Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 901 before leaving

When I heard the words of Liangyin Island, the sword was not double-collected.

At Star Island, he really has a few friends.

Like exquisite, it is to come with him to come to the stars, and it is also a person who has experienced life and death.

There is also a thousand feathers and Zidong, and Qian Yu is very good. Zidong often comes to fight against him, and he has also given him a lot of help.

If it is, the sword is unparalleled, I hope to bring these three people.

Obviously, the rules of Star Island are not easy to break it easily.

"Of course, if you really want to bring them to leave, it is not a way, but that way, it is a bit difficult to come to you." Liangyin Island suddenly laughed.

"What are you talking about the fourth black tower?" The sword did not have a double eyeliner.

There are four black towers on Star Island.

The top three respectively correspond to the test of God, Eternal, and Zunyi, and the last black tower has always been a mystery.

The Star Island has also been circulated, saying that through the test of the fourth black tower, you can truly control the entire star sea.

"About the fourth black tower, the message circulated on Star Island is not wrong, the black tower is the ultimate test of Star Island." Liangyin Island said, "I also said before, before passing Three black tower testing people can become ordinary disciples of Stars, but just ordinary disciples. "

"Can be the fourth black tower ..."

"The founder of the Star is set to the rules, but those who can pass the fourth black tower of Star Island can become a disciple of Xingchen Palace, enter the main star."

"At the same time, he can also control the whole star sea, but everything is in the sea, and the Star Island is natural."

"If you can get the fourth black tower in the future, become a disciple into the main star Chen, the person on the Star Island is going to stay, there is between your thoughts."

"I understand." The sword didn't have a little bit slightly, then I later asked: "The fourth black tower is a test for what level?"

"This, the threshold is definitely very high. At least you are still far away. Therefore, you are still in the old man to practice, wait for the future strength to improve, in your body, the king will naturally tell you. Liangyin is laughing.

"Is it still far away?" The sword was unparalleled, but he helpless.

After all, he is too young, cultivated to the present, not enough for the millennium, can achieve this step, it is already incredible.

As for the threshold of the fourth black tower, he can't get it now, but it will not be almost.

"No matter what to say, at least I have a little hope to bring them out." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, there is something."

The sword has once again seen the Lord Lord, "More than two hundred years ago, there were four people in this star in this star in this star, of which the water was killed, and it was died in front of me. With me, I wandered to Xingchen Island, but there is one person, that nine sins, I don't know the Linger Island, you know what he is down now? "

"When I came to you?" Liangyin's main eyebrows, , "I only pressed the Star Island, but the situation in the fog sea, but I didn't pay attention to me, so I didn't know that I came together. The people named ninth crime now, but this has been over for more than two hundred years. Since he has not drifted to Star Island, that is already dead. "

"Did you die?" The sword was unbolded, but he could only secretly sigh.

At the beginning, he and the three sins, exquisite, and the three people in Shujin came to the stars in the sea, but now they lived on the exquisite people.

And the exquisite can't get the test of the Tower, and there will be a long time in the future, and even in the lives are trapped on the Star Island, but he, the talents are high enough, and the luck is good, there is a chance to leave.

In the four people, it can be said that he is the luckiest one.

"Do you have anything to ask?" Liangyin Island is negative, which is very patient.

"Nothing to ask, but before leaving the starry sea, I want to return to Xingchen Island, where I have something to do, I don't know if it can be?" The sword didn't have a double.

"This is ok." Lingyin Island nodded slightly, "but arrived on Star Island, including leaving the star sea to the outside world, you don't have to leak any information about the Stars and Star Island, no matter who they see. "

"I will lay a heavy ban in your body. Once it is contrary, the ban will trigger it immediately unless there is more existence than me, otherwise you only have a dead road."

After that, the Lingyao Lord waved his hand, and immediately became a red ray.

In front of the Lenin Island, the sword has no resistance to the ability, can only look at this red ray without entering his body.

"Is it a ban?" The sword was unparalleled.

Before he entered the starry sea, he was also banned by the cold emperor, and now I have to leave the stars, and I have been planted.

"Okay, go."

The Lingyin Island is light, and in front of the sword, there is an air insect hole in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the spatial worm hole is quickly returned to the Star Island.

Star Island, the sword is unparalleled, but when the face of everyone, I have passed the third floor of the Black Tower. When he passed, the entire Star Island thoroughly shocked.

Numerous strong people on Star Island are excited.

After all, the stars fog sea existed so long years, but only one person left here before, this chance is too low.

Low, people on Star Island can't see anything.

Many people are desperate.

It can now be seen that the sword is unparalleled, and the one in the heart hopes to be re-burned.

Blood peaks can pass the third floor, why can't I?

This idea has been found in the bottom of all people.

Before the black tower, everyone has been waiting for the emergence of swords, but I have been in a long time. The sword is unparalleled. Everyone understands that the sword is unparalleled, and the Sword is mainly left. It is possible to leave the starry sea, which can only be scattered one by one.

The sword is unparalleled in the courtyard living in Star Island.

It is unlucky with the sword without a double relationship, Zidong, and thousands of people gather here, while sitting in them is being central, it is the sword.

"Blood and peak, congratulations." Zidong's eyes looked at the sword unparalleled, the eyes were deep, and there was also an envy.

Before the sword is unparalleled, he is the closest person of this Star Island. Can you think that the sword is unparalleled, only more than two hundred years of time, it is completely surpassing him, even He was first stepped through the third floor.


PS: Brothers, Merry Christmas!

The last time I said, it should be in the next month. It is still the No. 2 or No. 9 is still uncertain. Anyway, it is definitely what is not too much, and it is estimated that it is more than ten chapters. Everyone should look at it. Be

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