East Tang Dynasty, Huangcheng.

As the capital of Eastern Tang Tang, this imperial city is very large, and its inner mountain people are very prosperous.

"finally came back."

The sword is unparalleled in the center of the street, breathing air, but the mood is abnormal.

More than two hundred years ago, he received a hell-level mission with the four three-clawed, exquisite, and the Shujin, and the Shuqi, who went to know that the starry sea of ​​the nine dead life, and the result is more than two hundred years later, only him One person, I went out from the starry sea.

"For more than two hundred years, I don't know how the ice bones in the frost body is?" The sword has a worry.

But then ...

"Well?" The sword suddenly moved suddenly, he had found that the atmosphere in this emperor is a matter of unusual.

I saw the royal street, and a team team wearing a golden armor is everywhere. At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and a lot of sturdy and strong breath is hidden in the dark.

"Alert this Semson?" The sword was unbrick.

More than two hundred years ago, he also came to this emperor. At that time, although this emperor was also guarded, it was far more than now.

And the sword is unparalleled, the number of strong people in this Imperial city is much more than before.

"What happened?" The sword was unparalleled, but immediately took out a message.

This is a mess, which is Wang Yuan.

"Wang Yuan is old, I am back."

The sword is very simple, but only a moment, there is a response.

"Haha, old three, you can finally come back, more than two hundred years, I am worried about death, I am worried, I have a lot of thin." Wang Yuan is very happy.

"You will blow, I see you getting fatter." The sword is unparalleled with Wang Yuan, and I will ask: "Dao Yuan, the time, the emperor, is there anything happened? "

"Do you know?" Wang Yuan smiled, "In fact, there is nothing, it is three years later, there will be a conference in the conference."

"The conference?" The sword has no double one, the next consciousness is muttered: "What is the conference? Who is it?"

"Of course, the princess of Eastern Tang Tang is asking for the frost, and whoever, the conference will attract so many people." Wang Yuan said.

You can hear this, but the sword is not double-finished.

A conference?

The conference of the conference of the frost?

He is exhausted, wearing a risk of almost killing, going to the starry sea to replace the frost, find that can inhibit toxicity.

After the death of the nine deaths, he took the yin and Yang dragon and phoenix fruit.

Can be cold as frost, but there is still a mood?

"Cold as frost ..." The sword has no double eyed, but the next moment is stretched, "it is wrong, with the sex of the frost, even if there is no ice spontaries in the body, she will never do anything to the conference What's more, she has a honesty, and it will not be alive. "

"As soon as this, this admiration will be the first hand of the cold emperor."

Thinking of this, the sword is not a palm of the palm of the palm, followed: "Wang Yuan is old, I will go to you now."

"Good." Wang Yuan should have a sound.

Soon, the sword is free to come directly to the house living in Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan, now is the chief alchemist of the Eastern Tang Royal Tang Royal Royal Remnant, and it has a huge house living in this imperial city.

Dimming room, this secret room surrounds a heavy ban, preventing someone from falling, or listening to the conversation.

In the room, only the sword is unparalleled with the two people sitting together.

"Haha, I will know, the star is in the sea, it is difficult for you."

Wang Yuan took a shot to looked at the sword. The sword was unparalleled. During this time after the stars, he did worry, until now, there is no double living life in front of him, his heart is completely put.

"Wang Yuan Lao Da, tell me what the abscision conference." The sword is unparalleled but there is no hard work. "

"The situation of cold as frost, we are all clear, if I can't get the yin and Yang Dragonfly fruit, let you refine the big purple Dan, she is almost three hundred years, but now has been over for more than two hundred years. That is to say, she can only live a hundred years of time, at this time, what is the conference? "

The sword is unparalleled.

Everyone is going to be there. At this time, the cold emperor has a mood for the creation of the cream. What is the conference?

"The conference? Hehe ~~" Wang Yuan smiled and smiled, "The third year, this absisson conference, in fact, it is the mainland of Eastern Tang Tang and Xiajiao!"

"Marriage? Eastern Tang Dynasty and Xiajiao?" The sword was unbolded.

As early as the Zihinia island, the sword has been listened to Na Lin, and the big master of Xia is has already been recognized by the outside of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

However, it is just that someone thinks, after all, there is no truly realistic.

Can now marriage ...

"Cold as frost agrees?" The sword asked without a double.

This problem is significant.

If the cold as the frost agrees, that is, she is willing, then this marriage can not stop, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no qualification.

It can be different if you don't agree.

"Agree?" Wang Yuan smiled faintly. "If it is as cold as frost, it is not a conference, but it is not a conference, but directly holds a marriage meeting."

"But it is also surprising, according to the news I got in the palace, the cold emperor has begun to put forward the marriage meeting to the cold as frost, and the frost is directly refused, but later the cold emperor puts forward the conference, but the frost is There is no opposition. "

"The old three, you should know that the big master of Xia is always called the first day of the ancient circles, and the first Yongsheng, it is indeed a proud day!" Wang Yuan said with a smile.

"In the eyes of everyone, only he can match the frost, and in the conference of the conference, who can compete better than him?"

"So, almost everyone believes that the unconventional meeting with the marriage meeting, there is no difference, anyway, the final result, cold as frost will marry Xia Zi's big master."

"Of course, this result is those who don't know how to exist in the third, if the old three, you will also participate in the unsatisfactory conference, then the result is not necessarily."

Speaking of this, Wang Yuan paused, and his eyes did not look at it.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and looks to an abnormal weird.

He heard what Wang Yuan said.

"Reject marriage, but did not refuse to abscein the conference?"

"Why don't you refuse?"

"She is hoping that someone can be able to defeat the Xia Gongzi, then to marry her?"

"Who is the person she hopes, who?"

"Will it be me?"


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