Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 905 Blood Jacket

The vast void, a large number of people, is slow to move forward.

Most of this team is composed of some people who are incomparable to the blood-tonal armor. There are about 100 people.

And this hundred wear a bloody talents, with dozens of young men and women gathered together.

"hurry up!"

"Haha, give me hurry!"

"Hey! Hey!"

The whip is tapped directly, and those who wearing a bloody armor, the head of the headed head man is facing the color, and the hand is scratching the same whip like a snake.



The vocal crying, low mince, spread from those young men and women.

There are people in the crowd.

A teenager wrapped in a broken old beast is tightly holding a girl, this is a lot of age, but the breath has reached the hero level.

Within the ancient times, there is a great cultivation environment, the genius natural count, this teenager is one of them.

"Xiao Ying."

The teenager holds the girl, the dirty face is very bright, there is a desire, the desire to live, he shouted, "My brother will let you live, will be."

The girl is slightly fiddling.

"Brother, will we die?" The girl whispered: "They are blood jackets, I heard that people who are captured by the blood jackets, there is no necessity to be able to live."

The boy is also white.

Blood jacket, is this territory, one sense of one, one sense.

Blood jackets and cultivate disciples, only one, then search for those young people who have some potential in the territory, then kill all the loved ones, and then forced to teach.

After that, these young people will experience a bloody baptism of blood jacket.

It is said that it is a bloody baptism. In fact, it is a knockout. In the ten young people, I have eliminated nine. I only select the best disciple into blood jackets, and the means is incomparable.

However, although the means cruel, the cultivated disciples are indeed good, and the blood jackets are also constantly growing in this cruel disciples. Now in this territory, it is also enough to take the top five great power. .

Their leader is a strong force that is unparalleled, standing at the top of the eternal bodily, I heard that he is also good in relation to the only two roads in this territory.

Therefore, even if the blood jackets have been distressed in the past many years, no one will come to deal with them.

"Xiao Ying, you can rest assured, my brother will definitely protect you." The girl hit the girl tightly, and the corner of the eye came out of tears.

It is at this time ...


A figure, suddenly appeared in the top of the crowd, so that the blood jackets that wearing a bloody armor, they immediately stopped.

"Who, dare to block my blood jacket?"

For the head man holding a whip, looked up, and the mouth was also a cold voice.

Blood jacket, in this territory, it has been habitually habiting, and their blood jackets are going out, nature is also horing.

"Blood Jackets?" The sword was unparalleled, but he was very unfamiliar, but he looked at the expression of those young people in their eyes.

"It seems to be some kind of champion, but these people have just so bright, even directly exploding their lives, it seems that the blood jacket, should be quite strong." The sword is unparalleled One sentence, then it is lifted up.

"I will ask you to ask a road, I hope you can answer it immediately." The sword has no double sound.

"Ask for directions?"

The bald man immediately smiled, "Hey, in this territory, people who dare to ask my blood jackets, you are still the first, the guts can be really unsained, see you, age seems not big, but since it already I have reached the level of eternal, I think it is a genius. In this case, I will catch it back. "

"Brothers, on!"

The bald man told the blood jacket to teach the people next to him, most of the exciting light, one of the trips, the next thing is straight to the sword.

The sword is unblocked in the cold, and there is an invisible sword in front of him. These swords are very small, but they have a good potential.

As the sword didn't have a double, these swords shadings immediately screamed.

The speed is like lightning.

Now the sword is unparalleled, the power has reached the legendary steps, even if you encounter the truth of the goods, you can fight, you must deal with these people just the people of God or ordinary eternal, It is too easy.

I saw these swords and shadows quickly passed through the void, and they didn't give those people who were taught to be struggled. They wore a hole in these people.

Just instantly kung fu, nearly 100 blood jackets in this team, except for the bald man headed, the rest have been all killed.

The young men and women gathered together in the team, but they did not destructive.

"This, this ..." The bald man has been scared at this moment.

Even if he is stupid, he also understands that he encounters the true power, or the top of the top of the top countless times.

"Big, adults, what is the problem, I know, I must know all." The bald man immediately squatted down, and he looked at the sword unparalleled.

"I ask you, here is the territory?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Here is the barni area." The head of the head replied.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately took out the star map and carefully cultivated.

"Babi, here!" The sword is unparalleled to one place.

The bar snake domain is indeed near the starry sea, but it is very far away from the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

"I started from the Babi area. If I gave my own feet, I wanted to arrive at East Tang Datang without a hundred years. It seems that I can only go to the void of the temple." Sword There is no macro, and the radius will continue to ask: "You can know how to have a palace in the void temple near this barland?"

"Void Temple? What is the Hall of the Hall?" The head man is a confusion.

"You don't know?" The sword was unparalleled, but the spin is also.

The bald man is just a district four steps, and there is no longer left this barland to go to the outside world. I don't know that the void Temple is also normal.

"Adults, I don't know what the Void Temple is, but my family has seen a lot of knowledge, and even the two of the Pakistani domain have a situation. He must know what." The head of the head.

"Do you teach the master?"

The sword is not a double eyebrow, and the corner of the mouth also reveals a cold smile.


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