Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 845 'Death Class' Task

"In addition, Shenhai is only useful for the martial arts below the road, and the strong roads are strong, even in the gods of the sea, the progress is also small." "" "" "" "

"It turns out." The sword is unparalleled, but the arrogance is curious to ask: "Yes, this gods are so strange, but I don't know what to come from why?"

"Creating this Shenhai, is the mysterious national teacher of Dong Tang Tang." The old people replied: "Not only this god sea, there is a bloody war armor you wear, in fact It is all that the Normal University is coming out. "

"National Normal University?" The sword is unparalleled.

He just went to Eastern Tang Dynasty, not much about Eastern Tang Dynasty. He only knows that the founder of Eastern Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty, and the four major emperors of the Tongsheng period, but when the Eastern Tang Tang is more The mysterious national teacher, he did not know.

"The nation's adult is said that it is unusual, and has a tangible means, which is extremely high in Eastern Tang Dynasty. Even if it is the power of Dongtu Tang, the power of the Tang Dynasty, for this national teacher Adults seem to be very respected. "Soldare old man.

I heard the words, the sword was not a double brow slightly wrinkled.

Not only can I make the bloody eagle, Shenhai, even the cold emperor is very respectful for the Normal University?

What will this?

"Well, the three major treatment of Blood Eagle, I took you over again, and I will take you to the place where you are going to live, as for the Ying Tang where the task is located, you go shopping."

After the old people, the sword is unparalleled. After the place of Shura has lived, he waved and left.

One shock, three days passed.

For these three days, the sword was unbentered in the old nest of the Blood Eagle, and there was a new understanding of Blood Eagle.

The bloody eagle musts, but most of the intersection is not intended.

Many blood eagles, a large number of years, almost always repeat the task, complete the task, and then to the three steps of the handover task.

Of course, after completing the task, you can get the corresponding points, you can go to the treasure house to upgrade your own strength.

In addition, the integration of the task will continue to be accumulated. When the points reach the requirements, the position will be promoted.

For example, a claws, you have completed a lot of tasks, and you will naturally become the second claws.

The higher the level, the greater the blood, the larger the permissions, the task that can be contacted, will be higher and higher.

"I am now just a javage of the Eagle Wei, which is the bottom of the blood eagle, or a new soldier, with my current identity, the highest level of task that can be exposed, is just the 'death' task, it can contact The figure is also limited! "

"And if I want to see the frost as soon as possible, I have the fastest speed to climb up!"

"The higher the climb, the chance to see cold as frost, the greater it."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the bottom is determined.

"let's start!"

On the same day, the sword was unparalleled to the Ying Tang of the Blood Eagle, who took a task.

The sword is unparalleled into the Blood Eagle, the first task received is the 'Death' Task.

Ying Tang, is incomparably huge.

There are many tables in the hall, next to the table, there are a lot of blood eagle guards who wear the bloody eagle war armor, three or two and two gathered together, some are talking freely, some are at willingly drinking wine.

The sword has no doubles, sitting in the corner, and drinking wine.

"Blood peak."

Luo came over, sit in front of the sword, and pick up the wine glass.

"I heard that you pick it up today?" Shura looked at the sword.

"Well, I took it." The sword was not a hyperbidden point.

"What level of task?" Shurass.

"Death level." The sword was unparalleled.

But his words are just exported, hey! That Luo has sprayed out the wine in the mouth.

"Blood Peak, what did you just say? Do you pick up the mission of death?" Mono-consciousness should not lose his own, stare at the sword with his eyes.

"Yes." The sword nodded again.

"Then you are ready to join hands?" Su Zi Lu asked.

Many tasks in the Ying Tang, generally can't finish it, it is necessary to do a few or more blood eagle guards can be completed.

"Teach your hands? No, I am one person." The sword has no double.

"This ..." Xuerae looked at the sword unparalleled, and the mind was a bit.

Death level task, one person is completed?

It is important to know that the task released by the Ying Tang is five levels.

They are ordinary, difficult, dead, dead, disaster levels, and highest levels of hell!

As a claws Blood Eagle, the highest level of task being able to pick up is the death task. Under normal circumstances, the mission of death is made by the second claws Blood Eagle. carry out.

Go alone to complete the mission mission? Even if it is the two-Javan Eagle, only those talents who are extremely confident in their own strength do this.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just a javage, and it is still a new soldier.

"That new, I heard that he just broke through the eternal bodies, and still broke through the sea, just broke through the mission of death, this is really looking for death!"

"Death level task? Hey, want to complete the task, at least the strength of the sixth step, even many two-legged blood Eagle does not dare to pick up, what he rely on?"

"He can add blood eagle to the hero level, it should have the fourth step, it is really very good. Later, after a month of God, the strength rose, and broke through the eternal level, I estimate his strength. It should have reached the fifth step, or even the top of the fifth step, you can use this strength, you can have no qualification to complete the mission of the death level. "

"Haha, people are so confident, how can you?"

"Hey, confident? I look stupid!"

There were many blood eagles in the Ying Tang, and they watched the swords from time to time. The eyes contain a variety of emotions.

If you have fun, there is a mobility, there is a gloating, there is a secret, there is a bit of different emotions.

But no matter how these people think, this death level task, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been next.

"Blood peak, do you need to help you?" Surzi suddenly watched the sword.

Although he is not much smuggling with the sword, there is not much confidence, but after all, it will be able to help, he will help it.

"No, I am enough in myself."

The sword is unparagmious to see Shura, did not explain, simply drink a few more cups, and the sword has been left directly.


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