"I will say it first." Ninth crime is the first opening.

"I am good at attacking, and most of my guns are integrated, and then out of an instant, so my explosive power is very strong, and the arbitrarily attacking the power, it should be stronger than the top six steps, I am the most Strong shot can even kill the top of the sixth step directly. "

When the sin says this, it is very confident.

Obviously, he once should kill the top of the top of the sixth step directly.

Because of this, he can have been in the first place in many three-clawed eagles.

"Nine sins, you are terrible, I have seen it with Shujin, indeed with the ability of the sixth step, and we have a few in mind attacking power, you are absolutely ranking first."

Linglong smile, "And I am best to fight with people, even if you encounter strength than me, I can entangle him for a long time, and I am in this year, I will get the task before. The points are used, used to enhance your own life life, so I am in life, and it is also very strong. "

"Shui Jin, you."

"My words, all of my respects are relatively balanced. The only thing is stronger, it should be a flesh, my flesh should be strong than you, plus the relationship between Bloody Eagle, even if you encounter strength I strong, I can also support for a long time. "

"In addition, I also have a move that can ill vide out two blessed secrets in a short time, but these two are only implied by the fact that there is less than 30%." Shujin said.

Before you will enter the starry sea, they have some of themselves, and there is almost no reservation. Only those secrets are about their most important, did not say.

"Blood Peaks, what about you?" The three sins of the sin were in the sword.

"My words ..." The sword is unparalleled for a while, "I am good at swordsmanship, myopia is very strong, the flesh speed is also good, and I have awareness attack means, this consciousness attack means if it is sudden In the case of, even the strong people at the top of the sixth step, there is a short sense of confusion. "

"In addition, I have learned a heavy killing trick this year, this heavy killing, strong power, I am confident, eternal, there are not a few people can pick up my trick."

"Oh?" The three sins are not surprised.

The three of them are clear swords, but they are only a sense of God.

One of the temperament is so powerful that they have been incredible, but now the sword has no double acting as a heavy trick?

Among the eternal bodies, can a few people can connect?

"I don't know if you have a sword, you are stronger. Which is more powerful?" Nine sin laughed.

The sword is also a lot of mute. The two have absolute confidence in their own killings, and they will not think that their kill will be better than the other party.

However, the two have not been verified.

"Okay, we have a little about the respective energy resistance, and should be departed." Sin of the sin.

"Well." The sword is unparalleled, exquisite, and the three people in the water also nod.

Then, four people did not have too much hesitation, four people stepped, and they went straight to the vast stars.

Only for a moment, the sword has no double four people have entered the scope of the starry sea.

When I entered the fog sea, a large amount of gray fog would cover the four people, and the four naked eyes, all of the gray fog.

"The fog of this fog, quite quite weird, can hinder my sight, I now only see the surrounding kilometers of range." Nine sins low.

The sword is unparalleled, exquisite, and the three people in the water, and they have all been perceived.

Task, they are all strong, strong, and how is the strength of the top six steps?

It can only be seen in the nearby kilometers of ranges, which is clearly limited.

"This fog sea, mystery is incomparable, we don't know what this is, everyone is careful." Linglong said.

"Well." The sword was not a hyper point, and the eyes were never staring around.

What is the interior of this star in the sea, no one knows, because there is never been able to truly come out from the starry sea.

Like those roads, I have been only in the edge of the starry sea.

Not only the respect, there are some people who have mastered their secrets. They want to send their own points to the stars, and they are in the same way. Unfortunately, these are the same as those roads, and they can only wind around the edge, no The method enters the fogine core.

The sword is unparalleled, and the wings are careful in the fog sea, and the four people slow down, and they don't dare to go too fast.

Almost all the way, I took a few days before I took a few days ago, and the four people did not encounter any danger and did not encounter anything.

The whole fog sea is a dead.

Quiet terrible.

And when they walked in front of the day, where they came, the surrounding fog was significantly more rich than before.

There are a lot of rich, and the at least do a few times.

"We now, should it have entered the interior of the Star Muck Sea?"

"Good guy, the fog here is so much, just in the peripheral area, you can see your vision, you can see the surrounding kilometers, but now you can see the area, just one hundred meters. "

"me too."

The sword is unparalleled in the heart.

One hundred meters?

Too short.

Such a short distance, even if there is danger in front, they cannot be aware of timely.

If you encounter some sudden attacks, I am afraid that they can't see the diagrams, they are dead.

"Nine sins, you come back, I will go to the front." The sword is unparalleled.

"You?" I saw the sword unparalleled, but did not refuse.

The sword is unparalleled in their four teams, but it is not anxious, but deep sucking, the next moment, the scarlet imprint of his eyebrows, but it is cracking, one is vertical In the eyes of the incomparable blood, the bloody eyes are suddenly open.

One of the secret surgeons of the three ancient gods!

Among these three ancient mystery, Tianshu secret is the most unique.

The role of the sky is the ability to wear reality and illusory, and also have the ability to wear fog hindrance.

Now there is no double one to show this secret, the sky open, with the help of the sky, the sword can see clearly, has exceeded a thousand meters.

"Follow me." The sword said no double opening.

And the three sins saw the strange bloody eyes of the sword, but although the heart was shocked, but did not ask more, the three followed the sword, and slowly flipped in front.

It can be flooded like this, just lasted for a moment, walking in the front of the sword, unparalleled steps.


The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are getting unusually lighter.

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