Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 882 Tianquan

"she is my friend!"

"Who dares to move her?"

The cold voice spread, and the people around them were unatturred, and they went straight to the sword without double.

"It's him!"

"It is blood peak, that new."

"What is new? He is already the thirteenth king of Star Island now."

The crowd immediately sounded a whispering voice.

And the beautiful woman also looked at the sword. When she saw the clear sword, the former suddenly watched, "Blood Peak is you?"

"Exquisite, I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword didn't double this beautiful woman smiled slightly.

This is a beautiful figure, it is exquisite.

Previously, four three-clawed Yue Eagle entered this starha sea, just started still, then encountered a different animal group, four people could only scatter escape, and the Shujin was killed on the spot, and nine crime and exquisite Unparalleled with swords.

In the past few years, the sword is unparalleled, and the ninth crime is dead and the exquisite is dead.

But now, this exquisite comes to Star Island, obviously survived in the waves of the fog sea.

"You are blood peak?"

Contains a little cold voice, from the Tianquankou, Tianquan's scorpion is also seen in the sword.

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh, I have heard of you, but I came to this Star Island for two days, but I have passed the first floor of the Black Tower. Now it is the thirteenth king of Star Island, but this extent, I am still not what I am in my eyes, I advise you, or put the smart point, give me the woman. "Tianquan said.

He came to Xingchen Island for more than a million years, and he had a long time for the first floor of the black tower. The strength is strong, and it is six in the twelve days.

And the sword is unparalleled, but the first floor of the black tower has just been examined. It is estimated that he just started cultivating the nine secrets. He will he put it in the eyes?

"If I don't pay?" The sword was unparalleled with his hands and cooled the Tianquan.

"Don't pay?" Tianquan scorpion is cold, but it is a smile. "With you, protect her?"

The voice is falling, this Tianquan is directly out.

I saw a strong hard blow and fierce. This Tianquan figure suddenly disappeared in place. When they appeared again, they had already arrived in front of the sword. At the same time, he didn't know when he had a black spear. This handle surroundings around a black airflow, looks abnormally all in vitamom.

"Newcomers, I will teach you today, how to respect the seniors."

The cold voice in Tianquankou, and the black spear in his hand is a straightforward movement directly in the sword.

The speed is too fast, and the attack means is also very hot.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled, but it has never panicked.

At the moment of this Tianquan, he has urged the power of the blood in the body. In an instant, it is touched for the ancient god of the gold, and the blood peak sword appeared in his hand.

As he continued to improve the sword, the power of the blood peak sword he could have remarkably was more stronger.

The black long spear pen is straight, and the sword of the sword is also swing immediately.


A metal impact sound sounded, and the terrible remaining wave, and the surrounding people were shocked.

call out! call out! call out!

Three dark flowers were suddenly rushing.

The Tianquan has been swaying a spear three times in a moment, and the spear is still as fast as lightning, as a broken bamboo, and has a strong destruction.

The sword is not frown, and immediately shot, and the three spears will be disappeared.

At the same time, the shape of his body is also retired behind his body.

"Danying said that there is no mistake, this twelve days, at least ten have the ability to have breakthrough, just always try to suppress his realm, like this Tianquan, is one of them." Sword is unparalleled Battle with Tianquan, he can very clearly inductive strength to Tianquan.

At the same time, he also felt that the spear of Tianquan showed the unique destruction of the breath.

"This Tianquan has opened up a way that belongs to himself." The sword is unparalleled.

There are many kinds.

First of all, it is the way to feel the source of heaven and earth, the main source of the heavens and the earth.

Like the sword is unparalleled, the world's origin, killing the source, so, after the end, it will become the way to the world, killing the way.

The second, is the way of swords, knives, guns, etc.

This kind of road is the understanding of the gods, like the improvement of the sword, the exquisiteness of swordsmanship belongs to the category of the sword.

These two ways are all eternal, and even the god can be involved.

There can be the last third path, that is the most special way.

That kind, there is no distinction, it is completely made by yourself, you will create itself, you only belong to your own unique.

Moreover, the Daguity of the Oujie, the reason why it is called to respect, that is because they have opened up a way that belongs to himself.

That is to say, it is one of the most important conditions that are opened to be awarded.

If you want to break through the road, you have to find a way to open up a way. Whether this road belongs to what levels, as long as it is created, then he already has the ability to break through the road.

Now, the sword is unparalleled with this Tianquan, but since Tianquan's spear, the existence of an independent road is noticed.

Obviously, this Tianquan has opened up his own way.

"Opening up your own way, plus itself, there are many means, no wonder he can pass the first floor of the black tower, and after the first floor, it also cultivated the nine strongest secrets of Star Island. The kind, the strength is big. "The sword has no double eyes, but consciousness is a movement.

~~~ A stream of stream is from the sword. There is no double Qiankun.

Thirty-six shanle blood warrants, under the sword unparalleled control, instantly aggregate.

Compared to two years ago, the sword is unparalleled to the nine-day swords, and the most important thing is that his sword has already broken through the fifth level, the sword is soaring, driving the nine days From the line, this nine-day swords have no maintenance, or the speed, there is a substantial improvement.

"go with!"

The sword is unparalleled, the scarlet sword of the thirty-six-handed blood is combined with a rapid explosion of the rainbow rapidly.

The speed of the speed, a large number of eternal people in the surrounding battle, almost did not see the shadow of this scarlet sword.

Next, the scarlet sword has appeared in front of Tianquan.

"So fast?"

Tianquan was obviously scared by the nine-day sword array, but with his strength, he did not come back to react. When he saw the nine-day swords, he fierce his head, his hands, Time is also straight and scared.

Two horrible power of the two horrible games collided on the void.

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