Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 842 Yellow Mirror

"A double?"

The sword is unparalleled with compassion, and it is dark.

They don't know how strong the three-level wars is, but now wear this level of gods, they have already felt that their strength has been greatly improved.

"This blood eagle war armor, is the uniqueness of blood eagle."

"Special prohibitions on the Blood Eagle, let it only make one person's recognition, that is, the people of the outside world, even if they kill a bloody eagle, get a bloody eagle, no The second refining the recognition of the recognition, and it became a chicken rib. "The old man said.

"What is the case?" The sword didn't have a double and complimentary faces, and the two could see the horror of the other party.

"Okay, this blood eagle war armor will slowly understand, now I will take you to the treasure house of Blood Eagle, this treasure house is also the second heater of Blood Eagle." The old people said, only a moment After that, he took the sword unparalleled, and the two people came to a delicate attic.

This attic looks forward, but it can be secretly guarded.

"Baolo, contain endless treasures!"

"Despite the same treasure house in the Ruilding Army, it is entirely two concepts with the treasure house with Blood Eagle."

"The many treasures in the Blood Eagle Treasure are all collection of Eastern Tang Royal Royal Remarks, and the quality of treasures, even in the whole dragon world, there is not a few more, you will go in and see it. "The old man said.

The sword is unparalleled with Shura, and it is not hesitant to enter the treasure house in front.

When I joined the treasure house, the sword was unparalleled and did not see any treasures. It was a dark space that can be seen. This dark space is in the dark space. There is no substance.

Just on the occasion of the sword, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the sword.

"Newcomer's blood peak, I am the library of this treasure house. This treasure in this treasure house has everything, what do you need to tell me directly, I will meet the treasures you need."

This sound is milk, just like a baby.

"The instrument of the spirit?" The sword is unparalleled.

He didn't think that this treasure house is actually a treasure with a smart.

"I want to know, what is the treasure in this treasure house? Is it used to use God?" The sword has no double.

"You can use God crystal to exchange, but the value is much higher, and under normal circumstances, the treasures in the treasure house are exchanged with points, this points can be obtained by completing the task, you just entered the Blood Eagle, I haven't started to accept the task yet, so your current points are zero, now you can only use God crystal to exchange treasures. "Baoku

The sword has shrugged, but I still asked: "I need a treasure or secret can hide my own breath, let those powerful eternal and even the road, I can't see my specific realm. "

The sword is not a sense of God, but he is very strong, if it is full of outbreak, it is enough to go to the sixth step to wrench wrench wrist.

And now, it is far from reaching the limit. In the future, the strength can also become stronger.

However, there is such a war, it is incredible,

Like the first day of the first day of the ancient borders, his war has barely reaches the fifth step threshold, and there is no difference between the sword.

Strong strength, this is a good thing.

But a sense of heavenly, it is indeed too deprecated, it is inevitable that it will be attacked by some people who are unrestricted.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, you can completely conceal your own breath, or secret, let others treat him as Yongheng, so that he will not seem to be prominent.

"It can be perfect to hide your own breath, and the strong people can't see the virtual treasure, a total of five kinds, this is the list of the five treasures, there are them in detail."

The sound of the treasure karbo is ringing in the sword. Then, a streamer is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled. It is a list of treasures.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will take a closer look.

Five treasures, three of which are specially refined Qibao, there are two pieces of two levels that can perfectly hide atmosphere.

"Good guy, these five treasures, it can make me perfectly, and the sword flashes a surprise.

Then, five treasures, he saw the past.

"This secret, it is good, the points needed is the least in five treasures, it is more likely to master, but the top of this secret can have passed the most ordinary roads, slightly encounter some strength Some, it is estimated that it can't. "The sword is unparalleled, and the second is to look at the second.

"Like this treasure, you can only pass the general road."

The sword is unparalleled, and the information on three treasures is connected, but it is not satisfied.

When he looked at the fourth treasure, his eyes were light.

This fourth treasure is called yang mirror.

Yellow and kerattures, convertible to change its own breath, whether it is spirituality or blood atmosphere, can be converted.

A God, transforming through the yang mirror, can perfectly disguise into one eternal.

A eternal, transformed through the yang mirror, or it can be perfectly disguised into a hero.

After the perfect transformation of the yang mirror, even the top of the top, if you don't care, you can't see it.

"The breath is perfect?" The sword is unhappy.

He is surprised, not just because this rough mirror can disguise his realm, and the most important thing is that this yolk mirror can also transform blood atmosphere.

Insightly, when he turned into ancient god, he must urge the blood of the blood. The blood breath is very rich. If someone looks, he knows that he must have a blood.

It is completely different if there is this yin.

"Even the top of the top, do not look carefully, can't see it is true?" The sword is unparalleled with hands, but the next moment is the integral needed to see this yang mirror.

"10,000 points?"

"Good expensive!"

The sword is unparalleled to suck one cold.

It is necessary to know the other treasures he just look at, and the most expensive treasure is only two thousand points.

But this yolky mirror needs to be 10,000 points.

"Ten thousand points, how many gods need?" The sword is unparalleled.

"In Blood Eagle, 10,000 Shenjing can be exchanged, 10,000 points, it takes 100 million Shenjing to exchange." Baogui Ling replied.

"One million?" The sword didn't touch the nose.

100 million God crystal, is indeed a small number, but the sword is unparalleled, it is very clear that this is the importance of this yolk.

Deep sucking the tone, swords are unparalleled, Zheng Ke, "100 million Crystals, this yang mirror, I want it."


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