Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 844 is soaring

In the god sea, the speed, even if you use a half-time, you can't describe it.

The two major divisions of the sword have cooperated. The world is concentrated on the three secrets of the ancient gods. The killing of this is to drilled the big sword.

As for his sword, flesh, etc., it is naturally improved under the moisture of the hot energy in Shenhai.

At the other end of the Shenhai, the Shura is completely immersed in the sunshine of Shenhai.

Time passed by one minute.

For a month, the sword is unparalleled in the strength of complete silence, almost blinking.

When I arrived, I immediately set off a giant wave in the sea, and I didn't give the sword without having a double response time, I was completely swallowed up.

When the sword is unparalleled again, he has appeared outside the spatial worm hole connected to the Shenhai.

"One month, I have passed so soon?" The sword is unparalleled, and it is quite regret, but more is surprised.

This month's sustained, it is definitely a great creation for the sword.

His progress is too big.

Others don't say, single singing, in this month, has reached the top of the third level, and only one step away from the fourth level.

I have to know that the sword is not a double just joined the third level of the sword.

According to him, he estimated that his swordsman should enter the top of the third level. Not a few decades and even a hundred years of lanes are impossible, but the result is in this god, only for only one month, .

The sword is greatly improved. He can use the swords and hearts of the swords, naturally skyrocket, and the swordsmanship is higher.

His flesh has greatly skyrocketed, becoming more tenacity, like he has been cultivating the secret of the flesh, this month, he has already joined the top of the imperial articles, the strong horizontal It has surpassed the vast majority of eternal.

If it is re-turned into ancient god, then his flesh is strong, it is terrible.

As for the feelings of the road, in the sea of ​​God, he didn't spend too much thought in the feelings, so no matter whether it is the world or killing, it is not too big, and it is completely enlier. It is still still some distance.

In addition to these, the sword has the greatest progress, but the many secrets he have mastered.

Three major secrets like ancient gods, magic mood secrets are also over, like Na Xinghe secrets ... In Shenhai, he has successively enlightened the thirteenth floors of Star River Secrets with the tenth Four layers, now he is full of outbreak, the power amplitude can reach forty-tween times!

This can be forty-twelf up.

With the ordinary martial arts, only ten times the power amplitude secret can be more than three times, how is this huge advantage?

There is also a thousand swordsmanship, and the new breakthrough is also achieved.

In general, although he was just a month in the Shenhai, he was this month, but he has achieved a real sleeve.

The strength has skyrocketed!

"Before entering the sea, I turned into ancient gods. I made my efforts to urge Blood and Sword, but I only can wrench the wrist with a general six-step eternal state, but now my strength is much better than before. More, even if you don't need to use blood peak swords, the general six-step Yongsheng, I can easily face and even defeat. "

"If you use the blood peak sword to fight, the sixth step is in the end of the world, you can rush me on strength, never too much."

The sword is unparalleled with hands and feels the strength of the improvant.


The voices of the indifferent sound came, and only the Shura, who had just come out from the sea, has already gone.

The sword is unparalleled, and the row has seen the past. See the first eye of the latter, the sword is unparalleled.

He can also see that the tremendous changes produced by Shura, especially the breath of Shura.

Before it is very good to recognize the breath of the heavens, but now it is already in the absence of a powerful situation of the unbachable.

Obviously, in the sea, Shura, breakthrough!

"Congratulations." The sword is unparalleled.

"Congratulations, are you not the same?" Shurarug said, but also a smile on his face.

"Amount, too." The sword didn't touch the nose.

In the sea, he refined the yang mirror, but did not use the yang mirror to transform its own breath. After coming out of the sea, he has already changed the yang mirror, and now he, the surface is exuded. The breath also has achieved the level of Eternal.

Therefore, Zun Luo will think that the sword is unparalleled with him, with the power of the Shenhai, a breakthrough in one fellth to the eternal level.

But in fact, the sword is still just a sense of God.

"Do you have two?"

The sound sounded, and then the slight old man fell in front.

The old man's face is unparalleled with a smile, and the second people have seen it. "What is it?"

"It feels very good, I thought I had to break through the eternal level, I took a while, I broke through the gods of the sea, I broke through the sea, and I have a huge improvement in many ways." Sheng Luo.

"I have greatly upgraded." The sword is unparalleled.

"This god, you can go in a time, but you want to enter the second time, it will be difficult." The old man is admired.

"I don't know if I want it to go once, what conditions do you need?" The sword asked.

As God is like a place like Shenhai, he is eager to go in a time.

"100,000 points, and can only be paid with points, can't use God alternatives." Soldare old man.

"100,000?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has only taken 10,000 points before he exchanged in Baolu.

100,000, it is worth ten kinds of treasures equivalent to yang mirror. If you use the god crystal, it is equivalent to a total of billion gods, nearly comparable to a full house.

"In Blood Eagle, the general completion of a relatively simple task, you can get one or two thousand points, difficulty, you can get four or five thousand points, and 100,000 points, most of the blood eagle must implement hundreds of years of tasks, I can't make so many gods. "The old people swearing," But this is no way. "

"Shenhai, it is really unique, but it also has some defects."

"First first, it is too big."

"A ordinary blood eagle guards in which a month is a month, the cost of paying is an astronomical figure, that is, because consumption is too big, the points needed to be high."

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