Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 898, my name!

"How, how is it possible?"

Although it is a sword unparalleled heart. When he saw this scene, he only felt that the woolen.

Great, all over the red scales, and the surroundings of the scales extends around and unparalleled.

At a glance, dense numbness, not exhausted, at least hundreds and even thousands of ties.

At the top of the red color body, it is a huge dark red head. This skull also spreads the scales. Only a huge huge eyes of the sun-like size, there is also an extraordinary Big mouth.

Two tentacles have two angles around the blood big mouth.

, horrible, creepy!

The shares that have been emitted from the body, enough to make the heavens and the earth are losing colors.

The most important thing is the volume of this insect beast.

This desert is too big, too big!

Since the sword is unparalleled, there are some highly beasts that have seen, even if it is the largest aim of the beast, before the huge red nest, it can only be "small".

Even even don't don't point!

This feels, it seems to be a matter of ants and elephants.

So huge islands, it turned out to be formed together.

"This is really the island?" The sword was unbeaten.

Task, before he walked in the island, he also seen the island seems to be unusual, but he did not think of it, this island, it turned out to be a living, but also a lot of volume so huge. Certificate of the worms.

The sword is unhappy and dark, and he suddenly has suddenly moved.

"It, is it?" The sword has no shocked color.

He carefully stared at this giant worm, this insect beast, gave him a feeling of recognition.

The sword has recalls quickly, and soon, he determines the identity of this worm.

"Ancient gods, ancient gods!"

The sword is unparalleled. He immediately recalls that when he just entered ancient gods, he was seriously injured, and the ancient god of the ancient gods, there was a shadow mother-in-law, it is a red red The beast gave him healing.

The sword is unparalleled and even absorbs the blood of one of them.

The scholastic blood seems to be very precious.

At that time, he gave him a worm, compared with the giant worms in front of him ... In addition to the size of the volume, there is no number of times, and there is not so much body, other aspects are actually exactly the same!

"My name, King!"

The ancient and thick voice sounded, that huge red-colored worm beasts, two of them like the sun-like huge eyes, have not seen it in the sword.

"I am with the ancient god of the monarch."

"My master, it is an ancient god of the eight star princes, Luo Zhen Wang!"

The ancient and thick voice spread, and also sounded in the sword without having a heavy ear, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Eight Star Royal Great God?" The sword was unparalleled.

The ancient goddess, determined the strength with the quantity of the four-faceted star pattern.

Like a star ancient god, the weakest, equivalent to human heroes.

Two-star ancient gods, they are equivalent to eternal.

And Samsung's ancient gods ... According to him, in the ancient goddess, one reached the Samsung level, it can be comparable to human road.

Samsung is enough to compare the human road, and the owner of this king is, it is said to be an eight-star ancient god?

Eight Star?

What levels are it comparable to human cultivators?

Moreover, it is still a royal god!

How hard is the master of this King?

"Blood Peak, you have the blood of the ancient gods, and the blood is very high, and even with a part of the royal blood, plus your own talents, can pass the trial of Star Island to become the disciple of the Star Therefore, I gave you a chance to get the owner of the owner. "

King said, but he is comparable to the huge head of the giant mountain, but suddenly low, the blood is directly opened, open the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a darkness of his blood. Golden rays are shining.

"That is?" The sword was unparalleled to see the dark golden light.

But he has not been able to see, the king's bloodspots are directly swallowed directly.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no response, and it is swallowed by this king.

The Lenin Island, who is standing next to seeing this scene, and did not stop it, his face revealed a smile of interest.

When you were swallowed directly by Kings, the sword had no sheds, and there was still no reaction. When he reacted, he found he had come to a tonal palace.

This bloody palace is equally large, enough to accommodate thousands of people, but the sword is unparalleled, but this palace is actually in the belly of King.

At this time, the sword has finally seen it clearly, and it has attracted his dark golden light, what is it.

It turned out to be a drop of dark golden blood in this blood color palace!

Yes, it is a drop of blood.

This drip is very pure, and it contains unbelievable power. Single sees the first eye of the dark golden blood, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been completely attracted, at the same time, hidden in his body The blood of the ancient gods, it is not from the beginning of the start.

Dramatic boiling, even rolling.

His gaze is even more hot, it has become extremely desired.

The sword is unparalleled from the transformation, and the first time I have this strange feel.

Although it feels very strange, the sword is unparalleled, but it is still a reason to maintain a calm.

"Is this a bloody blood?" The sword is unmainted.

"Blood peak."

The voice of the King is directly in the palace. "You see now, it is the heritage of the homage of the Mo big means to condense before the owner is dead. This dripper is related to the heritage of the master's blood."

"But the ancient people, if it is able to absorb this dripper, then slowly absorb the energy of the blood, after the end of the year, he will inevitably become a royal god, as for strength, although not completely inherited the owner Strength Eight Star Ancient God, but at least you can reach five-star, and even six stars! "

"And this kind of power does not have any constraints, after absorbing the master's blood, he still rely on his own ability to resist strength."

"Of course, the premise of achieving this is that someone can refine this dripper."


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