Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 884 Accident Country?

I have been talking about it for a long time.

Exquisite in these years, she has been drifting in the fog sea. Her strength is indeed good in the eternal bodies. You can sing alone in the fog in the fog, but everywhere is a thin ice, there are many times to die.

But it is obvious that her luck is not bad, and the commandment is not lacking, so it is fortunate enough to survive in a crisis, and then drifted to this Star Island.

As for the nine sins, since the first few people scattered flee, the exquisite did not see the nine sins, nor did it know that life is dead.

"Life and death, wealth in the sky, the ninth crime can not live, and can only look at himself." The sword was unparalleled and sighed. Subsequently, "Next, you will stay in this Star Island, Although it is a prison, the minimum life is still not threatened. "

"Well." Linglong nodded, she has just learned from the sword where some things on this Star Island.

Leading the exquisite in this Star Island, looking behind the park, the sword is not paired back to his own residence.

When I returned to the residence, I found a home.

"Blood Peak, I heard that you will have a gaming battle with the Tianquan after three days? And the bet is very big?"

After thousands of feathers, they were still in the stars, and when he didn't come, he did not live at the scene.

"Yes, what happened?" The sword watched thousands of feathers.

In this two-year time on this Star Island, he used to use it in cultivation, and occasionally free to drink alcohol, and the two also have some emotions.

"Hey, you were calculated by the Tianquan." Qian Yu sighed.

"Accounting? How do you say this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Blood peak, you just came to Xingchen Island, not long, I don't know, the twelve days of Star Island, the strength is not good, this Tianquan is in the twelve days, and it is the sixth, and according to me As you know, this Tianquan has been drilling his secret surgery in the year, and it should have a big breakthrough in this time. "

"Once the breakthrough, his strength will skyrise, when the twelve days, in addition to the second floor of the black tower, it is estimated that no one can win him, and he will now take your gaming war now. After three days later, that is, in these three days, his secret surgery will break through. "Qian Yu said.

"It turns out." The sword didn't have a double eyebrow, but did not feel unexpected.

"Why, you don't worry about it." The thousands of feathers looked at the sword.

"The soldiers will block, the water is hidden, what is so anxious?" The sword was laughing, but the eyebrows took a absolute confidence.

"Well, since you have psychological preparation, I can only wish you good luck after three days." Qian Yu said, then left.

The sword is quietly standing there, but the eyes are flourishing.

"Sure enough, like me, the Tianquan gambled after three days, clearly, it is to count me, but he is destined to steal the chicken, do not erode meter." The sword is unparalleled.

Tianquan accounts him?

Can swords unparalleled, isn't it?

"After his heavy secret, the strength will rise, but the strength of skyrocket is not enough to make him pass the second floor of the Black Tower."

"But I am different!"

"My sword is broken through the fifth level, and after the first Taiyin Shenlei, there are too many overall strength improvement, and the chances of the second floor test are great, the strength, I am more than that, only Strivent! "

"Originally, I went to the black tower today to try to go to the second floor, but since I have the gaming war, I will prevent the use of Tianquan. I still wait until three days, wait until the gambling war is about to begin. Go back to the black tower. "

After taking the idea, the sword is unparalleled and then went to the Taichen Rayed Palace.

Soon, three days have passed.

The most central in Star Island, there is a very vast campus, the big campus, even Dao Zunqiang can let go of the hand and foot.

This campus, this is to deliberately prepare for the strong people on Star Island.

At this point, in this campus, a large number of people are gathering.

Sleepy more than six hundred strong people on this Star Island, there are more than 90% of the twelve days of Ding Ding, and most of them appear above the campus.

Today, it is the day of the gambling war in the sword.

This can be the battle of two big kings, and their bet is incomparable.

One is a treasure with billion worth of value.

The other party, but all the houses, plus the departure of the Star Island to get outside for 100,000 years, which is equivalent to death.

So gambling, in this star island, naturally, especially persistent.

The center of the campus, the cold man in purple robes, is already there, waiting quietly, waiting for the sword unparalleled.

Many eyes around, all gathered in this Tianquan, a discussion, also rings in the crowd.

"This Tianquan has already had a test of the first floor of the Heavy Tower very early, and later got a strongest secret, the strongest secret of Xingchen Island, although there is no embarrassment, but this Tianquan is drilled for so many years. The accomplishment of this secretation is definitely very high, and the strength is definitely stronger. "

"Hey, I heard that you have been closed before this Tianquan, seems to have encountered bottlenecks in that secret surgery, I have been in the past for so long, I don't know if he is the bottleneck, it breaks through?"

"Is it necessary to break through?"

"Some people say that the reason why this Tianquan will be scheduled for three days, because he has broken the bottleneck in these days."

"This is the case, isn't that the blood peak, is it completely calculated?"

A good voice, some deliberately lowered the sound, and some are unscrupulous and proclaimed.

These words are listening clearly by Tianquan, and its mouth is not coming from a cold smile.

"Blood Peak? A new Star Island, I don't know how the sky is thick, waiting, waiting for it, I will let you know the water in this star island," Tianquan heart is cold. "

But he didn't know, his heart has been talking, and his opponent's sword with him is unparalleled, but it has appeared within the black tower.

Black tower, second floor space.

The sword is unparalleled to the top of the golden antique model. With a bit of dark golden rays, the high-level bloody magic of the front is over.

Two years ago, he came to this second floor, showing the nine-day sword array with this high-level bloody magic, but the result is completely crushed by the latter.

Two years later, the sword was unparalleled and then tested.


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