Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 850 Purple Carving

Within the bloody temple, the Hong Kong leaned overlooks, but after seeing five people standing out, he browed, said, "This task is not the same, this is not hoped, I don't want me, the three-clawed Eagle Wei, in There is too much death in this task, so this task is limited to four people. "

I heard this, the three-clawed bloody eagles in the temple became an old.

The number of people is limited to four people, but it is now moving out, but there are five.

"Ninth sin is not said, he is definitely going, how many other people?"


The trend is smiling, the first look is a beautiful woman with a bright long hair, this woman is beautiful, the body is more perfect.

This woman is famous as exquisite, among many trunseous eagleans, is very famous.

"I have been in the disaster, I don't have any meaning. It is rare to touch a hell-level mission. Can you miss it?" This glamorous woman is smiling, the sound is also very crisp.

"Purple carving, water Jin, two of you?" Hong Kong received another question.

The frank man who is called the purple sculpture stepped into the top, low departure: "Requisiting the insurance, such a huge machine, of course, try it."

"Yes." The water also nodded at the same time.

I heard the words, the Hong Tong nodded slightly, and there is not much to say that his eyes are in the last person in five people.

This person is a sword.

"Blood Peak, you also have to participate in this hell-level mission?" Hong Tong got a brow.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, it is not humble.

"You know the danger of the Hell-level mission? You just entered the bloody eagle, and the progress speed is very huge, with your progress, as long as you keep, the future is in the future, why bother to go to this Hell-level mission adventure?" Hongfeng led a silent road.

"Unprepared, if you say this, why should I enter the Blood Eagle? I'm still in the ruling of the ruling, and I don't want to have more than anything." The sword is unparalleled. "

The trend collar, helplessly shrugged, "You said it is not wrong, enter the bloody eagle, this is to rushing to the experience."

"But now you want to pick this hell level mission, but this task is limited to four people, you must have someone to give up, how can this be good?"

"Unprepanded adults, this is very simple."

The feng man's purple carousel, suddenly opened, his voice is magnificent, "hell-level mission, the dangerous abnormality, if it is not enough to participate in this task, then the death is almost, so naturally, strength, strength Weak stay. "

When I heard the purple carvings, many Trioplasses in the surroundings were secretly nodded.

No matter where it is, this world is the strength as a respect, and now it is the same as the opportunity in front of them.

"Blood peak."

The purple sculpture is unparalleled. At the same time, his voice has become cold. "You just have just become a three-clawed Eagle Guard, and many high-level disaster-level tasks have never been touched, which is eligible to go with us Participate in the hell task? "

"So ... the point of knowledge, the old man is still standing, don't come out, you are looking at it."

The words of purple carvings are powerful, and the words are full of swords.

The purple carvings are definitely the old man in the Blood Eagle.

He is extremely long in the time of blood eagle, and has become a three-clawed Eagle Wei. It is a long time to be three-javal, and there is no longer long.

Although the time is long, the strength is not very good, in many three-clawed eagle, it can only be taken into the middle, this makes him have always been very good, seeing other qualifications is not as good as him, but strength but strength He is more jealous than him.

He is a very small heart, a narrow person.

A person who is as biased.

Because of this, he has almost no one in the blood eagle.

But in general, there will be no more people who dare to defend him.

And the sword is unparalleled, he is too fast in the bloody eagle, in just fifteen years, he directly climbed from a claws Blood Eagle to the position of the three-jaws, in the blood eagle, almost called For a legend.

This purple carver also heard that the sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is more jealous.

Bloody temple.

After listening to the purple, the sword was still indifferent. He looked around everyone and found that many Trijavi Eagle Weiwu is interested in watching him.

Bloody eagle guards, only respect the strong.

These three-jagged Eagle Wei, most of the blood eagle guards for a long time, completed many tasks, and strength has also been fully proven.

And the sword is unparalleled, just become a three-clawed Eagle Wei, did not have any contact with other trunseous Eagle Wei, those three-clawed Eagle Wei only heard that the sword was unparalleled in fifteen years, and did not complete alone Less task.

This three-claw blood eagle sweepers can be thoroughly convinced by this three-claws.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, "" You said it is right, weak strength, not matching this task, how can you know, I am the weaker, is this The strength is the weakest, can it be you? "

"Kid, what do you mean?" The purple eyes were cold, and the whole person looked like a violent lion.

"What do you mean?"

The sword is not a mouth of the mouth, but there is a light flanking, ~~~ A invisible sword shadow in vain, and then the pen straight toward the head of the purple sculpture, riped.

This sword is very fast, and the ordinary eternal situation will be inseparable to make any resistance will be killed, but this purple carving can be the three-clawed Eagle Wei, the eternal bodies of the top of the sixth step, naturally easy to react Come over, I saw him with cold drink, and a waves spread, directly shredded this sword.

"Kid, good!"

The purple sculpture is suddenly anger, and the hair is all floating. At the same time, he also appeared in his hand. The purple Thunder knife.

The purple hand holds a war knife, and the thick breath is spread. Subsequently, it has passed through the void appearance in front of the sword.

When the purple sculpture took out the knife, the sword was unparalleled, and the blood of the sword has been urged. It is a Terminal shape that is already a 15-meter-high golden god.

The fifteen-meter height of the body is huge, and it is huge in this bloody palace, otherwise it will not open this at the sword.

One chemical is the ancient god of the gold, the sword is unparalleled, and he also has a long sword that has risen to 12 meters long.

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