Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 860 Nine Day Sword Arrangement

When I heard the white beard, the middle-aged man slammed.

The middle-aged man is very clear about the strength of this uncle. As a result, the Rising Sword Emperor once used only one sword to kill a lot than his uncle's father.

What is the strength of the Rising Sword Emperor?

"This nine-day sword array, is indeed that the Rising Sword Emperor is creating with people, and the value is not anger. I am still in my hands, but I don't know if I can buy this." White beard old Holding hands, the essence of the spot.

At the auction, the old people who hosted the conference looked around everything in the eyes, and there was no accident for those who were shocking.

Subsequently, the old man opened again. "In addition to the Rising Sword Emperor, the second ultra-tiered character of this nine-day sword array is, that is the Ling Dao Zun, who was once praised as the first Master of the ancient times."

"These two, join hands to create a nine-day sword array."

"This sword, with the surprising swordsmanship of the Rising Sword Emperor, and added the reception of the Zunzun in the array of law, which created the first attack in the ancient world!"

If the old man is finished, the auction will boil again.

One is the first sword of the ancient world.

The other is the first Master of the Ancient Big Dynasty.

These two people join hands to create the strongest sword array?


There are many strong people present, even those who are not good at the swords, they have exposed unprecedented fanatics.

Like a sword, there is a variety of light.

The first attack of this ancient world, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no endless look.

"Nine days of swordsman, there is a total of four, but we auction today, just the top three swords, it is the three drawings you have seen." The old man opened again, but there were many auctions. People feel regret.

Four swords, just only auction triple.

Obviously auctioned nine-day sword arrays do not complete.

However, even if it is just the top three, it is very horrible.

"The top triple of the nine days of swords, the auction price, billion of the gods, now start auction." The old man is announced.

Suddenly, those who have a fanatical enthusiasm in the nine-day swords, they have turned up.

"Billion Crystal!"


"More than 15 billion!"

The price is lifted at an amazing speed.

At this time, from a VIP room in the middle of the second layer, the sound of a cold mold suddenly passed, "5 billion"! "

five billion?

Just called the 155 billion god, now it is directly improved to 500 billion?

"who is it?"

Many strong people on the auction, including the strong people in the second floor of the VIP, couldn't help but see the room that called this price.

"Five billion god?" The old man whitened old saw the other party's room, the brow could not be frowned.

"Uncle, look at this person, for that nine days of swords, seems to be ambition." The middle-aged man said next to it.

"Is it necessary? Hey, who isn't it?" Boubu made a cold, but it is again called, "55 billion Crystal."

"One billion!" The indifferent voice opened again.

This, the whole auction will be quiet.

One billion god crystal is already an astronomical figure.

Those who originally have a fantic fever for nine-day swords, they heard this number, they could not breathe a breath, secretly shaking his head and did not want to continue to compete.

There is a lot of strong people who come to this auction, there are ten people, but in these strong people, they can come up with one billion gods. There are not a few.

"Who is it?"

The beard sent a white older to hear this figure, but it was completely angry.

One billion god crystal, his clan is taking out, but he is now in his hands, but there is no so many god crystal, and there is no ability to continue to compete with opposite people.

"Go, go to check, I have to see, who is, the wealth of wealth is rough." Boubu made a white old man told that the sound was obviously a cold.

"Yes." The middle-aged man immediately checked it.

Originally lively and extraordinary auction venue, as the indifferent sound handed over one billion god price, finally calmed down.

Subsequently, no one calls the price.

In the end, the top three nine days of the sword array, returned to the owner of the indifferent sound.

"Haha, you, this last pressure axis is also auctioned, this auction will end this, all of them are scattered." The old man is happy, echoing in the auction, many military people at the auction We heard the words and began to scatter.

While dissipating, these marties are still talking about just the nine-day swords auctions.

One billion god of astronomical numbers, also shocked their inner heart again and again.

In the VIP room whose white beard old, the middle-aged man responsible for checking the identity of the nine-day sword is back.

The middle-aged man went to the white beard, but the eyebrows were frightened, "Uncle, the person's identity, I have already found it."

"Oh, who?" Whitening beard old saw the past.

"Who is it, I can't determine, but I can be sure, he is a person who is void, and some news is judged according to some of the news, this person is likely to be one of the 18th lord of the void Temple, blood blade Respect the Lord! "Middle-aged man replied.

"What is it?" It's a surprise, and it also flashed a piece of taboo.

The Hall of Void, that is the giant talents who don't even have to provoke the Tang Dynasty.

The real hegemony of the ancient world.

The 18th Lord of the Void Temple, in the Temple of Vacation, there is a very high power to follow the status, and this eighteen main owner is standing on the top of the road, casually, all of him Can't afford it.

As for the blood blade, this white beard is also heard of, although the time of the rise is not too long, it can be unforeseen.

The 18th Lord of the Void Temple, the strength of the blood blade, the strength of the land, can definitely take the top five.

"The rumors of the blood, the slam of the knife, the knife is the blade, the knife method is very spicy, but the nine days of swords, just a sword array, there is nothing to do? Is it?"

"Can it not, this bloody edge is lonely, always alone, even a few friends?"

White beard is old, but he doesn't think much.

Since the nine-day sword array has fallen into the hands of the blood blade, then he is a nine-day sword array, dare not hold any thoughts.

"Hey, unfortunately."

Sad sigh, this white beard is only directly to the middle-aged man.

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