Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 899 Consciousness

"Inheriting the blood!"

Looking at the top of the palace, the dark golden blood, the sword is not burn.

He has the blood of the ancient gods. For him, this drip from the introduction of essence of the eight-star king ancient gods, which is indeed a great creation.

"The predecessors of the kings, I don't know how to refine this drip?" Sword is unparalleled.

"You go directly to refining, but you will be huge in the way, you will be huge, this hinders are, you try to try it." The voice of the King is in the bloody temple, "remember Live, you only have an opportunity to refine, if you fail, then you will be old. "

"Understand." The sword nodded, and then directly toward the dark golden blood near the past.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled to come to the dark golden blood.

The sword is not looked at this drip. It also looks forward, and then it will be directly covered with the dark golden blood, and it can just come into contact with the blood, immediately invisible attack. Direct action.

The sword is unparalleled.

"This is ... awareness attack?" The sword was unbounded.

This consciousness attacks, he knows how to show it, naturally is very familiar.

"Is this the obstacleness of the refining process?" The sword is unparalleled, but the spin is a concentrated god began to refine the blood.

On the way of refining, the consciousness attacks from the spermous blood is also getting stronger and stronger.

After about a tea time, the sword is unparalleled, and he is a mouth, the dark golden blood in front of him immediately narrows into his body.

"Success!" The sword also took a surprise color on the face.

"How can it be?"

The ancient

"This is impossible."

Even if it is a king, I didn't expect the sword where the sword would be so easy, and the blood left by his owner was refined.

It is indeed easy, in the process of refining, the sword is unparalleled. It is not too big to be too big, just use a tea time, and it is successful.

Despite the full doubts, the sword is unparalleled, which has been refined, this is the fact.


It's cold, the whole bloody palace began to shook crazy, and then the huge blood palace was directly spit out from the belly, and the sword in the bloody palace was unparalleled.

It is still in the stars in the sea.

Liangyu is the main color, calm standing in the void, and the huge incredible body of Kings is a circle in front, and the sword is unparalleled. It has also been away from the blood.

Just walked out of the bloody palace, the one of the kings, the same as the sun, the golden eyes, and looked directly to him.

"Blood Peak, I ask you, is you a secret motley that can improve your consciousness?" Asked the king.

"The secret of improving consciousness?" The sword was unparalleled, and the head of the next consciousness.

The secret of awareness attack, he is cultivated, but it is used to enhance the secret of its consciousness, he does not say cultivation, and he has never heard of it.

"It is impossible, absolutely impossible."

Kings, smashing, sound shock, "The awareness of the sense of essence, although it is different from person to person, the higher the realm, the stronger the consciousness is also, but you are a rebellion of a natural level. It is equivalent to normal eternal, then you are impacted, it should also be unparalleled, even if it is a genuine high-cost road, it may not be able to block. "

"But you ... not only blocked, but the resistance is that it is easy, that consciousness does not seem to have a little impact on you."

"You can do this, your consciousness, absolutely unusually horizontal, even more than the vast majority of Dao."

"A God, if there is no cultural secret, how can the sense of consciousness be strong?"

"You must have cultivated this secret, think about it."

The voice of the king is extremely lighter.

King, the first thing to follow him, the eight-star king ancient gods in the ancient gods, and see nature.

He can conclude that the sword is unparalleled.

Otherwise, it is impossible to refine the blood left by his owner.

When I heard the king, the sword was unparalleled but frowned.

Can you improve the secret of consciousness?

He did not get into contact with it.

But the king is so sure, is it ...

The sword is unbolded to immediately think of a possibility.

"Wan Dao Jing!" The sword is unparalleled.

Wan Daojing, was that he went to his teacher to Zun Xuan and became his pro-disciple, and Xuan Yi Palace was handed over to him.

At that time, Xuanyi did not say that this 10,000 ways have a specific role. It is only very unique to 10,000 channels. He will have a lot to him in the future.

The sword is unparalleled to the secret, and it has always been very confused.

Before the ancient god group, he saw that the people of the ancient gods as a family, he had doubt that Wan Dao has changed his soul atmosphere.

I came to see Xuan Yi, I have been negated by Xuan.

And now ...

"Mo, Wan Dao is not my soul atmosphere, but my consciousness?" The sword was unparalleled.

Of course, this is just his guess, he can't affirm it.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled. "Seniors, the princes, I used to practice a very special secret, but the effect of the secret surgery is not clear, I only know the secret Surgery, not as common. "

"Hey, it is definitely." The king nodded very certain, "How long does you live? Even if you experience the heavy rain, a lot of experience, awareness is not possible to be strong, inevitably cultivating The secret surgery such as lifting consciousness. "

"And that can improve the secret surgery of consciousness, and there is very rare room in this world, of course, extraordinary!"

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, this matter, he can only wait for the stars, and then send it to his teacher.

"Well, no matter what to say, you have already refined the master's blood, start today, you are the inheritor of my owner." The voice of the king is magnificent, bringing a tone, and then his eyes again The sword has not seen it.

"Blood Peak, give your ancient blood, give me a drop." King said.

"The blood of the ancient gods?" The sword was unparalleled.

Every ancient god, all have his own ancient scholarship, sword is unparalleled naturally, although it is unclear what this king wants his ancient heroes, but the sword is not hesitant, and immediately took a drop. His ancient blood came, handed over to Kings.

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