
A metal impact.

Originally, a cold, uncomfortable, the opponent's monk looks suddenly, the body is also a shock, followed by the back of the autonomy.

As for the black robes of the long sword, I didn't imagine that he was killed by him. I didn't even be injured. Just just being shocked by the ax, I arrived, but I turned to the side, following Other God killed.

"This person ..." Do you stop me? "

Shura stopped in the original place, and looked at the shadow of the black robe.

In addition to the battlefield, many strong people who watch the battle saw this scene and were surprised.

"Just that person?"

"I put the ax of Shura? And it was still in good condition, just just a slight shock?"

"Saxi who is?"

The preparation of the 36th government collar immediately began to find out.

The soldiers of the blood, the soldiers of the blood, and the strong man from the high man came from the blood of the blood. "" Congratulatory, just the person, is only a sense of God in my blood, his name is blood! "

"Oh, is it my blood?"

The tall man is first, but it is showing it, and laughs: "Haha, the man is the blood of my blood, very powerful little guy."

"Blood Peak??"

"This blood peak, the strength is not weak, so many show the strength of the strength on the battlefield, no one can block the ax of the army, but this little guy is blocked, the strength, the stream First, this blood peak is estimated to be ranked second. "

"Oh, this little guy is a bit meant. It is clear that this mix will kill it for so long. His performance has been ordinary, if it is not a trick to find him, I am afraid that we haven't seen it yet. His real strength came. "

"In fact, we should see it early, you see, in this melee, in addition to the strongest strongest God of Shura, there are a very strong sense of power, others are all spiritual, often forced to be unusual wolf. However, only this little guy, he performs in this mella, but it can shape the wolf. "

"Haha, you said this now, I also noticed."

Thirty-six preparatory soldiers will laugh at will.

And in the battlefield, then just poured the picture of the black robes in the armya, naturally, the sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unbounded to kill with other days, but the eyes can't help but look at the road.

"This person, the strength is quite good, even I, if there is no way to make ancient god, it is estimated that it is not possible to defeat him." The sword didn't have a double darkness, "After that collision, it is estimated that the strong people outside the outside. I am hiding strength? "

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head.

He just didn't want to pay attention to it. After all, there is also the threat of Xiajiao.

But even if I saw some Ni came, it didn't matter. After all, she was single, and he deliberately used a name, and the summer did not find his head so soon.

This fierce mixed will continue to have nearly half of the time, and the number of people in the battlefield is less and less.

Until the God of this battlefield is just a thousand.


The beautiful woman headed by the Yulong Army made a low drink, and the sound was like a thunder.

I heard the low voice of this beautiful woman, the many people who were still crazy in the battlefield were not from autonomous to stop the action.

Then, the bourminbar of the battlefield begins to dissipate, and the rest of the one thousand people have come from the battlefield.

Among the thousands of people, in addition to a few people, most of them are relatively unborn, some are inert gas in the big mouth, clearly they are dangerous.

And the looks of the gods, including the existence of swords.

"This person ..."

In the crowd, the squid of the squid of the blood and robe is holding his hands, smashed with brows, and went to the sword.

He just became in the battlefield, no one can block him on the front, and only sword is unparalleled.

With this, he can see that the strength of the sword is unusual, even if it is not more than him, but it is not much about him.

"It is possible to go to the last thousand people in the melanchy, you can stay becoming a member of my ruling army, as for others, where come, go back," The beautiful woman sounded Running.

That's a lot of the gods who have been eliminated in just the fierce mixed war, a bitterness, but there is no way.

Among these people, there are some strengths and strong, and they are eligible to enter the dragon army. There are even a few strongest temperament, but they can be too lucky, or they are too long in the melanchy. Strong God, or be siege, can only be eliminated.

For such a person, the dragon army will not have a little mercy.

Entering the dragon army, the strength is in the first, but the mind, the opportunity, and the luck also account for a certain factor.

It is clear that it has strength, but it can't enter the rival army, and can only blame themselves.

"All the list of people through the selected person, then leaving the people who fail, let go." Beauty woman looked at the people around the family.

Those who had the preparation of the preparations, in accordance with this beautiful woman's instructions, leaving the list information, with those failures, have left.

The original lively camp, the moment is a lot of cool.

At this time, the beautiful woman waved, and a golden grab, and it was a golden armor carved with Jinlong imprint.

These golden armor, like the exemplary wearing the dragon army, and the golden armored itself is divided into two kinds of inner armor.

"You have passed the selection of the rival dragon army. From today, you are a member of the Ruilding Army. This is your arm armor, the rival of the dragon army. Whether it is in the external task, still in the account, Warfare, this is a rule. "The beautiful woman said cold.

"This dragonflies are refined through special way, not only have certain defense capabilities, but also freely control the size of the size, you can take a set."

I heard the words, I didn't hesitate to choose one thousand people, and I took a tailor armor.

The sword has also taken a set, and after this war armor, the sword is unparalleled. This hamlet is actually a treasure, but also needs a recognition to wear.


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