Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 890 of Sundue Island's cultivation years

After a battle with Zidong, the sword immediately returned to the place where he lived.

A piece of empty space.

"go with!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the scarlet sword that is condensed by thirty-six-handed blood, it took directly to the front.

The scarlet long sword is very fast, and it is obeying that the sword is unparalleled, and this scarlet sword is controlled directly in the void.

This changed ... The scarlet sword will have a short pause directly, and the speed is slow in an instant.

"It's just that the front rush is, it can be changed, but the speed is too slow."

"Clumsy, it is really awkward."

"Look, I have to spend a long time, studying this nine-day sword array."

The sword is unhappy and dark.

The next time, the sword is unparalleled naturally to continue the hustle.

He is still two major division of labor, and the world's book stays within the Taiyin Racing Palace all year round, constantly condense the power of the Taichen Thunder in the body.

On the other hand, his killing is respected, often goes to the star jade, after a period of time, he will go to Zidong, and talk to Zidong.

Zidong was boring for too long, it was rare to touch the sword and unparalleled opponents.

The sword has no double privilege, and there is a chance of the aesthetic island. His progress is naturally non-simple.

There is also the sparring of Zidong, and he is constantly improving in the nine-day sword array, making it more skilled.

Star Island, completely isolated from the outside world, here is a giant prison.

The time is slowly passed ...

Everyone in Star Island is equivalent to being a prisoner, and in the boring day on Star Island, these people can only put into the cultivation of the cultivation, and I have forgotten the passage of the years.

For people on Star Island, time, just a number, no matter how long it has, there is not much significance.

However, this time, there is no difference between the sword.

When he came to the stars in the sea, he asked Wang Yuan, asking that cold as a cream, if there is no yin and Yang Dragonfly fruit, can you persist for more time.

Wang Yuan's answer was three hundred years.

That is to say, within three hundred years, the sword must bring the yin and yang dragon and phoenix fruit.

Three hundred years, don't have much, at least to people on Star Island, don't have anything, it can be paid to the sword. It is especially important for these three hundred years.

On Star Island, he hurriedly took a second time, and try his best to improve his strength.

A swing, the sword is unparalleled in Star Island, has stayed for two hundred and ten.

Two hundred and ten years, this is definitely the sword is unparalleled to this day, and it is also his longest hub in a place.

Star Island, a general courtyard table, a handsome man with purple long hair, sitting there, holding a pot of wine in the hand. Drinking.

Zidong. "

The soft voice sounded, I saw a glamorous girl came in.

This cool girl is also a king of Star Island, with Zidong Relationship, is also good.

"It is rare to see you alone here, how, the blood peak, didn't find you this time?" The glamorous girl looked at Zidong.

"Since he defeated me one hundred and twenty years ago, he rarely came to me, lasting, it seems to be thirty years ago." Zidong smiled.

"The blood peak is really a monster."

The glamorous girl shook his head, "more than two hundred years ago, you with his first battle, you are almost rushing to defeat him, who once thought, just less than 100 years, he actually Defeat you. "

"For a hundred years, for us, it is impossible for us, but this hundred years, his strength has improved several levels, it is incredible."

When I heard this, Zidong couldn't help but shook his head: "This talent of this blood peak does exceed our imagination. When I was handed over with him, I saw that his strength has great improvement space, in the future Maybe you can really go beyond me, but I didn't expect that his progress will be so? "

"Right, I have heard that the blood peak seems to challenge you, what is the result?" Zidong suddenly asked.

"How can it be defeated by him." The glamorous girl smiled: "I don't know what he is thinking, from thirty years ago, he is in the crazy challenge of Star Island, not only challenges us King, even the strengths in the Star Island, he all challenged. "

"And, he is also very weird when he challenges. It can easily defeat us, but he is deliberately suppressed his strength. Every time he uses his sword arranging to fight for a long time, we will defeat us."

"Haha, he is this in the sword array with you." Zidong smiled.

"Since two hundred and ten years ago, after some of his swordsman, he has been studying his sword array. When I followed me, I took some obvious to the mastery of the sword. Raise, his sword array is much flexible than before, and now, he has the mastery of the sword array, and it is estimated that it has reached a very high level. "

"Hey, I also saw it, when he made a hand with me, the power of the sword array is now a lot, but the flexibility has improved too much." The glamorous girl is admired, "" Zi Dong, You said that if this blood peak has been progressing in this speed, is he really able to get through the third floor of the black tower? "

"Of course, it can be nodded." If you say more than two hundred years ago, I just thought that he would like the third floor of the black tower, then now, I can definitely, he is absolutely able to pass the black tower Three layers, leaving this Star Island, and it is still too long. "

"So affirming?" The glamorous girl was shocked.

"Waiting for it." Zi Dong smiled slightly, but did not explain too much.

At the same time, in this courtyard, the glamorous girl was talking in this courtyard.

The most central sword in the Black Thunder Ocean is unparalleled. This is an abnormality.

"It's the extreme." The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is also a strong flaming.

For more than two hundred years, his world of this world has almost stayed in this Taiyin Terrelace absorbed the black Thunder.

With the absorption, the Taiyin Shenlei in his body is also getting stronger and stronger, and his body is too yin god, but it is no longer a good, but the foot is ten!

Ten Tao is black, too yin, each has accumulated the ultimate, which is the limit of the first level of Taichen God!

Further, it is the second level of Taiyin God!


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