Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 892, the third floor!

Before the black tower, the people on the sea, the people in Star Island, nine-nine have come here.

Like the twelve days of Star Island, except for the Tianquan who has left Star Island, the rest is also coming.

Even even the five major roads of Star Island, they also arrived, but they did not appear, but hidden in the dark.

Everyone is attracted by the sword.

There is a noisy in the crowd.

"The third floor, I have left the third floor, I can leave this star, I don't know if he can't go."

"It's not allowed, this blood peak is a complete monster, more than Zidong, it is more than two years, and it has passed the second floor for two years, and the subsequent progress is still amazing, In now, it is also likely to put the third layer. "

"In any case, this blood peak is already a forever that I have ever seen. If he is all of this black tower, then we are a little hope."

Everyone is talking about it.

In the crowd, Zidong stood in parallel with the glamorous girl.

Zidong face with a smile, "I just said that this blood peak should be used for a long time, I can't take the third floor. I didn't expect him to immediately come."

"Don't be happy too early, he just goes to go, but it is not necessarily that it is really possible to get through, the third floor of the black tower is more difficult, you are clear, you work hard for so long, distance to pass the third floor There is also a great gap, although this blood peak is very high, but after all, it is too short to use, and the chance to pass is not big. "The glamorous girl is shaking his head.

"Haha, let's gamble, I am gambling blood, he will definitely go." Zidong smiled.

More than two hundred years, he has a lot of people with swords, many times, many times, and he has some understanding of the character of swords.

He is clear, if there is no treasure, the sword is not easy to go to the third floor, since it is coming, then he has passed the chance, will never be less than 50%.

On the other side, exquisite and thousands of feathers are also standing there.

"Blood Peaks must be in the past." Qian Yu is holding his hands and showing the essence.

He is the first person I know after the sword is unparalleled to Xingchen Island. The two relationships in the weekdays are nature, and he has two hundred years, because of the relationship with the sword, there is no one dare to provoke in Star Island.

He is unparalleled to the sword, but also grateful, of course, the sword is unparalleled to go.

And exquisite is also tightly looking at the top of the top, but the look is quite complicated.

She came with the sword to come to the star in the sea, and she saw the process of the sword unparalleled road growth.

Task, the sword is unparalleled to enter the starry sea, the strength is stronger than her, but it is not strong.

Can you now?

In just two hundred years, the strength of the sword has been raised to an incredible height.

And her two hundred years, on the Star Island, with the star jade, the strength is a little progress, but there is no double ratio with the sword, that the gap is really too big.

Just in the audit of everyone! A people suddenly appeared above the stairs in the black tower.

"Oh, very lively." The enchanting woman in a red dress laughed, and his eyes were overlooking.

"See the island owner!"

"Meet the Lamin Island."

Everyone in front of the black tower, and immediately greeted.

"You all come to see the third floor of the blood peak?" The Linger is a smile. "In this case, then, I will open the blood peak in the third floor space. "

When the voice fell, he saw the Liangyin Island, and the void next to her immediately appeared some ripples, and then a large mirror screen appeared on the void.

This mirror screen is the scene in the third floor space of the Black Tower.

I saw the third floor space, wearing a bloody robe, carrying the sword of the long sword, is unparalleled with the top three space, the highest level of blood, and is holding nearly 100 feet. Obviously the two have not yet Start really fighting.

The eyes of everyone under the black tower immediately brushs the image to lock on this mirror screen.

Hidden in the dark, the same, also watched the eyes.

The third floor space of the black tower.

The sword is unparalleled to stand on the ground, and it is unclear that the outside world has come to the huge vibration that happened to the third floor. He is now on the line of sight.

"The highest level of blood, the last time I played with him, he killed me two knives, but this time, it is different." The sword is unparalleled, and no longer has slightly, it is directly.

~~~ invisible swordsman

I saw a handle of blood, there was no double in the sword, and quickly combined into two feet long scarlet swords.

At the same time, the sword has also begun to skyrocket, and the blood peak sword appears in his hand.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled to adjust his status to the top peak.


A explosive, falling instantly, I saw that I was unparalleled from the sword, and a red thunder was directly plunged, integrated into the scarlet sword.

Then, the two feet long scarlet swords were straight, and they immediately disappeared.

Nine days of swords, the first heavy sword array, a sword is no trace!

Why is it called a sword?

That is because of the sword array, in the void, there will be no traces.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled to this first heavy sword array has reached a complete situation, and the sword array is noted. Naturally, there is no trace.

too fast.

Watching this battle under the black tower, in addition to a few people, most people did not see this shank's sword at all.

They can only hear a dramatic broken wind, and then see that the void before the blood of the world has been swimed out, and a space of the space is crazy and horizontally.

The horrible power, making several roads to the dark watch, and the eyes are not a contract.

And the bloody, the same is the same as a wide-thick war knife, and his attack method is also like ever violent.

In most people, there are no clear swords where there are no swords, this bloody is already a special horizontal sword.


A loud noise, hit the metal, resulting in a spark, will open.

Everyone in the appearance war was obviously perceived, after this collision, the body shape of the blood is a tremor.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled, the scarlet sword was then riped.

The scarlet sword suddenly shuttled the void, and when shuttled the void, it appeared to be very relaxed.

Just like the fish in the water, the scarlet sword once again appeared in front of the blood.

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