Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 893 Seven Steps!

call out!

The scarlet long sword broke out the horrible power, easily shuttle in the void, and fierce the bloody and the bloody.

And as the sword is unparalleled, this heavy sword is more skilled. He now manages the scarlet sword, and it is not only simple straight, and it can be roared, and even sweep.

The scarlet long sword is too fast, and it is flexible, and the bloody magic surprises it, and it is quite tasty.

"So fast!"

"too fast!"

"Not only fast, but also flexible."

Everyone in the appearance of the Black Tower, seeing a scene in the picture, couldn't help but marvel.

"The sword array of this blood peak is really terrible. When I didn't have the flexibility before, I didn't think it was, but I can improve the mastery of this sword array, the sword array has become flexible. His power of this sword array, fully reached a new level. "Zidong is amazing.

"His sword array is really good, but it is not enough to pass this third floor." Said the glamorous girl next to Zidong.

Sure enough, the blood of the scene has completely burst out.

I saw that the bloody magic was rushing, and the generous knife in the hand was connected in the way. The generous knife broke out to the power of the eternal sun, and the scarlet chief who hit the scarlet, and his body The font is that the sword is not double fast, and it will quickly rush to the front of the sword.


The bloody magic is a knife, and it is a rumor that suddenly falls like a clear sky.

Everyone in the appearance of the Black Tower saw this scene, secretly sighed, and thought that the sword was unparalleled.

After all, the strongest of swords is the sword, with the sword array, he can kill the bloody magic, but once he is treated by the sergeant ...

Task, two hundred years ago, the sword was unparalleled with Zidong! The sword was unparalleled, that is, because his sword array is true, it is easy to close by Zidong, then rush.

Now he has been treated by the sergeant magic.

Once you are close, the nine-day swords are not available, and the sword is unparalleled attack power, and naturally weakens.

However, these people don't know, the sword is unparalleled, and it is no longer more than two hundred years.

Now, he has reached the top of the sixth level of the sword. The Taiyu Shen Lei also reached the second level, the flesh is more powerful, and now he, even if he does not rely on the nine-day sword, it is enough to fight with this sergeant. .

When I saw that the bloody magic was now in front of him, and the sword was unparalleled in the hands of the sword.

The power of the blood peak sword has been urged, and the sword is unparalleled to show the fourth form of Qian Qianjun.


A big rang, the terrible roar order, the whole black tower slightly shock.

After this loud noise, the sword has no double shape, but he is not enough, but his breath is not slightly weak.


"Do you stop?"

"I didn't rely on the sword array, he actually blocked the bloody magic of the sergeant?"


Everyone who watchs is shocked.

In terms of attacks, there is a strong horizontal and terrible, unparalleled swordscent arrays.

On the defense, even if the bloody magic is close, the sword is unparalleled, can you block your front?

That battle ...

On the occasion of all people, the sword is unparalleled, and the shape is hidden in half empty, and it is divided into two.

Yes, it is divided into two.


"It's furnish!"

Under the black tower, a piece of exclamation.

The sword in the third floor space is unparalleled, and the eyes are cold, and his two major books have been taken out.

The two major respects, in the world of the world, the next edge of the world, and killing the soul, it is hand-held blood peak sword, and the sudden breath of the sky is, and it is directly to the blood of the blood.

Two big respects, the world is in the rear manipulating nine days of swordsman, and crazy hitting the blood.

The killing of this is to show swordsmanship with bloody magic.

On the battlefield, I saw a strong sword light in the battle. When I whistled in the sword, the harsh sound of the thorn sounded. It was that the two feet of the long scarlet sword rushed to shuttle, and attacked the sound of.

Both, perfectly cooperated.

Even if it is a bloody, facing these two different offensives, it also seems some wolf, and the figure is retreat.

Everyone in the Black Tower's war saw this scene and stunned.

"Blood demon, actually pressed?"

"This is the third layer of blood, the last heavy reality of the black tower is suppressed?"

"It's too strong, this blood peak, too strong, his book handles the sword array, the eyes are all smoked, and it is so terrible. The two combine, the sergeant can not resist."

"Blood Tianmine, it's defeated?"

There are countless excitement, which sounded.

Even if it is the Zidong in the crowd, it is also glanced at the eyes and looks at everything in the picture.

"This blood peak ... His strength has exceeded the category of Eternal Night, and I will definitely, even if he encounters a genuine Dao Zun, he is also good to fight against it." Zi Dong low Shen'ao.

His words did not cover up, and people around him heard, and time was assumed.

Positive, anti-lighting?

In the ancient world, the Eternal Anti-Daozun is aunt, that is a luxury!

"Is it a seventh step in the legend?" The frightened girl was muttered next to Zidong.

Step 7?

These three words are ringing in the crowd, and the entire crowd will become quiet.

Within the ancient borders, the EONNT level is only six steps.

Six Steps Yonghengyi, is divided according to the six levels of the sword, and the top of the six steps represents the highest level of Eternal.

However, in the ancient circles, there was a legend of the seventh step.

It is said that before the endless years, it was the period in which Eastern Tang Tang has not created, and the ancient world has born an incredible eternal.

This eternal, you can resist the front of the Dao Zun! The strength is strong, so that the whole of the ancient borders are shocked.

Just because his strength is too strong, it exceeds the category of Eternal Night, so some people define him to the seventh step of Eternal.

The supreme seventh step, in the ancient world from ancient times, only the person has reached.

In addition, four million years ago, the three-story test of Xingchen Island, leaving the star king of the starry sea, he also reached the seventh step.

Only this star king is too low, there is no name at all at all.

Now, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, and the same areas in the six steps of the eternal bits, and he also reached the seventh step!

This step is enough to fight against the general road!

In addition, in addition to the people of Lingyin Island, no one knows that the sword is unparalleled is just a sense of God!

Of course, although the sword is unparalleled, he is also reversible, and the reversal cannot be judged in normal realm.

Like the Lenin Island, I said that I stood the top of the top of this world, I have a tacit understanding of the reversal.

They will treat the retro repair as a higher level of cultivator.

Therefore, the retroactory of the heroes, in fact, there is no difference with the normal cultivator's eternal.


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