Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 900 Thousands of Months

After getting the sword unparalleled ancient scholars, the king's pair of huge eyes, no complicated, the sword was unparalleled, and then saw the huge body of the King, filled out a smozymost secret .

These secret printers, each of them has a feeling of unparalleled swords.

Many secret printed covers the king of the king, followed by the King of King, swallow the sword unparalleled ancient spermous blood.

"Kid, you are ready."

The voice of the King said, the voice falls, his huge body, under his huge head lead, directly in the sword, no double rumor, fast, do not give swords without having a double response time The huge body is already in the sword.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but the bones of the king hit him, but did not bring any impact to him, but directly into his body.

"This this……"

The sword is unparalleled, and some don't know what it is in front of it.

He looked at the hugeness of the king, but he did not have any way.

After short film, the bones of the bones were screwed to form a giant island, and they had complete disappeared.

On the right hand arm in the sword, it is a wonderful and complex red secret pattern.

"Blood Peak." The thick voice sounded directly in the sword.

"The predecessors of the king, are you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"From now on, you are my new owner, there is no need to call my predecessor again, I will call me king." The King said, the tone is obviously more and good.

"New owner? What is going on?" The sword is not unbound yet.

"I have said before telling you, I am a thousand!".

"Wang Yue, is the name of my group."

Kings began to explain.

"My ethnic group, called it as the moon, and the moon is called the moon insects by human cultivator!"

"Wang Yue, with the ancient gods, only relying on the blood of the ancient gods to survive, grow, you can understand the moon as the beast of the ancient god!"

"In short, Wang Yue family, from birth, serving the ancient gods, for the ancient gods, Wang Yue, is also the most important partner in their peace of mind."

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and I immediately remembered that he was in ancient gods. In many ancient gods, he would see a worm beast with the king, just a lot of volume, those ancient gods will These worm beasts are regarded as a brother.

"I started from birth, I followed the owner Luo Zhen Wang, relying on the host's blood, the master's strength continues to improve, I have also grow up, the master will become the top eight star ancient gods, and I naturally Also grow up to the month of the peak! "

"It can be later, the owner encounters the crisis directly falling. I took his inheritance and escaped. I found a suitable inheritor for him. However, because I didn't have the relationship between the ancient gods, I didn't survive, so I only Can come to this star sea. "

"Star Muhai, is the founder of Stars, leaving the great means he left here, I can barely survive, and this survival can only be turned into a state of the island, it is easy to move."

"Once you move, even if it is only moving, my life will weaken again."

"I have waited for a long time, I finally waited for you to have an ancient people, but you just just a God ..."

"There is a god of the district. I didn't think you can refine the blood of the owner. I have to have a big action in my belly, even giving you a chance to try to refine, I have to have a big action. The life has a huge loss, so I wanted to persuade you to give up. "

"I didn't expect that you conscious this strong, actually succeeded?"

Speaking of this, the voice of Kings is obviously a bit surprise.

"The master's heritage is younify, you are the heritage of the owner, the mission of the owner gives me, I have completed it, I have to find a new ancient god, relying on his blood of his ancient god. It's only to survive, and your owner's inheritor, naturally it is not letting. "

"So, from today, you are my new owner, I will be parasitic in your body, relying on your ancient blood survival."

"Is this?" Listening to King said, the sword is unparalleled secretly, the bottom is also.

Wang Yue is a parasitic beast that relies on the blood of the ancient god.

This king, before, because there is no ancient god to give him an attachment, so he can only turn into an island, with the peak of the starry sea, is barely live.

Now I have become the inheritor of the Luo Zhenwang, and the king mission is completed, so I recognize him, and the blood survived by his ancient god.

After understanding these, the sword is unparalleled but not hilarious.

This king recognizes that he is the mainstay, but there is no consent of his consent.

And I think of such a big worm, will be parasitic in his body in the future, the sword is not born with a fashionable feeling.

The sword is unparalleled, asking a few questions, such as how to exchange things like him in the future.

After all, the sword is unparalleled can only be helplessly accepting the facts of the king.

At this time, there was a Lien Lord who was standing quietly near the quiet and quietly looked at him.

"Blood peak, congratulations."

Lenin Island Lord looked at the sword and parallel, she has always been here, all she just happened in the eyes.

"I have taken you before, just because you have an ancient blood, so let you try it, you can't think of it, you can really get the treasure, this machine, ... Liangyin Island is praised.

The sword is also slightly smile.

Despite the recognition of the King, there is a little unknown of the sword, but he got the heritage of the eight-star king ancient gods, which is indeed a great creation.

"Well, the three machines, I have already given you, next, you can leave this starry sea." Lingyin Island said.

You can hear this, the sword is unbeded, but it is slightly wrinkled, and I asked: "Lien Island, I am in Star Island, there is one or two friends, I don't know if I can ..."

The sword is unparalleled, but has not been completely finished, but it has been interrupted by Lagin Island.

"I know what you have to say, I am sorry, the rule of this starry sea is the founder of the Stars, even if I can't change it, so the people on Star Island, I want to leave. Here, you must have a disciple of the black tower to become a disciple of the Stars. If you can't reach this request, you can only be trapped in Star Island. "

Linger Island's main voice seems to be a little shortcoming.

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