Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 874 Reverse!

"How, I am very curious about why I can see your identity?" Liangyin Island stared at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point. He doesn't want to know how to know this thing.

"In fact, it is very simple." Lien Island is a little smile, "the warrior, every realm, there will be a limit."

"Like God, there is the strength limit of God, and Eternal Babil has the strength limit of eternal."

"A God, how to get, how to metamorphosis, his strength can only reach the level of the fifth step, Yongheng, this is extremely."

"Ordinary warrants, as long as his war has reached the fifth step, then he will no longer improve the slightest, even if he got some extraordinary opportunity, or some secrets that can improve the strength, he still can only play The fifth step of the strength of Yongheng. "

"This is the limit on the martial arts."

"And in this world, only one kind of person can not be restricted, then it is reversal!"

When I said this, Liangyu is a sudden, and then the road: "Reversal, this is the same, this day limit is limited, the reversal is not much."

"And you, a God, which step can you achieve, don't use me, you should be clear."

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

Indeed, his war is indeed a strong ratio of height.

This is also reversing, it is the anti-day of the big days.

In four steps, he is now the second step, the most terrible, is the war, this level of him, there is no limit!

His strength now has already exceeded the biggest category that God can reach, but his strength is still able to continue to improve.

"Reversal, very few in this world, even I, I just followed the owner for so many years, I just saw two, but fortunately, I have seen the reversal, know some of the characteristics of reverse repair, otherwise, I also I can't recognize your identity. "Liangyin is laughing.

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

He has also hit it in the ancient world, and he also encountered him, including the top of the emperor, he also contacted.

Although he saw that he was just God, he didn't see his retroactory, obviously, the cold emperor did not know the existence of reversed in this world.

And the Lenin Island, follow her owner, that is, the energy that creates this starry sea of ​​sea, and I have seen reversal, so she can see my retrieval.

"Linger is the Lord, I am indeed reversible, but this is not to enter the black tower of this day, what is the association?" The sword asked without a pair of doubts.

"Of course, I have been related." Liangyin Island laughs, "reverses, against the sky, they violate the common sense of heaven and earth, strong strength, far exceeding the category of ordinary people, and these reversal, often can directly Order challenge. "

"So, in this world, the strong people have long, and that is to look forward to the cultivator to refurbishment as a high realm."

"That is to say, a rebellion of a hero level is to look at him as an eternal."

"The retroactory of an eternal situation, then you have to look at him as a road!"

"Like you, it is a rebellion of a hero level, so I will not treat you as a God, and I will treat you as a eternal border, so the black tower of this day, you can't enter, you want to go If you accept the test, you can only go to the Black Tower of the Everbutive Level. "

When I said this, Liangxin Island was stopped, and then it was a lot of interest: "In fact, you should be worthy of a sense of God."

"Only God, you can get to you, give you a certain time, maybe it is really likely to have a test of the black tower, leave the star marine."

"But if you have broken through the eternal bodies ... Then your test is the level of correspondence, the test of the level, which can be tested with the nebital level, that is much more difficult, then, you are afraid that you are afraid Other people in this island are always trapped here. "

Listening to Linger Island, the sword is unparalleled, and it is also cold.


If you really say this, he broke through the neccence, as a renovation of the neccency level, he faced the test of the Laozun level, then the test, don't say he must be within three hundred years. To leave, even gave him 30,000 years, three million years, he did not grasp the past.

"Fortunately, fortunately I have no breakthrough, or it is miserable." The sword was unparalleled.

"Okay, I should say it and you will talk to you, then look at your own." Lien Island said, then the figure has disappeared.

In front of the black tower, the sword is standing there, but the palm is hard.

"There is not much time, only three hundred years, I have to find a way to leave here, and I have to find the yin and yang dragonfly fruit."

"Time is urgent, you can't stand more."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not hesitant to see the black tower corresponding to Yonghe's level.

Sure enough, the Black Tower of the Eternal Nights has not hindered him, and the sword is unparalleled to enter the black tower.

This black tower test, a total of three layers.

The sword is unparalleled now, it is the first floor of this black tower.

After walking into the first floor space of the Black Tower, the sword was unparalleled, and immediately saw the latitude shadow of calm standing in front of the front.

Seeing this burly figure, the sword is unhealthy, but immediately rises a familiar feeling.

"Is him?" The sword was unparalleled, and his eyes became an unusual weird.

This burly figure, is it is his humanoid monster who is killing his hands with nine sins.

It is also the first enemy that they encounter in the stars in the stars.

"Kid, this bloody, is the opponent you need to face during the Towel test. As long as you can defeat him, he will have a test." The voice of Liangyin Island suddenly sounded in the sword.

"Beat him?"

The sword is not double-finished, staring at this smile.

"Blood Devil?" The sword is not sinking. "It seems that I have not guess wrong. He is indeed a kind of war. It is just a special way to refine, so it is very different from the ordinary war."

This is the strength of the sergeant, before he can teach.

Whether it is strength, speed, defense, knife method, it is extremely horrible, and there is almost no weakness up and down.

Absolutely a humanoid monster.

At that time, he was with nine sins, exquisite, and the water and Jin Dynasty. He fought this blood and night, and the result is a little cheaper. In the end, the sword is unparalleled to show the nine-day swords, thunder, and kill the blood.

However, this bloody, obviously not only one.


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