Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 865 Humanoid!


Nine sins, exquisite, and the three people in Shujin have seen in front.

However, they can only see a hundred meters from the front, but the fundamentation outside the 100 meters cannot be seen, nor does it see the existence of the 'people' of the sword.

"He came over."

The sword is unbolded is unusual, and there is a laurent film to come up with him in his sight.

If it is else in other places, he encounters a person and will never be vigilant.

But here, but a star marine.

What is human beings in the stars?

Is it that I have built into the stars, and then I have been trapped in the strong who can't come out?

The sword is not thinking about it.

And just a moment, this burly shadow, also appeared in the sight of ninth sin.

This burly is a middle-aged man appearance. Height is more than two meters, and the body is incomparable, and there is still a generous knife behind it.

However, when you really see this figure, the sword is unparalleled.

They did not feel the slight breath on the people.

There is no spiritual breath, and there is no life atmosphere. It feels almost the same as the war.

It is important to say that he is a battle, but the same, he has greatly different from the war.

"What is this?" The sword was unparalleled with brows, and he was vigilant.

Nine sins, exquisite, and Shujin have come up with their own gods, standing with swords and unparalleled side, doing ready to fight.

Just then, the burly man in front of the sword is unparalleled, but it is stunned.

At this look, I immediately revealed his pupil, no feelings, and some were just a endless violent.

"Inspector, kill!"

Simplified single four words, from this burly man mouth, the next moment, this burly man is slammed, as a thunder pen is straight.


The ninth sance of the sword is cold, and the dark sword in his hand suddenly burst into the vast emperor's breath. The first one greeted this burly man.

"Magic Dragon!"

I have a low drink in the nine sins, and the dark gun has burst out of the vast power, directly in front of the front, this thorn produces a strong wind, which makes the gray fog in the void, and the surroundings .

The horrible power is enough to make the color of any sixth step.

This shot, although not the strongest shot of nine sins, but he is still very confident on this gun, the top six steps of the top six steps, I want to take this shot, it is not easy. .

And the burly man who riped, has pulled out the generous knife behind the rush, and then there is no flowers, and the radius is separated.

The flattening knife can be swayed out, and the surroundings are dissipated, and the void is also broken.


A great rang, the two horrible power of the two horrible power hits the front, only instantly out of the victory.


The ninth sin made a boring, and his mouth also immediately had a blood, and he shocked his head, and his body shape was squatting.


There is no first time in the first time, the sword is unparalleled, exquisite, and the three people in Shuijin see this scene, and they are also shocked.

Nine sins, but the number of three-clawed eagle must be the first.

And his most good, it is to attack, his attack, the strongest killing of the sword, the strongest tricks of the sword, absolutely four people.

The result of the strongest nine sins attacking the power, and it was flying out by this burly man.


After a knife flew, after a knife, this burly figure has not stopped, and there is still a double three people in the sword. The generous knife is once again.

"Good speed."

The sword has no double-faced.

This is too fast, too fast, the at least is much more fast than the sword.

"Not only attacking the terrible, even speed, which is also very fast." The sword was unparalleled, but the body was immediately fell back.

He is still normal in normal human state, has not yet turned into a golden ancient god, can't fight against this burly man.

When he burst out, the exquisite and water was released.

The Shujin is extremely confident on his own flesh. He waves the knife and stands directly with the burly man.

Two people have erupted at the same time.

" " " " "

A knife is ruthlessly crossed, and every way is easy to get open.

The Knife method of the water is very overbearing, it is quite horizontal, and the burly man's knife method is fierce, and a knife is like a knife.

"It's too fast, his knife is too fast."

The inner heart of the water is very angry. After he is in hand with this burly man, it will find that the other's knife method is obviously more stronger than him.


Like the strange black shadow of the poisonous snake, this black shadow is endless, the same speed is very fast, is the long whip of the exquisite.

Her whip is extremely riot, and it is just a gap that is taking the burly man with the brid of the throne.

The angle of such a drill, the burly man is not too late to avoid.


The long whip directly snapped on the burly man's body, made a crisp sound, but the long whip, but only the action in the hands of the burly man became a meal, the next moment, his generous big knife quickly smashed Out.

"It's impossible." The exquisite heart suddenly set off a huge waves.

"Attacking the power of the power, the direct knife, the sin, the speed is fast, and it is difficult to support it, even his flesh, is it strong?" At the side, it is already the sword of the golden antique model. Unparalleled, very clearly will just see the scene in the bottom, and the bottom is also secret.

Although the attack of the attack is not too good, the front is a lot of whip, and the top six steps will never be better.

But this burly man, but it is still like it, continues to shoot.

Attack, speed, defense is a metamorphosis, there is almost no weakness.

Is this really personal?

"This guy, what is going on? Is it a person, or a weapon?" The sword was cold.

"Blood Peak, don't stay, together, give me an opportunity, I don't believe, my strongest shot will kill him." Then the nine sins returned to return, and he watched it. The sword was unparalleled, and then the path was directly killed.

"Creating a chance?" The sword nodded, and the blood peak sword in his hand broke out the horrible power, then his huge body, and suddenly kill.

Four people working together, fight this person's weapon!


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