Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 849 Hell! ! !


"Is it an hell-level mission?"

"I can't ask us to call us this urgently."

Within the temple, a sniper.

Blood Eagle Wei's five level tasks, ordinary, difficult, death, disaster level, hell level.

Among them, the disaster level is generally completed by the three-jaws of the Eagle, like a larger disaster-critical task, but also a few three-jaws of the Eagle guards can be completed.

And the hell level above the disaster level, that is the ultimate task!

In the bloody eagle, hell-level mission, that is almost the legend.

Under normal circumstances, it is rare to see a hell-level task even if it is tens of thousands of years.

Sometimes, there will be one hundred thousand years.

Hell-level mission, the difficulty is almost exceeding the category of Eternal, although it is the top three-clawed Eagle Wei, the top of the blood eagle, to accept such tasks, the final result is also quite a life, or even ten deaths .

Horror task.

The task of the color of these three-jagrenwangwei is enough to make this three-jaws.

"Hell-level mission, although I have never received it, I have heard that the blood eagle guards from the birth of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, a total of four hell-level mission." A three-claw blood eagle Holding your hands, the face is also a daggery, and the mouth is said in the mouth.

"The first hell level task, the top five three-clawed Eagle Wei, the task, the result of all the five three-clawed Eagle Wei, the task failed!"

"The second part of the hell-level mission, only two three-jaw bloody eagle guard, the result is a serious injury, the serious injury is still because of cultivating the relationship between the secrets, the mission is still failed."

"The third seminated three-clawed eagle, the eleventh three-clawed Eagle Wei is dispatched, the result is nine, only two people are lucky, but that task, it is barely completed."

"The fourth piece of hell-level mission, eight three-claw blood Eagle guards, the result is only to the mission place, and it is perceived by the other party, then the respects personally shot, and the eight people die."

"Hell-level mission, mostly there will be proudly and."

"Four seafood tasks in history, only one is lucky, other three pieces have ended, and each time to complete the bloody eagle guards of the hell-level mission, nine inside, generally dead eight "

"Now, we face it, it is the history of blood eagle, the fifth hell level!"

At the temple, many three-clawed eagle watched his head and looked at the blood rolls in the Hutong hand, and the faces were not worthless.

Swordless, just entered the Blood Eagle, not very much, it is not very understanding of this hell-level mission, but he heard him from the mouth of the three javanwangwei, and he has already shaken it.

Blood Eagle Wei History Four sessile tasks, there is only one lucky to complete.

Moreover, the three-claws of the hell-level mission, and it is very miserable.

Thus, it can be seen that the horror level of this hell level task is.

"All the dangerous levels of the hell level, don't use this, you are clear, but since this task is now, there is always someone to take risks, go to fight, and wealthy insurance, this hell-level mission is dangerous, but If it is capable of completing, the benefits you can get will never be less. "

"Don't say anything else, complete the points of this task, there is a full foot 30,000!"

"After completing the task, the cold emperor will have a lot of extra rewards."

Hong Le led the voice.

I heard this, the three-jaws of the three claws in the scene had a lot of eyes.

300,000 points, this is a large number of numbers.

It is important to know the general disaster-level task in the Ying Tang, which is difficult to get more than 20,000 points.

300,000 points, more than ten disaster-level tasks.

In addition, there is an extra reward.

Who is the cold emperor?

That is the true power of Eastern Tang Dynasty.

It is also one of the four major emperors of Dongting Tang Dynasty during the Tongsheng period, and the absolute peak strong.

Her extra reward? Even just just give some, it is enough to make them crazy for them.

"Unprepanded adults, I don't know what this hell-level mission is?" There is already a three-clawed Blood Eagle, who can't hold the inner excitement, and ask directly.

"Task content ..."

The trend led the shrug. "This is now in the hands of this hell-level mission's reel, but what is the content of the task, this is not clear, this seat only knows that this task is the maintenance of the Eastern Tang Dynasty. The cold emperor personally released, and he also had a stem of the princess. "

Hong Tong just said this, the three-claws in the following temples, there are two people to raise their heads.

Inside these two, there is a young man with a bit of a bit of a pale, a pale, and this young man heard the four words under the princess, and there is a bright light flash.

And another person, natural is a sword.

"The Temple of the Princess?" The sword was unbolded.

Eastern Tang Dynasty's princess is only one, then it is cold as frost!

"This hol level task is related to the cold as frost?" The sword didn't have a pair of eyes, and he thought of this, his heart could not calm down.

If it is other hell-level tasks, that is dangerous, the sword is unparalleled may have a consideration for a while, but if this task has a certain way to have a frost, it is different.

"The specific task content, this seat will take you to see the cold emperor, let the cold emperor tell you, and now you decide, you are willing to accept this task, stand up." Hong Kong said.

His voice falls, the many three-clawed eagles of the temple, and immediately started to hesitate.

Hell-level mission, dangerous abnormalities, more dangerous than any tasks they have accepted, absolutely nine dead life.

The risk and the opportunity to coexist, if you are lucky to complete the task, they can get the benefits, and is also unusual.

Because of this, these three-jagged eagle guards are some hesitant.

But very quickly, someone stands directly.

The first standing is that the colored young man with a little pale.

Seeing this young man appeared, the Hong Tong's smile and didn't feel unexpected.

"Nine sins, this seat will know that as long as the matter is related to the princess temple, you will definitely come out." Hong Tong smiled.

The young man named ninth crime shrugged, and it was relaxed, but there was a fanatic fever that could not cover up.

After this nine crime, there were four stones and four stones, and the sword was in these four shapes.


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