Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 834 Blood Eagle

"This war armor, the defense ability is extremely strong, can wear it, but it feels very light."

The sword is unparalleled to wear this golden armor, feel the weight of this dragonfly, and the heart is secretly praised.

"Now, go to me, go to the dragon army army." The beautiful woman said, and then took this thousands of new soldiers who have just joined the dragon army, and the military camping of the dragon army.

The military camp of the dragon army, outside the Eastern Tang Huangcheng, a vast, all kinds of banned, guarded.

A huge military camp appeared in the line of sight of the sword, in the military camp, the sword was unparalleled, and the righteousness of the sergeant who wore a golden armor.

Just as the beautiful woman is preparing to enter the military camp with swords.

call out! call out! call out!

Three blood color flow, ignore the heavy ban on the front, directly from above the empty bus, and a large amount of the golden armor on the way, with awe of the three stream light.

"Blood Eagle, is Blood Eagle!"

The sword has no two new soldiers, and the low call.

Blood Eagle? "

The sword is unparalleled to see the new soldier. I asked: "This brother, you said that the three people who have just entered the military camp is Blood Eagle. What is Blood Eagle?"

Many new soldiers around are also seen.

They all know that the Dragon Army knows that the Relong Dragon Army is the most elite army of Dongting Tang Tang, can be bloody, and they have never heard of it.

The basic information on the Eastern Tang Dynasty before the sword is not mentioned, and the blood eagle must be mentioned.

"Blood Eagle, affiliated to the Raffen Army, known as the most sharp claws of the dragon army." The newcomer surrounded by a hidden fan.

"You also know that the dragon army is the most elite army of Dongting Tang Dynasty. It can actually be divided into two big guards inside the dragon army."

"The first kind of god, is the ruling, responsible for the internal and outer and outer and outer and outer," "

"In the rival of the dragon army, the sergeants of Jiu Yiu Jiu is all the ruling, like these new soldiers, will also become a ruling."

"However, in addition to protecting the dragon guard, there is another kind of goddess, named Blood Eagle, this bloody eagle, is the special institution in the argade!"

"Special agency?" The heart of the sword is unparalleled.

And the informed recruits continue to say: "If the sergeants of the Yulong Army are all absolutely elseous, then the blood eagle will be elite, this bloody eagle task is responsible for the royal family. Complete some incomparable, unparalleled tasks. "

"For example, secretly mobilize some families in Dongtu Tang!"

"This is, such as secretly clearing some power."

"Also, there are some powerful people in Eastern Tang Dynasty. People with special status are protected by Blood Eagles."

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled and others heard it, and he couldn't help but marvel.

Raolongwei, just is responsible for the internal and outer and outer sources of the Imperial City, relatively, to be more comfortable.

Bloody Eagle, but is hidden in the dark, very special, with a variety of special crisis tasks to be completed.

These two gods, one in the bright, one in the dark.

But it is obvious that the latter must be more dangerous.

"Just because Blood Eagle wants to complete the task, it is very dangerous, so it is eligible to enter the bloody eagle, inevitably also the real power of the dragon army, according to what I know, can become a bloody eagle, generally It has the strength of the fourth step in Yongheng. "The recruit said.

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

The threshold of the Eagle Wei is the fourth step in Yongheng.

"Then you know how many people are there in the blood eagle?" The sword won't be a couple.

The minimum is also the fourth step of the goddess, the sword is unparalleled, and how many people are in this goddess.

"How much is it, I am not clear, but according to I estimate that it will never be less than one thousand people." The new soldier said.

"The weakest is the fourth step, the waves of the Eternal Big Big, will not be less than one thousand people?" The sword was unhappy, and the strength of Eastern Tang Dynasty.

"I also heard the treatment of the bloody eagle, far on the army of the dragon army, the dragon army is inside, and many strong people will fight, they want to enter the bloody eagle, but unfortunately there is no qualification." The newcomer continued Tao.

"Is the treatment better?" The sword is unparalleled.

He is not very expected about this bloody eagle guard, and he is more expected to be the dangerous task of Blood Eagle.

Compared with the Blood Eagle, it is just responsible for the ruling guards in the inside and outside the royal city, it is really too comfortable.

And comfort is not a double like the sword.

Soon, under the leadership of the beautiful woman, the sword is unparalleled, and a thousand recruits have entered the military camp, and then they were subsequently distributed in many small teams of the Raffen Army.

Like the sword is unparalleled, it is assigned to a normal ten team with other seven recruits.

It is worth mentioning that the new soldier who has just given the sword is unparalleled, just with the sword unparalleled in the same team.

"Haha, brother, look like we have a year, right, what is your name?" This figure is a thin recruit smile looks at the sword.

"My name is blood, what about you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"My name is Ouyang Xu, from Long Xinfu Ouyang," This thin and weak new soldier laughed.

"Ouyang's family?" The sword is unparalleled.

There is a large number of ancient families in Eastern Tang Dynasty. Since it is a member of an ancient family, since it is a little known to Blood Eagle, it is not surprising.

"Let's go first, the front is the situation of our squad, our captain, it is estimated that the old is waiting for us." Ouyang Xu Dao.

"Wait for us, why?" The sword was unpaired.

"I also listen to the family's elders say that this ruling army seems to be comfortable, but it has never prohibited the battle. On the contrary, the dragons have been advocating to talk, and these new soldiers have just arrived, and you said those Old soldiers, will it be so peaceful to us? "Ouyang Xu Dao.

"Oh?" The sword was unpaired, but his mouth revealed a smile.

After a moment, the sword is unparalleled and other eight recruits, and they came to the camp of the team. Sure enough, the captain of this squad said, there were two two veterans, and they were waiting. The arrival of each of them.

"Haha, wait for so long, finally put these new soldiers to wait."

"It is finally possible to practice hands with me, and the old and the captain will fight, that is completely to find abuse."

The two veterans are interested in watching the sword unparalleled eight people. As for the captain of their squad, it is holding a hugage to sit at the table, and the eyes will occasionally.

This captain, although only the captain of the tenth team, he still got into the hierarchy of the eternal border, and the breath is not weak.

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