Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 872 Prison

If you hear the thousand feathers, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a piece of hair.

Create a big star sea, limit the many strong people in the ancient times, which is the powerful manager of the energy?

"This star is sea, all over the beast and various crises, and the whole star in the sea, only this core of Star Island is safe, those who entered the star sea, wandering in the stars If you are lucky, you can come to this Star Island. "

"To now, on this star island, there are six hundred and thirty-six people, plus you, is 637." Qian Yu said.

"Six hundred and thirty-six people? So much?" The sword was unparalleled.

"How many?" Qian Yu is laughing, "Blood Peak, you know how long is this starry sea created, how long?"

The sword is unparalleled.

"I don't dare to say, I will definitely have thousands of years, and in this long-lasting, those who have taken the initiative to enter the stars in the stars, and those who have been forced by the enemy, ultimately can only Escaped into this star in the sea to touch the strong, how much is it? "Qian Yulin said.

"Quantity is scared!"

"But this person, once you enter the starry sea, there are only two kinds."

"One is poor luck, when the starry fog is drifting, I encountered the beast or the crisis, I was directly killed."

"Another kind of luck is that we have these people. After a period of drifting, I was lucky to come to the Star Island, followed by it forever."

"For the ages, it is so much enough to enter the star sea, it may be lucky enough to come to this Star Island, only more than six hundred people, this is already very few, most people, early in the stars in the sea When drifting, you have been killed by those different beasts. "

I heard here, the sword is unparalleled and nodded.

Indeed, if these people on Star Island are the stars, the stars have accumulated, the strong people who survive, there are more than six hundred people in the area, and there is a little poor.

"We have been lucky, lucky to come to the people on Star Island, although survive, but actually, it is not as good as death." Qian Yu said.

"Is it not as good as death?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Blood Peak, I just said, this star island is a huge prison. Although it guarantees our lives, we stay in Star Island, but there is a dark day, there is almost no way to leave.

"Such a long time, boring, tasteless, dark day, this day, that is the torture!"

"Many people, can't stand this kind of boring, I would rather leave the Star Island to wandeze in the misty sea, and finally, I don't want to stay here."

"There are people who are trapped in this star island, and his inner heart has already been completely distorted, even crazy, so most of this island is a mad!"

"The graphite like you just fight, I heard that he just entered the Star Island, it was quite straightforward. After this star island is touched by millions of years, his heart became crazy, it became incomparable, but Anyone who has arrived, he will come out if the other party is strong, but if the other party is too weak, then this person will be tortured and even destroyed. "

"After all, this star island is very special. On this Star Island, it is not to die at all, no matter how it is torture, the other party will not die."

"Don't die?" The sword has no double, "Then I just ..."

He has just clear that the character of the graphite has been smashed, but the latter is not dead.

"Yes, you just didn't kill the graphite, not because of the special means of graphite, but because of the special of Star Island, there is a special forhibition, but anyone is threatened, this is banned It will urge the life of the person. "Qianyu Road.

"Is this?" The sword has no double nodded, and the doubts of the heart finally declined.

"Blood Peak, you just came to Xingchen Island, here is still full of new ideas, and this star island, there is still a small machine, within 100,000 years, you should not feel boring, but you are in this Star Island After a million years or millions of years later, I am afraid you will become like us. "There is a fascinating look of the desperate look.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, asked: "Is this star in the sea, there is really a bit of the possibility of leave?"

"It is also possible"

"If you may not have, the people on this Star Island, I have already sent it to the fog, who is willing to continue to stay here, the boring, life is not as good as death?" Qian Yu smiled.

"However, the possibility is too low, even if it is inert, it can't be described."

"Since the Star Winemail Sea, then many people come to Xingchen Island, but only one person is, but only one person is or left the stars."

"Someone will leave?" The sword is unparalleled, but I asked: "Who is he?"

"His name is Xing Wang, who is at 4 million years ago." Qianyu Road.

"Star King?" The sword was not a feet.

He was in the ancient world, and he did not heard that there was a strong person called Star King.

And he has never heard of someone living from the starry sea.

But this star king, what is going on?

"Thousands of feathers, what do you want to leave here?" The sword will continue to ask.

"Want to leave here, there are two ways, the first, the test under the main point of Lenin Island." Qianyu Road.

"Lenin Island Lord?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Lingyin Island, is the big-capped servant that creates this star sea. She controls Xingchen Island, and in Star Island, there is a black tower, there are three testers in the black tower, as long as they can pass these three Layer test, Lingyin Island will let him leave. "Qian Yu said.

"Is it simple?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Simple?" Qian Yu is laughing, "Blood Peak, you didn't have to experience the difficulty of the three tests, now there are so many people in our island, many are the peaks of the eternal bodies, but you know Among these strong people, how much is it, how much is the first test? "

"How much?" The sword walked in the past.

"Twelve, only twelve!"

Thousands of feathers are solemn, "this twelve people, called twelve days, all are very great top genius, and they are inside, and there are eleven in the first floor, but After the second floor, just one! "

"And this, because of the first floor, there is a chance to practice the secrets on Star Island, the strength is great, this can pass the second layer."

"As for the third floor, in addition to the star king, no one can go."


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