Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 862 Blood


Waves a magnificent.

When the sword was unparalleled to enter the Blood Eagle, it was a month.

In that month, the sword is unparalleled.

This time, the sword is unparalleled again, and the opportunity to enter Shenhaio has been able to stay in the time of two months.

These two months, swords are not wasting in one minute and one second.

God in the sea, the sword is unparalleled in the bloody ocean, and the hot strange energy is through his body pores, enter his body, and starts nourishing his sword, and his flesh.

It feels like the same as the original.

The sword is unparalleled, and the roller energy is self-rolling.

At the same time, his whole consciousness went to a silence in the nine-day swords.

That nine days of swordscent arrays, too deeply cumbersome, swords before they were drilled in half a month, but they didn't have a short-minded, but they can rely on the gods of Shenhai. His enforcement is greatly improved, and this nine days The sword array is coming too much.

time flies.

Two months, I have passed, the sword is unparalleled from the sea.

"This God, when I was really a special, I have entered it before, I thought this time the gain won't be too big, who once thought, this time the harvest is even bigger." The sword has a strong variety of light.

The last time, he only stayed for a month, but this time he stayed for two months, and progress was naturally larger.

Now he, the sword heart has a substantial improvement, especially the sword, now has reached the top of the fourth level, and immediately enter the fifth layer.

"Sword, every step, it is very difficult, generally eternal, you need to spend a lot of years to slowly upgrade, but I have entered the Shenhai twice, and I will give me a lot of savings. Time. "The sword is unparalleled.

The sword heart is just a second, the truly sword is unparalleled, in the two months of Shenhai, he has been at a heart to refresh the first nine-day sword array, and now, it is finally the first weight. The sword array is reluctant to understand.

"The sword array, I have realized, now I am only lacking the god soldier, lacking the experience." The sword was unparalleled with hands, and then he immediately went to the treasure house of Blood Eagle.

"I need the Sword of the Eternal Level, and still the same type of shelters." The sword is unparalleled.

"Slightly." The treasure of Baolu responded, just a moment, and handed a treasure list to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

The eternal level owned by the Blue Eagle Weiobao, and the formula of the sword, there are many kinds.

These types of shellings, whether it is power or appearance, all is most suitable for the sword array.

The sword has been browsing for a while, and finally locks the eyes on a handyman who is named 'Bloodle'.

Blood warrior, the eternal people in the peak level, and the sword is extremely thin!

"Nine days of swordsman, the most terrible is the speed and sharp sword, the priest, absolutely the most suitable, and this blood is very high." The sword is unparalleled.

The eternal god soldiers in the peak level are already the highest level of the Eternal Siber, and if you want to be high, that is the emperor.

The sword is not double, I want to use the emperor to make it into a nine-day sword array. However, if he needs a full foot thirty-six emperor, and it is still a goddess, he can't get the so many souls now. .

So, there is this bloody, it is enough.

Blood warrior, as the peak level, the god soldier, in the market, worth 10 million, in the treasure house of this blood, also requires a thousand points to exchange a handle.

The sword is not directly redeemed for thirty-six handles, which spends three thousand points in foot.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled in the treasure house to purchase some genius treasures to enhance the flesh, as well as some healing or special effects of Dan medicine, purchased a lot, and the sword is unparalleled in these fifteen years. Points to squander.

There is even also including a large number of gods you have, and he is all replaced by points and is equally used to exchange treasures.

Some kilonious, as long as it is possible, the sword is unparalleled.

"I will go to the star sea. I can't know if I can't live it. These points will not be used in the inside, but it is better to use it directly."

"In front of entering the stars, my strength is more than one point, and the chance to live alive will be more."

The sword is not very clear.

After exchanged enough treasures, the sword is unparalleled to leave the bloody eagle, and go to a deep mountain. In this deep mountain, the sword is unparalleled, and the simulation exercises will start the nine-day sword.

Calm canyon.


A harsh Jian Ming sounded into a void, and saw the most central in this canyon, and dozens of handle swords were combined with an amazing speed.

There are dozens of long swords, and the time is combined into two feet long, Jian Feng extremely thin scarlet sword, this handle whispered with a strange airflow, once appeared in the stations showed an extremely horrible breath, then In his master, it is a sword unparalleled manipulation, this scarlet long sword is directly drafted forward.

call out!

A scarlet streamer, rapid brush, just like a meteor to the sky.

The sword is too late, it's awkward ~~~ Void is wear ruthless cave, there is a huge hole.

The power is horrible.

However, this scarlet sword is only a hundred meters away from the front, but it is suddenly thorough, and it is completely rushing, re-decomposes to dozens of blood.

As the sword is unparalleled, this thirty-six shank has returned to him.

"This sword, I just barely combined, but some of them have not fully understood."

"This nine-day sword is the first sword without trace, the most terrible, it is its speed, can be displayed by me, this kind of sword, speed is slow,"

"It seems that I have to practice more exercises."

This sword is too complicated, even if the sword is unparalleled, it is necessary to realize its power, but it still needs a sense of fire.

The sword is not discouraged.

From this day, it is in this unmanned canyon, and the sword has nothing to practice, and there is no trace of the sword.

His whole body is put into the practice of the sword array.

In this practice, January passed in January.


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