Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 861 Gifts

The auction will end, and everyone leaves, and the sword is unparalleled but not caught.

Sure enough, only a moment, the bloody days will be sent to him again, "Xiaochi, to the second floor of the 14th VIP room."


The sword is unparalleled, soon, he discovered that the 14th VIP room was the room to buy a nine-day sword array.

"It seems that I guess it." The sword was unparalleled and laughed. Then I went straight into the VIP room.

In the room, only bloody days were sitting there, and saw the sword unparalleled, and the bloody days were directly in the sword.

Suddenly, the three drawings containing the nine-day swords have fallen into the sword unparalleled hands.

"Xiaochie, this is what I prepaid for you, how?" Bloody laughed looked at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is eye-catching three drawings in your hand.

The sword is unparalleled, knowing that blood Lanto Tian Xian's identity, give yourself a gift, absolutely nothing, but he didn't think of it, blood Lanto gave him a preparation ceremony, it was so precious!

These three drawings, value, is full of hundreds of billion!

"Thank you for your master." The sword is unparalleled.

"Your brother, no need this kind of polite." Blood Lingtian is arbitrary and waving.

The sword is unparalleled, the three paintings have been reached in Qiankun Ring. Then I sat down in front of the bloody day. I asked: "Master, you know this nine-day sword array today auction today?"

"Yes." Bloody day smiled.

"From I know that you have this little brother, I have begun to meet you for your color, and I just knew the existence of this nine-day sword array within the temple of the void, and I also know that the nine-day sword is in today's auction, so I am old. Start ready. "

"This nine-day sword array, is very rare, but fortunately it is my knowledge, preparing, I can only use one billion gods to shoot this nine-day sword array."

"If this auction will spread the news of the auction nine-day sword array early, it will certainly attract a lot of strong, and those strong people will be prepared. When I wanted to buy this nine-day sword, it is difficult "

When he heard the blood of the sky, the sword was unparalleled and secretly nodded.

Nine days of swords, indeed, the same small, its true value, I am afraid it is still less than one billion crystal.

"I have a little brother, I will listen to Master, you will kill the two masters of Xiajiao?" Bloody suddenly saw it.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"Haha, the two sons of Xia Kei, although it is not as good as the big master enchanting, but it is also a well-cultivated cultivated. He is dead, Xia is distressed, it is no wonder that will be angry at the teacher, and you are angry. "Bloody laughed.

"Sir Yu Master? Movement in ancient gates?" The sword didn't have a double look.

Xia Kei's anger, it is in his expectation, so he has already informing this matter to his own teacher.

"Don't worry, Xia Ees are angry, I want to be angry, but I am, they don't dare to come." Blood Lingtian.

"This matter, the brother also came out of person?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I didn't come up with it. I just made people pass a sentence to Xia Emi, saying that you are my brother, ancient giant is where I am."

Bloody laughed and continued: "Although Xia Ethi is the first hegemony of Eastern Tang Dynasty, it is always overbearing, but now Xia is seeking what is planning, it is much lower than before, this time they are willing to Just just because of anger, and the respect of my void Temple is completely guilty! "

"Of course, I can only let them not fall into the ancient gogg, but I want Xia Ethi to stop this, don't deal with you, but it is still not enough."

"That is, in the future, Xia is still trying to kill you, but the Master has an old door, but they don't dare to do it."

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is not unexpected.

Although the status of Bloody Tian was high in the void Temple, it is not expected to make Xia Eshen afrand of the point of revenge.

Xia Kei is not angry with ancient gates, and it is already very good to give blood.

"Xiaochi, Xia Ethi means is unusual, once they found you, it is really trouble, so you will act, be careful." Blood Ling Tianzhi.

"I understand." The sword nodded.

"Well, I have given you a gift, I have some things on my hand, I will go first, I will encounter something, although I will give me." Blood Lingtian said.

"The master of the master." The sword is unparalleled, it is very grateful.

Soon the blood is almost straight, and the sword is unparalleled.

He is a hero, even if the camouflage of the yang mirror is just a eternal, alone, from the auction, and has not attracted some attention.

After leaving the auction, the sword is unparalleled to return to the bloody eagle to returning the bloody eagle.

On the place where you live in your own, you will start to drive the nine days of swords.

"Good guy, this is a nine-day sword array?"

"Good life!"

The sword is unparalleled, staring at the three drawings in the hand.

These three drawings, each representative is a heavy sword array of nine-day sword arrays.

Triple sword arrays, power is different.

The first heavy sword array, named "a sword without trace".

When this heavy sword array, when it is displayed, it is necessary to combine the thirty-six swordsmanship, and then apply the unparalleled sword.

The second heavy sword array, named "Wanli First Line", requires seventy-two swordsmanship combines to show together.

The third heavy sword array, named "Aurora", requires a football one hundred and eight shank.

Triple sword array, power will have a strong strong.

It is said that it is a sword array, and it can actually go to the law, just in order to combine those swordsmanship, so that the power will improve.

True terrible, still the shocking sword.

"This sword, actually needs so many people who go to combine?"

The sword is unparalleled, looking at some introductions of the nine-day sword arrand, "These gods, the higher the level, and these gods are preferably the same level, the power of Weiner is also quite, the best It is a system of ladies. "

"This godman is simple, I don't have it now, but I have completed a lot of blood eagle tasks these years, I have received a lot of points, but the points have been used, but there are most, plus me. I have the gods, and I will make a set of swordsmanship, it should be difficult. "

"The gods are not difficult, but the key is that these three swords themselves ... too junior."

Xuan Olympics, it is indeed too mystery, too much.

After the sword didn't have the triple sword array, he began to study the first heavy sword, and the result was in a long time, and there was no short.

"Look, I can only go to Shenhai, go to the first heavy sword."


PS: The new volume is open, the brothers, all kinds of tickets to enjoy what to take a wave.

It is recommended that you have already finished the old book "Wu Xiao Cang" "Rebirth of I will be the beast", it is very good, everyone can go see.

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