Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 843 Shenhai

In the treasure house, the sword is unparalleled to take all 100 million gods, and make a transaction with the treasure homeware.

Not long after the sword, I got a mirror with a black white side. After the sword was unparalleled, after the yang mirror, the yang mirror directly integrated into his body.

I got my most wanted things, the sword was unparalleled, and I didn't stay in this treasure, and I left directly.

Out of the treasure house, the old man has Shu Luo so early.

"How?" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"Not bad." The sword is unparalleled.

"Just a treasure house, you are the second heroes you have to get by your blood, and then, I will introduce you to the third heroes, and the most attractive benefit of these three treatments."

"Shenhai!" The voice of the old people has become a bit more.


The sword is unparalleled, and the Shura next to him can hear two words in the sea, but the hands are not hit.

"Is it finally here?" There are also a variety of highlights.

"Shura, look at your look, seemed to have heard the god sea?" The old people who have been interested in the tutorred Luo Xiu Luo.


The morand is back, "I have heard of Shenhai, I have heard of God. I know that this Shenhai is equivalent to a creation. Any blood eagle will have a month, and one month will be a month. After coming out of the sea, no matter who is, the strength will generally have great progress, even a big breakthrough! "

"Big Breakthrough?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You are right, this god sea is a creation." The old man is smile, and then slowly said.

"The triple treatment with blood eagle, don't look at the treasures in the treasure house countless, but it can actually be in these three treatments, the sacred sea is the most important, the value is also the highest."

"Shenhai, almost the end of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the endless price is created."

"In Eastern Tang Dynasty, there are people who can be eligible to enter the sea, but there are not many. Blood Eagle, after all, is one of the important base cards in the royal family, so any blood eagle is qualified I went to the Shenhai to stay for a month. "

"Don't underestimate this month, under normal circumstances, a bloody eagle went to Shenhai to stay a month, which is definitely more than a lot of six steps, Yonghe's full house, that is, it is An astronomical figure. "

"In that month, even those talents are general, there is no talent of Blood Eagle, can achieve great progress in strength, and some of the true power of blood eagle, some talents, even some weird, they If you stay in the sea, you will stay in a month, progress will be bigger! "

"There are two, just the gods can enter the bloody eagle, this talent, go to the god sea for a month, will definitely be an unimaginable gain."

I heard this, Shura is already hot.

As for the sword and unparalleled, I didn't understand this Shenhai, but now I heard the old people's old man finished, but his heart is full of expectations.

He didn't think of it, entered the Blood Eagle, and there was such a huge opportunity to make it!

The talent, the general bloody eagle, who can have a huge progress in the Shenhai sea.

Then, if he is going to Shenhai, how is it?

Thinking of this, the sword has no doubles have become a bit hot.

Under the leadership of the old people, the sword is unparalleled with Shura to come to the front of a space insect hole.

"This spatial worm hole is linked to Shenhai. I have already submitted with the leadership, this space insect hole will open, let you enter, wait after entering, you will hurry up this month, as for a month How much can you make progress, you can see your respective creation. "The old man said.

The sword is unparalleled with Shura.

Such a thousand chances of chances, they certainly won't miss it.

Didn't have been in front of the space in front of the sea, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled to go to the sea.


The light flashes, the sword is unparalleled, there is already on a huge sea area.

The sword is unparalleled in the void, overlooking the scene, and the eye is a huge ocean, and the sea water in this ocean is actually a scarlet, full of strong bloody.

This is a bloody sea!

Within the blood sea, ~~~ A blood rober is constantly turning up, a lot of fog starts,

"This is a great sea of ​​harvest?" The sword was not a feet.

Just just the naked eye, he can see that this Shenhai is unusual.

"Such a bloody sea, I don't know if the Eastern Tang Royal Tang is giving this Shenhai, but no matter what, as long as it can help my strength." The sword is unparalleled and slight, and it is also delayed. Directly brushed into this sea.

The sword is unparalleled in the sea, and there is a hot and hot energy.

These energy is extremely mild, just like the mother's hand around the sword without a double body, then the pores along the sword have gradually poured into the body.


At that moment, the hot energy poured into the body, the sword was unbolded without a shock.

He can feel that the rating of this purple energy, this energy into the body, it is instant to stimulate the pores of the Qijing eight veins, bones, joints and even the whole body in his body, and even poured directly into his knowledge. Sea, including the sword of swords in the sea, started to nourish his sword.

"This feeling, so comfortable ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and he is very clear that the purple energy does not have any damage conflicts to his body, but is constantly moisturizing his body.

Under this moisture, his swordsman, the flesh is not from the beginning of its own start.

And the most sword is unparalleled, in this god, his affinity to the world, killing these two kinds of affinity is greatly improved.

The perception of the opposite is actually improved at an amazing speed.

All aspects are in terms of rapid progress, and this progress does not need to work hard to work hard, and naturally progress.

In addition, his comprehension, at this moment, seems to be unlimited.


"This sea, simple!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart has already set off a huge waves.

He is unclear how this god has made it out, but he really experienced that he knew that this Shenhai did its ability to make it.

In the sea, the sword is unparalleled, his killing this is coming next to it.

Two big respects, I don't want to let go of one minute and started directly.


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