Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 859 Last Pressure Shaft

After the first pressure axis is auction, it is naturally the second pressure axis treasure.

This second pressure axis is actually a giant ax.

This giant ax is blue, put on the treasure frame, but immediately showed an extremely horrible breath.

This breath is strong, even those strong people in the VIP room, they can't help them.

"Emperor! And it is not ordinary emperor."

"Good power, this is definitely the peak level."

"Good guy, the first pressure axis is the trolley of the unhealthy palace, and this second treasure is actually the peak level of the emperor?"

"Good things, unfortunately, it is a giant ax, not what I am good at, giving me a lot of use."

In the second floor, a marked voice sounded.

Emperor's soldiers, there is a huge use of the opposition.

The higher the level of emperors, and the use is more.

The only unfortunately, this emperor is a giant ax, and the top of the top of the game is the arms of the army, only three or four people.

"This shower, I must get it, no matter how big the price!"

"This giant ax is mine."

"Fast, immediately find a way to give this seat for more gods, since this is sure to buy this giant ax."

Take the stronghold of the arms with the giant ax, I saw this giant ax, my heart is almost crazy.

The peak level of the emperor, can be encountered, this is a good opportunity for them.

Soon, this crazy battle of this soldier began.

On the market, an ordinary emperor will need to bill 100 million crystals, and the peak level of the emperor, the value is definitely ten times the former.

In the end, the emperor of this peak level was bought by people at the amazing price of 60 billion gods.

After connecting two pieces of axle, it was sold after being auction, and several treminated, next, the treasure of the third axis.

When the black robe is taking the third pressure axis treasure, many people in the auction seem to stop jumping.

Three pieces of spindle treasures, the first piece sold $ 24 billion, and the second is sold for 68 billion.

This third-piece spindle treasure is also the last pressure spindle treasure, is definitely more precious, and the value is estimated. I don't know how many gods can you sell?

The third pressure axis of the black robe takes out is actually three drawings.

Yes, it is a three-way picture that looks ordinary.

However, there is clear that this is a treasure of the last pressure axis, that is, it is definitely in the same way.

"All the position, next to auction, this is the last pressure axis of this auction, it is the three picture that you see now, these three drawings are a set of array, exactly, It is a sword. "The old man explained.

"Sword Array?" The auction immediately sounded a turmoil.

And the sword is unbentented is a condensed.

Bloody sky said, give him a gift, will be auctioned at this auction, and those treasures they have previously auctioned, and this is nothing to him, and this is the final axis treasure, but the sword array related to the sword. It's hard to ...

"This sword is a name, called the nine days of swordscent arrays." The old man said with a smile, and he said, he still stopped.

Sure enough, when he said that the four words of the nine days of swordsman, the second floor of the auction will immediately appear.

"Nine days of swordsman, it is a nine days of swords!"

"This this……"

"Fast, I will tell the people in the family, and I will prepare enough gods for me. The nine-day swords actually appeared here. No matter what, I must find a way to get the hand!"

Most of the many strong people in the second floor are full of horror.

Even those who are not good at Kewang, this nine-day sword array is not used by them, but they have heard that the nine days of swords are famous.

They did not think that this auction will be the last pressure axis, which will be the legendary nine-day sword!

The strong people in the second layer see extraordinary, clearly the origin of the nine-day swords, but most of the ordinary people, but most of them are very confused.

They don't know what this nine-day sword arrand is, like a sword is unparalleled, and I have never heard of this nine-day sword array.

At this time, the black tall continued to introduce: "This nine-day sword array is a sword array that is more complex and strong, and this sword is still created by two ultra-tie characters."

"One of these two ultrafoot people, that is the first to be the first to high strength, Xuri Di Di!"

Rising Sword Emperor!

When this name comes from the mouth of the black robe, the entire auction site is now boiling.

"Rising Sword Emperor?"

"Wanchajmen first?"

"It turned out to be him?"

Many people have their eyes, and their heads.

The Rising Sword Emperor, that is, the first sword of the ancient world, he is in the ancient world, big amazing.

Although it is the four great emperors of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, and the name of the mood is more than this rising Sword Emperor.

As for the strength, the four emperors respect, it is said that only the Yue Emperor that has already fallen, can match the Jianjie Emperor.

Three other three, like Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor, Cold Emperor, in front of the Sky Jian Di, all are worse.

From this, it is conceivable to imagine the terrorist strength of the Rising Sword Emperor.

In the corner of the first floor of the auction, the sword was unparalleled to hear the mouth in the mouth of the black robe, and he couldn't help but raise his head.

"Rising Sword Emperor?" The sword was unparalleled.

Insightly, his teacher Zunzhiyi is a three-way sword that the Sword Emperor of the Sword Emperor is

He has used it before, even in the weakest, but the horrible sword, it is still awkward.

For this one known as the first sword of the ancient world, the sword is also full of forward.

At the second floor of the auction, a VIP room.

"Uncle, the Rising Sword Emperor, I really can't afford, is it worth you solemnly?"

A middle-aged man respectfully stood in front of a white beard.

These two people from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the big clan, the people in the family, and the light is a four-bit.

And this white beard old, in the four roads, is the strongest strength.

In that middle-aged man, his uncle's strength is so strong, and the names of the ancient circles are also the same, and it is not necessarily to be more than the rising Sword Emperor.

After listening to this middle-aged man, the white beard old is shaking his head and smirk, "Rising Sword Emperor? That is a monster."

"Many years ago, I have seen him, and I have seen him in my own eyes, and at that time, this monster only used only one sword, and I killed a lot of power than I have to strong, you said Is he qualified to make me solemnly? "

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