Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 873 Liangyin Island

If you hear the thousand feathers, the sword is unparalleled.

"Forget it, I am telling you so much. I still take you to the black tower. You go to the black tower to try it, you know." Qian Yu looked at the sword, "Come with me" "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no hesitation, following the thousand feathers to walk in the island.

Under the leader of Qianyu, there is no longer two of the swords to come to a few paint black giant tower.

The sword is unhappy, looking at these flushing giant towers in front of these, these giant tower should be the black tower that the Qianyu said, but the black tower here has four seats.

And the divisions of these four are quite quite weird.

There are three seats to stand in parallel, but there is a step in the steps standing behind the three black towers, which looks more high.

"Blood Peak, the test of this black tower is based on people's realm, this top three black tower, respectively, the hero, eternal, Daozun level, what is the realm, enter the corresponding The black tower was taken in the test. "Qian Yu said.

"There is a black tower for the corresponding road level? What is the use? Isn't it to say that Dao Zun can't enter the starry sea?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"Haha, you are right, Dao Zun can't enter the star sea, but if it is to enter the star sea, it will break through the road?" Thousands of Yu smiled.

The sword has no double.

Yes, this star misty sea is limited to the road, but if it is in the stars, it is not enough to break through the Tuda Island, it will not limit.

"Qian Yu, you said, on this star island, the same also is also a respect?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, there is more than one." Qian Yu laughed, "This Sadcasting Island has five roads. These five respects are after entering the stars, and then breakthrough, but even if they break through the road. Respect, as long as you can't pass the test of this black tower, you will not be able to leave. "

"Is this?" The sword didn't have a little bit slightly, and then he looked at the three black tower, and the sacred tower is more than enough.

"According to you, the top three black towers, the corresponding is the test of God, eternal, and respect the level of the level, then the fourth black tower, what is the test?" Sword is unparalleled.

"I don't know." Qian Yu shook his head, "In addition to the Lenin Island, no one knows what level of the fourth black tower is targeted."

"I only know that the five respects on Xing Chen have not qualified to enter the black tower, and the Lenin Island will also say that there is a day, if anyone can pass the four black tower, then he You can become the owner of this starry sea, which controls everything in the stars. "

"At that time, we are trapped in Star Island. Life and death are also between the people of the person. If the people are good, maybe we will leave, if he is sure, evil, maybe we will directly Kill, or continue to be sleep here, it is necessary to give him a hand, when the slaves are, there is a possibility. "

Thousands of feathers are very casual, obviously he has already desperately in the heart.

The sword didn't have a double sinking, and then it was the past black tower toward the left.

"Blood Peak, you walked wrong, this black tower is a test for the gods, which is aimed at the test of the eternal bodies." Qian Yu reminded.

I heard the words, but the sword was a slight smile, but the pace did not stop.

Want wrong?

Koke, he is a sense of God!

Now enter the tower test against God, it is a chapter.

The sword was unparalleled to the black tower corresponding to the gods, and then prepared to enter, but just stepped into the stairs leading to the black tower, then immediately came immediately, this strong resistance, strong resistance, The sword is unparalleled to move forward.

"How?" The sword has no double-colored.

He is a hero, enter the test of the level of God, this is a chapter, how can it be hindered?

"Is it that I use yang mirror, hiding the breath?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has always hidden with a yang mirror, so Qianyu will say that he went wrong.

When the sword is unparalleled immediately, the conversion to the breath is stopped. His breath immediately reveals the realistic height of the goods.

However, even if so, the sword is still discovered, and he is still unable to further face the front.

He couldn't enter this black tower corresponding to the hero level.

"What is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

at this time……

"Little son, don't worry about it, this black tower, you can't go in." A cold voice suddenly came from side.

The sword is unparalleled to turn head toward the sound source.

I saw a face-oriented, the body-shaped beautiful red woman was slowly walked.

Seeing people, that thousands of feathers, arrogant is immediately, "see the island owner."

"Islander?" The sword is not a double look.

This person in front of him is the Lenin Island of Star Island?

"You go down." The lady of the red dress is a big feather.

Thousands of feathers respect, do not dare to violate it, they left directly.

Before the black tower, only the sword was unparalleled with the Lenin Island.

"What is your name?" Liangyin's primary prince walked over.

"Blood Peak." The sword is unparalleled.

"Blood Peak, you should hear my identity from Qian Yu, and the rules in this Star Island?" Liangyin main opening.

"I heard that." The sword did not have a pair.

"Know it, no matter who, I know that I came to Star Island, I have to follow my rules, no one can exceed the exception, since you come here, only two roads can be left, or the same as others, Permanently trapped here. Either, it is a test of this black tower that I set up. If you have a test, I will not only let you leave, but also give you a few machines. "Liangyin Island The main said.

"Understand." The sword didn't have a little bit, but immediately asked: "Lien Island, you should also see, I am just a sense of God, why can't I enter the black tower that should be tested?"

"Well, right, you are just a sense of God, this, no one can see, but you have another identity in addition to God!"

Lingyin is a light smile, then it is a word a meal: "You, it is reversible!"

The sword has no double shape.

"What?" The sword has changed the big change, and the bottom of the heart is instantly set off.

He is reversed.

At this point, he knows that Xiao Emite him is also known.

In addition, no one knows this.

But now, this Lord is the Lord, but it is a look, and it has a reversal!


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