual name. "

"Miscellaneous!" Xia Yi couldn't help but once again, I couldn't help but spray a blood again.

And at this time ...


A cold scout sounded on the edge of the court, and only the cold old eyes headed by Xia Kei camp lifted it. "Do you just want to provoke," Do you want to provoke my Xia Emi? "

"Provocation?" The sword is unparalleled, "I don't dare, the kizi He De can dare to provoke the first Dynasty Dynasty Tang Dynasty, I just on the matter."

"Hey, a good thing to talk about things." This is a cold older, and it is even accompanied by a touch of killing.

"Oh, Mr. Crane, this is just the battle between the men, there is no need to be too care." Zijing Island is also finally opened to play a round field.

"The two masters have been strong, I have been seen in my own eyes, but the ancient times is very vast, there is a mountain high, one or two people are more stronger than him, it is also normal."

The cloudy old man is slightly smashed, and there is the main coming of Zihinia Island, he is not good to say.

"Well, today's things, purely the little girl, the summer, there is no need to be too care, let's continue to return to the banquet." Zijing Island said, then there is a lot of Zihinia The strong man will leave.

Although the people of Xia Kei are somewhat unwilling, it is not to follow the face of Zihinia Island, and can only follow it.

The summer is got away from the support of the two Xia nun, when you leave, his eyes are solid to end up to the sword, the grievances, anyone can see it. .

As for the Lin Yu, at this moment, it is a smile. When she walks, she is in the sword, and she whispered to the sword.

Many strong people have left, the sword is unparalleled, and I have no stay. In the surrounding eyes, I left the bloody platform with Yang Ren Xuan.

Out of the bloody platform, Yang Zai Xuan opened directly, "the old three, don't do it? The three swords defeated Xia Wei, I believe how long it takes, the strong people of the ancient circles will call you the first day of the ancient world. "

"It is easy to use, but it will be troublesome." The sword didn't smile and shook his head, and he didn't care about this so-called first day.

"Right, how can you give you a good time? This is not like your style. It is hard to have you with the summer, but you have just defeated him, why do you want to humiliate him? Yang Chang Xuan asked.

He saw that there was no double, but he was deliberately humiliated.

"Shame?" The sword was unparalleled. "I just tried him. I didn't expect him to be this kind of grievance, and this grievance is completely written on the face, even his emotional mood can't control, it is obvious. This summer is a grass. "

"If I haven't guess the wrong, this thing, the summer will not stop this."

"Summer is so heart, I don't know how his big brother is, what will it?"

The sword flashed in a different mood.

Single Summer, the sword is unparalleled. He is really concerned about Xiajiao, and his big brother.

The sword is unparalleled just in the bloody platform, it is actually just a preliminary test.

He knows that once you go to Lin Yun, he will go to Xia Yi, it will definitely be sinful, sin Xia Ethi, so he has long prepared.

And Xia Ezu is married to East Tang Dynasty, and the sword is not allowed.

Since I have a good morning to Xiajiao, then now just in advance, what is it?


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