Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 891 vibration

"it has started."

The sword is unparalleled, and the ten in the body has been accumulated to achieve the ultimate Taiyu god, gather together, but the next moment is directly integrated.

Taiyin Shenlei secret, three levels.

The first level, condensed a too yin god, just only the beginning, condensed the ten too yin god, is only the top of the first level.

The second level of Taichen God is to directly integrate this ten too yin god. It has changed a higher level, and more horizontal.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled has begun to fuse.

Ten Taiyu Shenlei crazy blended, these too yin gods were very violent, the ten so violent power, the body, consciousness of people is a huge burden, resulting in severe pain, even Dao Zun will Movement.

Fortunately, the sword is unparalleled. In addition, he has had enough preparation, and the trend pain generated during the ten too much gods, and there is no difference in swords.

After half a day, the ten gods were completely integrated, and they began to change.

The most difficult and most dangerous fusion process has been spent, and the next transformation is naturally water to the stream.

Just a moment, the sword is only a lot of gine thunder.

This too yin god, more than the ten too much gods accumulated before him, but the power is far from the first level of Taiyu.

And the too yin god gets after this transformation is actually red.

Yes, red god!

With the swords, the red god appeared on his palm of his hand, seeing this god, sword is unbrick.

He can feel the terrorist breath in this red god, this horror breath, I am afraid it is a road, I don't dare to ignore it?

"The second level of Taiyin Shenmine!" The sword is unparalleled and handsome, and the face has also exposed a surprise.

Taiyin Shenlei mystery, every level, the power of Taiyu God will produce a mass change.

Like now, after his Taichen God reaches the second level, the power of the Taichen God is more than ten times more than before, this will lead to his strength to rise.

"This is too yin god, strong, and fortunately, there is the Leihai auxiliary cultivation in this too much-yin traveler, otherwise I want to reach the second level, I don't know what to wait until the Year of the Moon?" Swordless Take a look around Leigh sea.

However, he also found that when the Taiyin Shenmine in his body reached the second level, the surrounding Leihai did not use much.

Next, if he wants to continue to enhance the Taiyin God, it has to rely on his ability.

Zidong also cultivated too much thunder, and he also got up to the second level, but he reached the second level, his progress stagnant, it was because this too much is nothing. "Sword is unparalleled Shook his head.

Although the Taichen Returogue has lost its role, the sword is unparalleled but does not care.

"More than two hundred years, I carefully sued in this Star Island, through the resources on Star Island, and the battle between the strong people on Star Island, my strength has been progressing with extremely amazing speeds. "

"To now, my sword heart has reached the sixth level, but also the top of the sixth level!"

"That nine days of swordsman, I also use more softeous more than before, the powerful power of the outbreak is also stronger. If you want to say, I am now the first heavy sword in the nine-day sword, the sword, the sword, no trace, has reached Successful! "

"Starhe secrets, these for more than two hundred years, I have already made a fifteenth floor, and the basic force is three times again."

"There is also this too yin god, and now I have reached the second level."

The sword has a heavy light in the bib of the sword.

"It is more than two hundred years ago, my strength is much better than before."

"Now I, all aspects have reached the top, it is difficult to make a good progress in a short time."

"That is to say, even if I give me a few hundred years or longer, my strength is afraid that I can't get a sharp step."

"The breakthrough is broken, it can improve, I am now improving to reach the extreme!"

"Next ... is also the third layer of the black tower!"

The third floor of the black tower is much more difficult than the second layer.

More than two hundred years ago, after the sword did not double the second floor, I also went to the third floor to try to pass once, and the result gap is beyond imagination.

Today, today, swords have no self-sufficient strength, and all aspects have been maximized. Now he has eligible for the third floor.

Star Island, four high black tower, stand quietly there.

On a loft roof near Black Tower, two people sat there, and there was a pair of chessboards, two people holding a black child, a white word, chess.

Star island is boring, chess, is a few a few things that can send time.

at this time……

"Well?" The look of the thin old man holding a white word suddenly moved, and his eyes immediately saw it in the direction of the black tower. "Look, isn't it the blood?"

"Blood Peak?" The other person immediately saw it, "Yes, it is him, that monster."

"I heard that he has been crazy, how can I come here today?" The thin old man is quirky, "seeing his direction, it is hard to go to the black tower?"

Speaking of this, the thin old man suddenly suddenly thought of it.

"Do he want to go to the black tower?"

"More than two hundred years ago, he passed the second floor of the Black Tower. Now, it is difficult to think about the third layer."

The two people who are thin older are immediately wonderful.

Black tower, there is a few people in weekdays, generally choose to go to the black tower, all have confidence to their own strength, think that they can try to pass the test.

Now the sword is unparalleled. Since the black tower, then it means that he can at least have a certain grasp, you can cross the third floor of the black tower.

"This, this is only for more than two hundred years. He has the third floor?" The thin old man is somewhat, but the next moment is immediately reacted, "Fast, let this matter will notice other people."

"After two hundred years, the blood peaks will reap towers, this is a big event, spread, let everyone know."

"Well, hurry."

These two people are even when they are.

Star Island, it is so big, people are so much bit.

These two people want to spread the news is too simple, just shouting in the high altitude.

With the spread of the two, only the people on the Star Island, they all know this.

For a time, the entire Star Island is instantly vibrating.

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