Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 888 First Day, Zidong!

"Blood Peak, let me fight!"

When Zidong spread on the campus, the entire campus immediately turned out.


"Zidong challenges blood peak?"

"Haha, is Zidong finally found the opponent?"

"Too long, I still haven't seen Zidong for a long time. When I saw him, he couldn't overcome the second floor."

"Zidong and blood peaks? The two have passed the second floor of the black tower. These two people handed over, who will win?"

Everyone around the campus has been burning over.

The sword is also aware of the heat of Zidong, and then nodded, "I also want to know, the first day of Star Island,"

The sword is not expected.

He can't refuse this battle.

The height is not cold.

Now, the strongest two of the eternal bodies is that he is with Zidong, and both of them are of course opponents.

"Show, I hope you don't let me down."

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, Zidong grinned.

"I will do my best."

The sword is unparalleled, and then the thirty-six-handed blood is riped again, and the moment is combined into two feet long scarlet swords.

The sword is unparalleled, a black god, and it has also poured into the sword array.

"Oh, too yin god?"

Zidong looked in the eyes, when I saw the sword where the sword didn't have a double application too yin, his eyes were bright, laughed: "Haha, it is really skillful, I am practicing, just, but also Taiyin Shenlei. "

"You are also?" The sword has no double look, "Let's see, who is stronger."

The voice fell, the sword was unparalleled, and the scarlet sword was held, and it took directly.

Surprise, fast around everyone can't see this long sword brushing void.

However, Zidong, which was killed by the scarlet chief, but it was a smile. At that moment, the scarlet sword was taken, his body shape was suddenly moving.

! A purple figure acutely passed through the void.

It's like a ghost.

The sword is unpaired, the scarlet sword locks the Zidong, and it will be in contact with Zidong immediately. But the purple east is shaking.

Time, he actually wiped the edge of the scarlet sword.

"What?" The sword was shocked.

He is the first heavy, a sword is no trace, the fastest is the speed, and the second is Wei.

This sword has the blessing of Taiyin God, the speed of outbreak is faster, and the ordinary eternal shadow is difficult to capture, but this is like this, it is directly around the nine sword arrays.

Directly bypass the sword array?

What is this speed?

"Blood Peak, pick me up."

After bypassing the sword array, the Zidong has already appeared in front of the sword, and the two sections of the two sections behind him have already been combined. He looked at the sword unparalleled, grinned, and the long guns were sent to front.

Right is like electro-optical stones.

The sword has no double early, it is a state of the golden ancient god, but it is because the golden antique body is too large, the goal is too big, and the shot of Zidong is coming. He can't open more, can only waive the blood. Sword, show swordsman, welcome it.


The long gun gun screamed above the bloody sword of the blood peak sword, immediately had a strong spiral, like a sword unparalleled, the arm of the sword was smashed, but it was in the state of the sword. , The flesh is terrible, adding the bloody eagle, there is a huge body effect.


I saw that the sword was unparalleled, and the spiral movement was easily understood, and the shape was still forced to retreat.

In the middle of the back, the sword is unblocked, but it is a nine-day sword array, and immediately folds back.

"Your sword array is really very fast, and the power is also strong enough. Unfortunately, your use of this sword array is obviously not quantified. It is too clumsy, it is not flexible, such a sword array, for me Little is not used everywhere. "Zidong stood there, let the two feet long scarlet swords to kill him.

Until the scarlet sword appeared in front of him, »The body is shaking, and he has passed next to the scarlet sword.

"Waiting again?" The sword was unbolded.

He controlled the nine-day sword array, the speed is very fast, many opponents encountered before, and no one can go directly to his sword array, only Zidong, did it.

"Not flexible enough?" The sword was unparalleled, but the bottom is also sighed.

After all, he just got the nine-day sword arrays, and the first weight of the first height of the nine-day swords, but also a small formation, and there were some flaws.

On the campus, the sword is unparalleled, and the Jiu Tian sword is controlled. It is crazy toward the Zidong, but Zidong stands there, but it is a slimming moving, but it is easy to go to the road, and dozens of times. The nine-day sword arrand in the sword is unparalleled, and even the Zilo's port of this purple is never encountered.

"I said, your sword is not used by me."

It is also easy to circumvent the sword array, then Zidong shakes his head and laughs, then the body is slid out.

His speed is too fast, the nine-day swords of the swords and unparalleled manipulation are not enough to reply in time, this is not flexible enough.

This nine-day sword array can indeed erupt absolute speed with power in the sword, but the sword is unparalleled only to manipulate nine-day pen. If it is turned in the void, the direction of rotation, etc., the speed will be reduced.

"Beh you."

Zidong laughed, and the long sword in his hand came again.

This shot is more faster than the previous shot, and it is more horrible.

A horrible shot, the front of the front is blown away.

The sword is unparalleled, although the sword is doing his best to resist, but it can still be shocked by the arm, and the corner of the mouth is also overflowed, and then this Zidong Gun method broke out completely.

A road plunger, uncomfortable, and the angle is abnormal, it does not give the sword unparalleled anywhere.

The sword is unparalleled, and the number of guns is connected to the number, but it is still in the body by the long gun.

This battle, the sword was unparalleled.

On the campus, the sword is unparalleled, the body has been completely repaired, next to him, the two feet long scarlet swords, still floating in that.

The sword is unparalpled to see the nine-day swords next to it, but shakes his head.

"My biggest relief is the nine-day sword array. If this Zidong can't avoid the attack of my nine-day sword array, maybe I can fight with him, result, my nine-day sword array in front of him However, it is destroyed, and there is no use everywhere. "

"There is no help of nine days of sword arrays, he is close to me, I have little resistance."

"This battle, I lost it."


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