Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 906 raises hands

"You, take a picture with me."

The sword has overlooks the bald man who is in front of him, and then the young men and women have glanced at the young men, saying: "As for you, where, go back, be careful, you can have caught it. "

The voice falls, the sword is unparalleled, and the head is directly left, only those young men and women and the corpses are still standing there.

"Dead, my brother, the devil of these blood jackets is dead." The girl held by his brother.

"Yes, they are all dead." That is wrapped in the beast, the dirty teenager is released, "It is just that person, the adult, kill these devils."

"When you raise your hands, you will kill all the demon of these blood jackets. It is the real top top, and look at him. It seems that you have to find the troubles of the blood jacket."

"Blood jacket teaches the master, the devil?" The little girl smashed his eyes.

"I hope that the adult can really kill the devil." The dirty teenager holds his hands, then picked up the girl, "Xiao Ying, walk, we hurry."

Soon, these young men and women who were saved by swords were separated.

They thought that they had entered the blood jacket, they had no living, but they were lucky, just met the swords.


The sword is unparalleled, and the bald man who teaches the blood jacket, according to the guidelines of the bald man, head towards the blood jacket.

On the way, the sword has also asked some basic situations of the blood jacket, and I also learned the strength of the blood jacket.

"Six steps Eternal Heights?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled. He did not care.

For now, as long as the other party is not aunt, it is not enough to pay him.

"Adults, arrived." The head man is panicked.

The sword is unparalleled, and the huge canyon is looking at the huge canyon in front of the canyon. Some of the existence of some temples, and the whole canyon is in a flexible blood, obvious. It is the old nest of a forces.

"This is the old nest of the blood jacket, and there is a guard, but unfortunately, this guild is able to stop the general eternal premises." The sword is unparalleled and smiled. .


A sharp sword has passed from the head man's neck, and the head is killed.

The bald man also had a lucky one before, and thought that he would only need to follow the sword unparalleled instructions. Unfortunately, when the sword did not double knew that blood jackets were in the exercise style, and saw this bald man directly treated those When the scene of the young men and women, the sword was unparalleled. I didn't plan to leave him.

After killing the bald man, the sword has no double body shape, it is already floating in the blood jacket.

Just appeared above the gorge, the sword was not double touched the bloody clothes, and the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was brushed, and it was easy to draw on this guard. A mouth, the sword is unbolded, and it is immediately plunged into it.

Blood jacket, the most central, one of the temples.

"Three months, will carry out the next blood color baptism, what you need is ready? There are also those little guys, how are you?" Blood jacket teaches the teacher, a bloody robes, a eyebrow The young man in the bloody sword mark is cold and cold.

At him, it is a lot of high-rise, some elders exist.

at this time……


The blood jacket teacher and the high-rise strong look of blood jackets are all moving. They all have clearly induced that the guards are torn out of the mouth.

"Some people come in." A senior old station got up, but he didn't wait for them to respond.


A body shape is like a ghosts in this temple.

Bloody jacket teaches the master, and everyone in the temple is also brushing to come over.

"You, is it a blood jacket teacher?" The sword was unparalleled and looked at the top of the top of the temple.

"Who are you?" The main color of the blood jacket became gloomy, he was able to detect the sword in front of him, unusual.

And so easy to tear the blood jacket and teach the guards. Even if it is not a respect, it will inevitably stand in the top existence in the eternal bodies. This existence, the blood jacket is easy to unwilling to provoke of.

"I don't have to know anyone, I am here, just want to ask things, the way will also be cleaned here." The sword is unparalleled, but the body shape is out of the body.

"not good!"

"court death!"

"kill him!"

The blood jacket in the temple teaches everyone to see the sword where there is no double shot, and immediately walked, and it took directly.

However, this group of this group is only in front of the sword, and there is only a slaughtered.

I just didn't take a moment, this bloody temple was completely quiet.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood jacket teaches the main head.

"The Hall of the Temple of Vachair is, it is not far from this blood jacket." The sword was unhappy smiled. He has learned the answer from the blood jacket, so he will leave.

When he left, he didn't he hesitate to shoot directly, and smashed the old nest of the blood jacket into two halves.

"The sword is unparalleled, this blood jacket is not having any hanged, and the blood jacket teaches the teacher, and you will be able to kill him, and even give this blood jacket. To know? This blood jacket teaches the master, and the two roads related to this territory are good? "The voice of the King is ringing in the sword.

"Blood jackets in this territorial smell, their way of doing, is also extremely vicious, such a zone, it is destroyed, anyway, it is the hard work." The sword has no double.

"It seems that you still have a sense of justice, but I have to remind you that in this world, if you want to live longer, some unnecessary troubles, as long as you don't accept it, you can not provoke, or not Good. "The king low Shen said," My previous owner Luo Zhen Wang is because of the troubles that have nothing to do with themselves, will be fallen. "

"Oh?" The sword didn't have a double look, but he was a little bit, "Don't worry, if I even even this point is not, how can I go today?"

"That's good." The king should be said, no more.

After leaving the blood jacket, the sword is unparalleled to the Hall of the Hall of the Hall, and then, I took out the honorable host of his master's brother, opened the spatial insect hole directly to East Tang Dynasty.

With space insect caves, very fast, swords have returned to the territory of Eastern Tang Dynasty.

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