Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 889 Zidong's evaluation


This purple is worthy of the first day of the first day of the Star Island, his strength is more than the sword.

"He has already opened his own way, and even more than one, he cultivated the secret surgery of Taiyin Shen, and has been cultivated to the second level. It is much stronger than my too yin, his gun law It is more important and strong. "The sword is unhousnating.

"Blood peak."

At this time, the Zidong also looked at the sword, and his face took a smile, "Your current strength is still slightly weak, even let me do it all."

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

He also saw it, and it was very casual when he was smashed with him.

Those people around the surroundings, they were amazed.

The strength of Just Zidong show, but exclaimed rolling and defeating the sword, this strength, the result is that Zidong still reserves?

"Of course, you are just now the strength is not as good as me. As for the future, it is hard to say." Zidong laughed, "I saw that your strength, there is no huge increase in huge improvement space."

"The first is the heavy sword you just show, the sword array, you should have just what you have just mastered, you can also improve, wait for you to master this heavy sword to a certain fire, getting flexible, you can force you I have a full power. "

"In addition, you still have a certain increase in the sword, and there is also the too yin god, you just just condensed a way, it is very weak, I believe how long, how long does I don't have to use, your sword, too yin After God's thunder has improved, you can truly fame and defeat me. "

"And if you give you enough time, I even believe that you can test the test of the third floor of the black tower!"

When Zidong said this, his look is extremely lighter.

The people around the campus heard this, but he exposed a surprised color.

They didn't expect that Zidong is clearly a rolling defeat of the sword, but he is so high if his evaluation of the sword is so high?

How long does it take? If the sword is unparalleled, you can defeat Zidong?

And Zidong also said that it is unparalleled to sword, he can take the test of the third floor of the black tower?

is it possible?

Zidong, this is quite quite stunned, shakes his head, swords and no pairs: "Those are things, can't say, at least, my current strength is not as good as you, but I believe that I can't use it. How long, I can fight with you, even defeat you. "

"Haha, I am looking forward to it." Zidong smiled, "So from today, if you want to find someone to learn, you can come to me at any time. Anyway, I stayed in this Star Island for so long, I have been boring Very, you can have such an opponent to accompany me, I have to ask. "

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled.

Zidong is definitely a real power.

At least at the level of Eternal, the sword has never seen a strong person like Zidong, even in the sword. The first forever, the first Yongsheng, which is the first foremost in the summer. The genius, the strength, I am afraid that I may not be able to get this purple.

And one of the strong people can often learn to fight, the sword is unparalleled, there is absolutely helpful.

"I look forward to you surpass me."

Zidong laughed, said this sentence, he turned and left directly.

The sword is not going to stay more in the campus, but immediately returned to the residence, with Zidong just on that battle, he has already perceived some of the nine-day sword arms, since it is a flaw, it must be improved.

Everyone on the campus also begins to dissipate.

However, although the matter is over, the next period of time, the sword is still the topic of the people of the people on Star Island.

I came to Xingchen Island for a short two years, I have passed the second floor of the Black Tower, which is simplicity.

Coupled with Zidong, not only the strength of the sword is unparalleled, but even if he is unparalleled to the sword, he may have the third floor test.

Such a high evaluation, naturally also made a piece of stunned island, even the five respects were alarmed.

However, the five Daozun have not paid to the sword, but it has not come.

The starry fog is deep in the depth of the sea, the lake is filled in the gray fog.

It is still on the giant lotus leaf of the lake, wearing a beautiful woman in the red dress, sitting quietly, and the face is showing a smile of playing taste.

This enchanting woman, natural is the Lord Lord.

However, the Lenin Island has a respect, a polarity, and the Star Island, just her incarnation, as for her, but it has been staying on this lake.

"Blood Peak, Blood Peak ..." The name of the sword is constantly chanting in the main port of Liangyin Island.

"This blood peak is really good, as a reversal, there is a sword array that has been in the hand, the most important thing is that he is really extraordinary."

"Now you can pass the second floor of the Black Tower. If it is given to him, it is very likely that the third floor test is given."

"Look at it, it doesn't take long, the star will come, and it will come to a disciple."

Liangyu is a few words, and suddenly her voice stopped, and the eyes saw it in one direction.

The many fog of this star sea, can cover the sight of the people, but the Linger Island is nothing, her eyes have passed through the endless fog, through the vast void, look at the star fog A giant islands in the marine.

The island is far from Star Island, which can be said to be the other end in the direction of Star Island.

And that islands are also fascinated by the fog, and more rich, full of mystery.

"Kings, I came on this Star Island, I came to a little guy, talent, I hope to leave this misty sea, and the most important thing is that the little guy has a certain relationship with your owner." Liangyin Island The main opening, the sound passed through the vast void, and it was directly above the mysterious islands.

"Well." A old and thick voice from the deepest place of the island, is a response to Linger Island.

"Why, are you not interested in a little?" Lingyin Island.

"Interest?" The ancient and thick voice suddenly turned, and then said: "Tain Temporary does not use him, wait for him to be able to pass the test on Star Island on a day, you will take him to see me."

After that, this ancient and thick voice disappeared.

The Lagin Island, sitting on a giant lotus leaf smile, and then closed his eyes.


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