After giving the dragon and yin yang fruit, I was given to Wang Yuan, and the sword immediately found the intercity room and started a closed door.

Within the secret room, the sword is sitting there, and the face is sitting there, but the face is abnormally lighter.

"Three years later, the monk conference was held, I would like to conflict with Xia Ejin even positively with the cold emperor, how will the ending will not be expected, I am born to die, but I will be held before the Site conference, I Every effort is improved, and my relief will come one more. "

"And now the urgency, it is the immediate breakthrough to meet the eternal!" The sword is unparalleled.

Originally he didn't have an urgent breakthrough, but now everything is different.

After all, he is only three years of preparation time.

Three years later, he had to face, perhaps the cold emperor and the three majors of Xia Ezang.

"Start." The sword was unparalleled to close his eyes and then started to save the spirit.

The sword has reached a breakthrough requirement, the way of the world, the killing of killing has already enlisted ninexard.

All aspects are already ready, then he is going to do, it is the heavy bottleneck in the vitality.

In-room, time lapse.

At the same time as the sword is unparalleled, the Eastern Tang Tang's palace is deep.

A completely banned courtyard is a place where the frost is living.

In the garden, it is as quiet as a frost, as always, the indifference, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

However, compared more than two hundred years ago, the face of cold as frost is obviously a lot.

At this time ... a beautiful enchanting figure, slowly came over.

"Meet it."

Those maids in the garden, immediately compiled, as for the cold, frost, indifferent.

"You are all refused." The cold emperor waved the sleeves, and those maids left.

The whole garden, only the cold emperor and the cold mother and female.

"In the past three years, the conference will start, the royal room, what you want to prepare, it is already ready, it is worse." The cold emperor is equally cold, watching cold as frost.

"I am not ready, isn't it all?" Cold as cream.

The cold emperor is slightly coagged, low Shen: "As early as Millennium, you should have married Xiakou, I have tolerate you millennium, it is not bad, let alone me now I don't force you to marry Xiajiao Instead, for you to hold an appearance conference, please choose the best young young Jun to do your husband, what else is you not satisfied? "

"I am not satisfied, I just hope that in the conference of the appearance, my mother can really choose the husband in accordance with the rules of the conference." Cold as frost. "

"A nonsense, the conference will invite all parties to the people of the ancient circles to come. In the face of so many people, this seat will be on the back of the El. I am afraid that in the contest, the last win, or the Xiajia When you arrive, don't marry. "The cold emperor came over.

"Reassured, as long as he really has the matter to appear in the conference, I will marry him." Cold as frost said.

"Very good." The cold emperor nodded slightly, but the sound became soft, "Frost, mother is also good for you, Xia Ezu, no matter what people, appearance, talent strength, in the ancient circles Calling the first, almost impeccable, such a husband, is there anything you? "

"As for the poison in your body, although the Yin and Yang Dragonfly fruit is not getting, Da Ziwei Dan can't make it, but I have sent people to find other medicinal herbs that can replace Da Ziwei Dan, will suppress your body. , You can rest assured, and, as long as I realize the plan with the Master's plan, I can reach a new height. When I will detoxify it, it is just a light. "

"Not only that, until that, if you feel that Xia is not in your appetite, I said to my mother, the mother killed him for you, destroyed Xia Ezu, then you will pick another husband, mother also Never stop you again, now, you will be temporary. "

"I'm a grievances? Hey, let's talk, don't want to use the summer people who want to live and want to move. For you to fight for time, mother, you do this, your father adults will promise?" Cold as frost cold Tao.

"Where is the surname? He knows how it? Cheng Wang defeated, now this East Tang Dynasty, I said, Dong Tang Tang 36, the government, all parties, and who only recognize me I also recognize him Xiao Emperor? "Cold emperor smiled," Okay, don't say so much, you are ready, three years, how long will it take for it. "

After that, the cold emperor is shaped, it has disappeared within the garden.

The big garden is only cold, and there is a frost, sitting there, with a cool face, but it is extremely rare to expose a complicated emotion.

"Three years later ... will he come?"

The cold is asked for a movie in the frost, and then the frost awareness is moved, and the body shape suddenly appears next to it.

This is a big-eyed girl wearing a broken black, and the face of this girl is also a playful play.

"Snow, you will take a look at the guy for me." Cold as cream is still indifferent.

"No problem." The dirty girl blocked his eyes. After told, he was jumping out to go straight away.

This hospital has the ban on the cold emperor personally put down, and no one can be initially entered. However, this ban is that there is no use of the dirty girl, and there is no need to be in the palace, but the strong is like a cloud, but these The strong seems that this is not like this.

The dirty girl jumped, and quickly left the courtyard, then left the palace.

If you let the sword have seen this dirty girl, he can recognize it at a glance. This girl is cold in the cold world.

The sister of the frost.

At least a sword is unparalleled.

However, if the sword is unparalleled to see the scene of the garden, it is seen that the cold is brushed from the cold, you can't think so.

Very obvious, cold as frost, cold as snow ... is a person!

The royal city of Huangcheng, the sword has no double closing room, and the sword is unparalleled in the inside. It has been in a month.

A month's closed customs, the sword is unparalleled once, and then the bottleneck launched the impact. Until today, the sword has finally opened his eyes.

"It is!" The sword has a strong variety of light.

"Time to make a day, the third step in the four steps, no death, arrogant!"

Staying in the second step in the second step for hundreds of years, the sword has finally broken.


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