Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 822 Resentful!

The sword is unparalleled with Xia Yi in the battle stage, and it is seen that many strong people have seen it, and they can't hurt.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred.

In short than a day, the result of this battle has spread throughout the entire Zihinia, which has become the topic of countless martial arts in Zihinia.

No one thought that the first day of the first day of the ancient borders, they would be defeated under a homage, and the failed.

Only three swords, a sword is hurt, the second sword is shocked, the third sword is not asked for the other party, and Xia Yi can directly kill.

With this battle, everyone knows that the title of God's first day, it is already easy.

Swordsman, there is no more famous names before one, suddenly appears in the eyes of the world.

Of course, as the Swordsman defeated Xia Yi's news spread out, some of his records in Zihinia is also gradually dug.

Previously, the battlefield of the bloody platform is the battlefield, ten consecutive victories, and the ten wars are all swords to defeat each other.

Thunder from Tianyunge, handed over in Zihinia, and killing his thunder, just in the wind.

When these records were dug, everyone can accept the facts of the swordsman to defeat the summer.

Thunder, that is the end of the fifth step, the swordsman can fight against him, and can defeat the summer, and it is normal.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled so easy to defeat the summer, but it is an anger.

"Kill him, I want to kill him!"

Inside the temple, the face is still with a little pale summer, and it is indeed crazy to roar, and the table in the temple, the seat and some decorative items have long been killed by him.

At this moment, the summer face is full, and it is like a grievance, and the living is like a hungry beast.

"He is old, I have to kill him, kill the sword is unparalleled, and Lin Zi, the monk!"

"I want them to die!"

Xia Wei was crazy, and the sound was shocked.

The surroundings of this temple have been arranged by the crane, preventing the voice from spreading out, otherwise, he will definitely provoke a large number of strong people.

"Two son, you calmly calm."

The stunned cold old man looked at the appearance of Xia Yi, and the brow was slightly wrinkled.

"Calm? I am in the first day of the Ethnic group, the first day of the ancient borders, it was defeated by a hero kissan, who didn't know where to come out, and even he was humiliated by him, so shameless, do you call me how to calm? "Xia Yu is dead and staring at the old man."

Wen said, the crane is not a sigh of breath.

Although Xia Ezu is very large, it has great energy throughout the ancient world.

However, because the power is too large, all parties will sell Xiakang face, so there will be some core disciples of Xiajiao, and sometimes there is no real experience.

The Xia Kei's two son Xia Yi, she raised from the little arrogant. He grew it now to the wind, there is Xiajiao sheltered, have his big brother to support him, to clear all obstacles for him, the arrogant natural and nature of his heart The bigger.

But this arrogant, once encountered a real setback, then completely broke out.

Like this matter, if you change to a strong person, even if you are defeated by the sword, there is no double sword, you can also maintain reason and calmness, not in this loss.

"He is old, I said, I want them to die!" Xia Yuyin Shendao.

He Lao's eyes smashed slightly, and immediately shook his head. "Na Lin, is the woman of Zihuai Island, Zijing Island Lord can control such a huge island around Eastern Tangzhou, is it a general?"

"Don't say anything else, single individual strength, in my Xiajiao, except for the ancestor, it is estimated that only the monks can compete with him."

"Not only that, this Zihinia is the main friend, the four great emperors of Eastern Tang Dynasty, except for the Qing Di, the other three are his friends, such a person, if it is not necessary, otherwise I am Never easily be enemy. "

"Like this time, I will come before, I hope you can get Lin Yupi, pull the Zihinao maind to my Xiajiakan camp, who once thought that the result would be?"

"He is old, what you mean, I can't take a deal with Lin Yai?" Xia Yuyin cold.

"Yes." He Lao Zheng's main point, "this Lin Yi, Many of the movements, as for the swordsman who defeated you ... The swordsman, the same is not general."

"Is it not normal? One famous boy, can you have anything?" Xia Wei looked.

"Hey, you are God, he is also the super genius that I have cultivated countless resource costs, but you can't even get it in his hands. Do you dare to say he is?" At a glance, "If I haven't guess the wrong, this kid's origin is unusual."

"This is also unusual, that is, this is the shame of this time, is it so white?" Xia Wei lowered.

"White white toer? How can it be?" He old shook his head, "You are the two sons of my Xiajiao, when it is in the small child, we have no movements, then I am the color of Xiajiao. put?"

"This little child must be dealt, but it has a long discussion."

"These days, you should first endure, I will find someone to stare at the kid, and I will immediately investigate the origin of this kid. If he doesn't have any background, or the background is general, then I am crushing him directly It is the case where it is, if he really has an unusual background, you have to find a chance to start, don't let people catch the handle. "

"Now I am in the most critical period, the family plays for so many years with the old ancestors, it is difficult to wait until the results, this time, some unnecessary strong, can not provoke, try not to provoke!"

"Waiting for this period, I will reach a new level, when I am like a person like swordsman, I have a contest, I can directly die at this mountain!"

When I heard this, the anger in Xia Yanyu was also closed.

"I understand, then give this little child more days!"

"There is also Lin Yizhen people, waiting for me! Wait for my Xia Ezu, reach a new level, when I want you to look good!" Xia Yi full of complain.

"If the ancestor is realized by the owner of the owner, there is a Zijing Island of the area, I will not put it in my eyes. How do you think about how you want." He Lao also smiled coldly.


In the next few days, this summer is indeed the old man in his own house, and the door is not out.

On the other side, the crane is the man who sent people in the style of the sword.

Xia Ezang, the hearing, the intelligence capacity is natural, only a few days, the sword is unparalleled.

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