Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 904, Wang Yue,

Above the void, the sword is unparalleled in front of the front, and the king is talking to the King.

The sword is unparalleled to the king of the king, and there are also many doubts, and naturally want to figure out.

"What is the ability of King, Wang Yue family?" The sword didn't ask.

"Wang Yue family, the strongest is the ability to recover." The king did not reserve the explanation to the sword.

"The recovery ability of Wang Yue, many races in this world, including those special blood races and some of the alien ethnic groups, are enough to take the top three."

"This kind of recovery ability is not only the injury to the flesh, but it can even recover a consciousness and even the wounds received by the soul. The most important thing is that it can also greatly accelerate the reply."

"The stronger the strength of the moon, the higher the level, the stronger this recovery ability."

"Can you speed up your spiritual power?" The sword is not a double.

Before he was in the ancient monk, he only knew that the moon could be treated with people, but did not know that the moon can also speed up the spiritual power of the people.

The sword is unparalleled, and the speed of recovery is very fast. If you add this terrible recovery ability of Wang Yue, then he will kill in the future, isn't it worried that the spiritual power consumption is too much?

"In addition to the ability to recover, the moon family, there is also fighting ability, but this kind of combat ability is not too strong, of course, if the moon can grow up, become a thousand feet, and reach the peak period, then it will be awakened Some of the secrets in the blood, together with the ancient gods, will be extremely strong. "King said.

"Thousands of months in the peak period? Are you not?" The sword was unparalleled to show a smile and asked: "Dai Wang, should you awakened these secrets?"

"I am awakened." The King admitted that "I woke up these secrets, but now, I can't show it."

"No way to show, why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have said to you before, Wang Yue is attached to the ancient gods, the ability of the moon, to a large extent, all depends on his master." King king began to say.

"Like me, I really grow to the month of the peak period, if my previous owner is still, I am attached to him, then I can explode the strength of the peak, whether it is a recovery ability, or the combatability, very tyrannical."

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled. I can't think of this huge volume of this king.

Although it is unclear that the recovery capacity of the King King is so strong, but the battle ability, the light is to see the huge volume, the sword is unparalleled, you can imagine how terrible in the peak period.

"However, when I recognize you, I choose to attach it to you, because of your relationship, my ability will greatly weaken. After all, you ... just a distant ancient god!" The King said.

The sword is unparalleled.

A star of the ancient god, is the lowest level of the ancient god, is indeed the weakest existence of the ancient god.

Just because of his relationship, it has caused the ability of the King, and it is greatly weakened?

"The district is an ancient god, in the ancient gods is the top of the bottom, I am attached to you, I naturally weakened to the bottom of the valley."

"Don't mention the ability to restore, just say that the combat ability, now I can only force the weaker Dao Zun with human beings, I have encountered a little more powerful, I will not, This is still because I used the old owner to have so many big wind waves, and awakened the relationship between the murderous secrets. Otherwise ... even if there are some top of the eternal, I may not be an opponent. "Said that King said this. The tone is clearly complained.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

What horror is that the king of the peak period.

Light of the huge volume, it is enough to scare a lot of villagers of the ancient times.

Before the sword did not double knew that when he recognized him, he or more surprised him. After all, the strength of the King is in that, if it encounters the crisis, he can let the king shot.

But now, he learned that the strength of the King is affected by him, only to barely compare the weakest kindrs of human beings, and it is inevitable to be some disappointed.

"Nor well, the at least one is also a helper of a strong power, and the recovery ability of Kings is also a great help to me." The sword was unhappy.

"For the king, you have previously the master's blood, now in my body, how should I absorb?" The sword didn't ask.

"It's very simple, spending a lot of time, slowly absorbing the power of transforming blood, is it." King replied.

"Only this way? Don't you speed up the speed? For example, I will directly absorb it directly?" The sword was unpaired.

"Oh, if you are a long life, you can choose to do this." The king smiled, "the sword is unparalleled, you don't forget, you are just a one-star ancient god, even if it breaks the past, it is only a second star ancient god Hierarchy, while the owner leaves the heritage of hemorrhage, how horror is contained? "

"Do you want to force an absorption?"

"I tell you, if you do this, don't say if you can survive in the anti-flucturn of this energy, it is so large, it is impossible to absorb all you are absorbed, of which Jiu Yes is It will be wasted directly, this is equal to the whispering blood of the owner. "

"If you dare to do this, I am the first to spare you."

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He is just curious, but did not expect the result.

"The master left the heritage, if you will continue to absorb if you will spend a long time, with your talent, I can guarantee, one million years, you will inevitably become the top power, may not meet the owner before the master Hierarchy, but becoming a hegemony, but it is more than enough. "

"As for the force of absorbing the blood of the drip, it will do what I will do."

"Of course, there is a situation that can be swallowed in one time." Yu Wang suddenly said.

"What is the situation?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You must abandon everything, it is possible to win the bureau of the first-line vitality!" The king opened, and the sound was powerful.

And I heard this, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a shock.

Just then, a noisy voice suddenly passed from the front flight.


The sword is not a double brow, and the face is also revealing a touch of smile.

Subsequently, he was the source of the sound directly toward the sound, and the past was pulled.


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