
A great ring.

The scarlet sword shocked out, and the body shape of the Tianquan was also shocked rapidly.

However, the scarlet sword is being controlled by the sword, and when the scarlet-sword is completed, the sword is unparalleled to drive it again.


The scarlet sword was killed in the sword, but also a madness of Tianquan, and Tianquan can resist it, but felt a great pressure.

"Blood Peak, stop!" Tianquan suddenly took a burst, the voice immediately returned.

"How? Want to accept?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the scarlet sword with a three-handed blood, it is quietly suspended in front of him, and the scarlet sword is also exuded.

"Received? Oh, you will not be worthy of you."

Tianquan smiled, and then said: "I still have something to do today. I have no effort to continue to fight with you, so let's take a time, then I will win, how?"

"The war?" The sword was unbeded, but the heart was a clear.

Xingchen Island is a huge jail, people living here, it is boring on weekdays, what is the matter of this Tianquan? Dictionary is not to defeat himself, so I will plan to fight.

After all, since it is a battle, it must be prepared in some time. In the sword, there is no difference, this Tianquan is preparing for this, maybe some special way can improve his strength.

The sword is unparalleled, it has seen the abacus of Tianquan, but it is not broken.

"Tianquan, do you want to fight with me?" The sword looked at Tianquan.

"Yes." Tianquan also looked over, the voice is cold, "Of course, since it is to fight, it is definitely something to be some, I don't know, do you dare to pick up?"

"Color Head?" The smile on the sword is even more, "What do you want to gamble?"

"It's very simple, it is the woman behind you, and all the treasures on you." Tianquan is a heavy ray.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but look at the exquisite look.

The beautiful face of exquisite is not revealing the panic look, but it is quite calm. Seeing the sword is unparalphed. The exquisite sword is not a little bit.

The sword is unparalleled.

On this star island, strength determines everything.

If the sword is unparalleled, if there is a trumpet, then no matter how gamble, the exquisite will fall into the hands of Tianquan.

"When is the time?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Just three days later." Tianquan.

"Well, I promise you." The sword is not a hyper point, "and that battle, if you lose, you have to hand over all treasures, and I have to leave the Star Island, go to the misty sea, 100,000 Be can't come back during the year. "

"What?" People around are shocking.

Even that day, the face is also changed.

If you have all treasures, you can leave the Star Island, and go to the misty sea for more than 100,000 years?

Task, the crisis in the fog sea is heavy, there are many crises, even if they are concerned, they are ignored.

The sword is unparalleled for a few years before the foggy sea, and the luck is not bad. Therefore, he encountered a crisis he left alone.

It can be 100,000 years, so long years, who knows what will you encounter?

Although this Tianquan is strong, he will go to the misty sea after each treasure, and it is estimated that there is only one death.

"Why want me to go outside Star Island? This is unfair." Tianquan glared at the sword.

"If you have a treasure value on me, more than one billion god!" The sword is unparalleled, "If you are treasure in your hand, there are more than a value of more than one billion crystal, then you don't have to leave Star Island."

"Billion Crystal?" People who have heard this words around them, their heads have a bit.

That Tianquan is also a full face.

Ten billion Crystal, it is equivalent to a full family.

The treasures of swords are unhappy, and the value is so high?

Look at Tianquan, Tianquan is trapped in this Star Island. The only one million years old, the only chance to get treasured in the next day, it is to brush some other people, and may not be able to get the hand, so he There is no less than a family.

All counts, it is estimated that it is not enough for 100 million crystal, and it is not very unparalleled in the sword.

Since both parties are so big, then in order to fair, the sword is unparalleled, and natural is also reasonable.

"Okay, I promise." Tianquan Zheng nodded, but the sound took a trace of enthusiasm.

Ten billion gamma gambling war is worthy of him.

What's more, his strength is also full of absolute confidence, the most important thing is that the trust is three days later.

"Three days later? Hey, don't use three days, in two days, the secret of the secret I practiced, I can reach a higher level, and my strength will skyrocket, and the many kings of the Star Island will be in addition to The monster of the second floor, who will be my opponent? "

"As for this blood peak? Hey, just went to Star Island not for two years, and I also want to fight with me, not self-strength."

Tianquan is cold and cold, and then it is reached out, and the void nearby, "Lien Island, I have been settled with this blood peak, and I also hope that I will witness my two."

Tianquan just finished, in the void, a red dress appeared, is the Lenin Island.

The Lenin Island is controlled by the Star Island, and she is all in a clear.

"Yes." The Lunyao main point nodded. "After three days, you will conduct a pair of gambling battles according to the content of the battle."

After that, the body of Lingkin Island will still have it again.

See this, the spring face did not help but wipe a cold smile, he glanced at the sword and slept, smiled, then turned around.

However, this Tianquan did not know, when the Lenin Lord is witnessed to witness their gaming war, the sword is not aware of a smile that is difficult to notice.

Tianquan is walking, everyone has spread.

The sword is unparalleled with exquisite, walking towards the interior of Star Island.

"Blood Peak, just thanked." Exquisite.

"You don't have to be polite." The sword didn't smile and shook his head. "Take it, you are only temporary safe, but after three days, if I lost it to the Tianquan, then I can't protect you."

"You will not be defeated." Linglong watched the sword unparalleled, she knows that the sword is unparalleled, but she is very clear that the demonity of the latter.

It can go to the world, go to this step, the sword is unparalleled, it is incredible.

Seeing the exquisite eyes, the sword has shrugged, "Yes, how have you come in the fog sea in the fog in the past few years? Have you seen nine sins?"

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