Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 910 is the third step in the sky, not dead!

In the secret room, the sword is sitting in the end, and it is feeling that changes in their own body.

Daily creation, anti-day four steps, each step is rogue, it is a qualitative change.

The first step in the sky, the situation of the sky, gives the sword unparalleled super-understanding and talent, so that he has reached the incredible point at that stage.

The second step in the sky, the gods, gave it, is a sword unparalleled and there is no limit, and it has created that he is just a sense of God, but it can directly improve the wrench wrist. Point.

Now the sword is unparalleled, it is the third step in the sky, this step is not dead.

Do not die, corresponding to the eternal bits of ordinary warrants.

At this stage, Da Tian's creation will be unparalleled to sword, but it is unprecedented!

"Do not die, I am actually unsatisfactory this stage?" The sword has a strong color color.

You have already felt that your body changes, after this step, his body has become completely different from ordinary.

He can be very clear, every part of his body, and even cells seem to be a complete life, with strong vitality, even if you are separated from his body, you can still survive for a long time, or even Through this part of flesh, recombinant flesh.

In other words, this stage of the sword is unparalleled, unless you are completely annihilated, don't leave a trace, otherwise he will die.

And the sword is unparalleled, it can be placed in a place in concealed safety in advance, so that even if he is in the future, he is killed, he can re-recover the flesh and blood.

Do not die!

Really unsathered.

"Reversal, it is really terrible, only to reach the eternal bits level, actually have no death?" The king parasites were in the sword where the sword did not break through, he also missed the change of swords and unparalleled meat, nature It also shows the ability of the sword unparalleled in this stage.

This is almost undead, even if he is him, can't help but be horrified.


The sword is unfolded, but the spin is also secretly shaking his head, "but unfortunately, this ability can only stay at this stage, and if I have achieved Dao Zun in the future, this ability will be very weak, but want It is impossible to have this ability to be unscrupulous. "

After making it clear that yourself this phase, the sword is unparalleled and carefully checking his strength.

It is equivalent to the normal cultivator to enter the eternal nemerly in the general cultivator, and it will naturally improve its strength, and as a reverse repair, the sword is more huge.

"My strength, my flesh, I have a big improvement." The sword is unparalleled with hands, feel the pound power of the hand, the strength of this force, when he is at the hero level, at least More than ten times more.

He is now simpler than the strength of the power, and he has long been surpassing the category of Yongheng.

Moreover, the realm is a breakthrough, and he can also increase significantly in many secrets.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled again, but it is beginning to cultivate the stars of the ancient gods.

Thirty-four-story star river secret surgery, the sword is unparalleled in the hero level to the fifteenth floor, far exceeds the category of the general temperament.

Now, his realm breaks through, the secretary level of cultivation will naturally be higher.

Xinghe Secrets 16th floor, sword is unparalleled, it is easy to refine, then it is the seventeenth floor, the 18th floor, 19th floor ...

Time passed, soon the past three days.

Three days later, the secret of the star river that can practice in the sword, finally reached the limit, and at this moment, he has already understood the twenty-fourth floor of the strange secrets!

I cultivate the nine-story secret surgery, and the power of the sword has no more than 27 times again, plus the previous forty-five times, and now the sword is unparalleled, and can reach 72 times.

In the case of a seventy-two times, the power of the neccency, the power, this power, swords are unparalleled, absolutely comparable to normal road, and even more likely to be more stronger than the general road.

"Single basic power, now I, I will not afraid." The sword was unparalleled.

"Reversal of Eternal Night, I was originally treated, and the power is comparable to the road, and it is normal." The voice of Kings sounded in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that before he breaks through, he can already go to the wrench wrist with those ordinary roads. Now a breakthrough in the realm, the strength is skyrocketing, and the power is natural.

After the end of the star river secret, the sword is unparalleled, and the secret surgery begins to cultivate its immortal.

Inti-secret, is the secret of the flesh, he is still in the ancient border, these years, he cultivated the secret, the flesh is also strong, and now with him, he will soon The secret surgery has been cultivated to the fourth article.

His flesh became more tough and horizontal.

After you finish this, the sword has finally gone from the room.

Just put it, the sword is not paired by Wang Yuan.

Inside the hall.

"Old three, you can finally go, your brother is waiting for half a month." Wang Yuan said.

"Brother?" The sword didn't have a double one, and immediately saw the name of the bloody long hair on a seat in a chair, the whole person like bathing in the blood sea.

"Master?" The sword is unhappy.

This young man is His master, bloody day.

"Little brother, recently, good." Bloody smiled slightly.

"Master, how do you know that I am here?" The sword walked in the past, and the opening query.

"Someone took me, he." Bloody day refers to his opposite.

The sword is not a parallel, it is a black rober, which is a black robe. He is full of body shroud in the black robes. The sword is unparalleled. It doesn't understand his appearance, it looks quite mysterious.

After listening to the blood of the blood, the black robes looked up at the same time. At the same time, with a little bit of smile, it also passed out from the bottom of the black robe.

"The sword is unparalleled, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"I haven't seen you for a long time?" The sword didn't have a sidebrow wrinkle, and immediately came to see the past.

When he saw the thin and old face of the black robe, the sword was unbaffled.

"Seniors of the emperor, are you?"


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