Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 887 is not cold


The sound fell, and the Tianquan only felt that a giant moved along his spear, his body was shameful, the throat was also a sweet, and a blood almost spurt.

"It turned out to be blocked? Yes." The sword didn't smile, and then the manipulator's scarlet sword once again rushed again with an amazing speed.

Tianquan has just blocked the impact of the scarlet sword once, and it has not been completely fixed. The second attack is coming again.

"How could this be?"

Tianquan flashed in the eyes, but immediately waved the spear, and the flame of the flame after him broke out more powerful.

! The fade spear in Tianquan's hands flew out.

The sword is unparalleled to control the scarlet sword, and the third chartered Tianquan exploded.

"Do not!"

Tianquan only came and sent a scream, and his head immediately was taken directly by the scarlet sword.

This battle, the victory has been divided.

On the campus, the head of the Tianquan was re-condensed, but he didn't have a slight blood in the moment. He trembled, his eyes were full of empty.

The strong people who watch the battle around are secretly amazed.

"The gap is too big!"

"Three swords, just three attacks, they directly crushed the Tianquan."

"It's just ruining."

"Such strength, it is no wonder that he can pass the second floor."

Everyone around him is squatting, looking at the sword unparalleled eyes full of awe.

If they just think that the sword is unparalleled, there may be a certain luck ingredient, but the sword is unparalleled but has already proved himself.

Tianquan, good, one of the twelve days, and because he cultivated the secrets of the secrets, he absolutely drunk in the twelve days.

But in the sword, there is no hands, but even the three tricks are all, they are ruined to rush.

These strengths, in the Sundi Island, except for the five major roads, it is estimated that there is only twelve days of the most powerful monsters, which can be comparable.

"Tianquan, you lose, fulfill the gambling," The sword has returned the blood, standing in the campus, watching this Tianquan quietly.

Tianquan is shameful. His hearts have never been willing, but he can only be old and old, but he will only be old and old.

All treasures have given the sword unparalleled, including the spear of the emperor of Tianquan himself, is also the case.

"Tianquan, you listen, according to the gambling, you must leave the Star Island today, go to the fog sea and wander, within 100,000 years, you must not return." The sword was unparalleled.

When I heard this, the Tianqua was pale as paper, and it was a bit.

The whole body is gone, it will be, after all, the treasure is gone, you can find a way to get some, it can be banned, then it is true.

In the absence of any treasures, he wants him to go to the sea of ​​fog, it is too far from being sent.

All in all, Tianquan this time is really miserable, planting a big finger.

However, he cracked the chicken and did not erode rice. Even if it planted his head, he could only blame himself, no wonder others.

There is a deterrent of Linger Island, and that Tianquan can only be old and old.

On the campus, the sword is unparalleled, and it is watching the back of Tianquan leaves, it is at this time ...

"Oh, is it very lively today?"

A thick voice suddenly sounded, followed by everyone, immediately saw a purple man who had two long guns and slowed down.

This handsome man's eyebrows have a brightest, every step, will make the vain on the feet out of the purple corrugation.

Seeing people, everyone on the campus is a sharp way.

Zi Dong! It is Zidong! "

"Twelfth day, recognized first day king, monster Zidong!"

"Zidong, is it?"

"Isn't he still closed?"

The entire campus sounded a buzz.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately looked up.

"He, is it Zidong?" The sword was not slightly linked.

He stayed in Star Island for two years, and some strong people on this Star Island have some understanding.

Like the twelve days of King on Star Island, he knows the name, and this is called the first day, and the entire Star Island, the only Zidong, the sword, the sword of the second floor of the black tower, sword is unparalleled Also knowing.


Zidong's figure directly fell to the campus, and fell in front of the sword, a pair of singularity of the simple-saving, and the sword didn't look at it.

"You, is it a blood peak?" Zidong opened, the voice was flat.

"It is me." The sword is not a hyper point.

"I have been closing all the time, I have never been concerned about the things on the Star Island, just if the Lenin Island is notified to me, saying that you have already passed the second floor of the black tower, I am afraid I don't know the Star Island now. I have come to you like this. "Zidong said.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, and it does not look at the Lord of Linger.

He got from Qian Yu, knowing this Zidong all the year round, almost never showed, but it turned out today, and appeared in front of himself, it was because the Lotus Lord missed the second layer of the second floor. He, he was alarming.

The Lencona Lord who is staring in the sword is a smile with a highly murdered smile, and there is no response.

"Blood peaks, the strong people on Xingchen Island, although there are many, but before, I can pass the second floor of the black tower, I have only one person, long years, I have been standing in the top of Star Island, seemingly brilliant , Can you have a taste, can you understand? "Zi Dong stared at the sword unparalleled.

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

He understands it.

The height is not cold.

Don't worry, for example, the king of his king, at least in Star Island, you can find your own opponent, there will be some battle between each other.

But this purple is an exception.

On the hierarchy of Xingchen Island, he has invincible, no one dares to provoke him, and no one is worth the value.

Since the five major roads on Star Island, since the Dao Zun, the strength is far from him, and he has not challenge the qualifications.

This will lead to long years, and he even a similar opponent, he even has a chance to shoot, there is no.

This taste is definitely a painful torture for a good person.

"I have no opponents before, but now it is different." Zi Dong smiled slightly, looking at the sword unparalleled scorpion, "I am very excited, after so many years, this Star Island, I finally appear The eternal border of the second layer of the black tower. "

"Blood Peak, let me fight!"


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