Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 911, the arrival of the scene

Come on, it is a sword that is unparalleled in the elderly, and once saved the nature of his life.

The vision is Xiao Emperor.

"It's more than me, and you have your little girl." The emperor reached out and fell in the past.

The sword is unparalleled, and this discovered that the sterk girl has been hiding behind the door.

"Cold as snow?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, big brother, I haven't seen you for a long time." Cold as a splendid smile, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled is a wrong color.

He had seen you so cold, knowing that the snow is a cold, a frost, but he finds that there is only one princess in the Tang Dynasty, but no one knows that there is cold. The existence of snow.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled with the snow, and it has been quite curious, but now, he once again saw that it was snowing.

"I have been in the past for so many years, how to feel, you have not grown up at all." The sword watched and looked at the snow.

"Hey, I have always been an adult." Cold as Xuedui's attitude,

See this, the sword is unparalleled, and then I have seen the past.

"Seniors of the emperor, are you not with Xiao Emperor in the ancient world? How can I come with my master?" The sword is unparalleled. Sitting next to it, surprising.

At the beginning of the ancient world, the emperor gave him a feeling of Xiao Emperor, but he was deeply unpersitious for his for him, and so many years have passed, the sword has improved so much, and the eyes are also high. There are a lot, and he has finally seen the specific realm of the nature.

Dao Zun!

As the seventh battle god under Xiao Emperor, the vision is also a strong launcher of a genuine.

"Hemor, he has returned to Wange, as for why I came with your brother, of course, for you." The emperor smiled.

"Looking for me? Is it for the union meeting?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Well." The scenery nodded slightly, the completion became unusual, "Miss Miss said the owner's biological flesh, these years, the owner has been thinking about the big sister to solve the body's ice, the body of the ice, the owner's love, Not as general. "

"Not long ago, the owner learned the news, and the cold emperor would host the monk meeting for the Miss, so they immediately came again."

"Sure enough." The sword is unparalleled.

The cold emperor wanted to use the cold as a frost to marry Xia Yi, the Xiao Emi is obviously disagree.

"The sword is unparalleled, I don't want to bend, I am coming to you this time, I want to ask you, three years later, I don't want to participate?" The dynasty directly asked directly .

"Go." The sword is unparalleled.

"So, if you win in the conference, are you willing to marry my family?" Emperor looked at the sword.

"Willing." The sword is not a hyper point, "Of course, this premise is a cold as frost, she is willing to marry me."

"Hey, big brother, you can rest assured, my sister is willing to be willing to be willing." The cold smiles next to it.

The sword has shrugged.

"In this case, then we will discuss it." The scenery began to tell.

"The unconventional conference will invite all the parties to come to see, and the genius Junjie who truly participates in the conference will be, it should be a lot, but the last win is definitely only one person, so the conference, inevitable There will be fierce competition. "

"And this competition, more than one thing is nothing more than."

"First, it is a gift."

"Second, it is talent."

"In the hiring ceremony, you are eligible to participate in the genius Junjie who will participate in the conference, and must have a certain background. There is a top genius from all parties, and some old monsters are carefully cultivated. In short, since I participated in the appearance The conference, then they are prepared, they are definitely not light. "

"And in these people, the greatest background, naturally the Xia family, the big master, Xia Mang."

"Xia ko and Eastern Tang Dianfang are willing to have, and the cold emperor will have a secret through the sky, and the first Dynasty, the first Dynasty, the first Dynasty, and Xia ko."

"The sword is unparalleled, you can prepare in this excitement?" Emperor Xing asked.

"If I am hiring, I am really prepared, but can I get to Xiajiao, but it is difficult to say." The sword was unbrick.

He immediately started to start a gift from Wang Yuankou, and he was preparing for the preparation, and there were two things in preparation.

First, it can be pressed against the cold, such as the cream, the bodhi, which is the bodhi Dand.

Both of these are extremely precious, especially the Bodhi, that is enough to make an eternal bodily break through the road.

With these two mortgashers, swords are unparalleled, and self-confidence will not be poor than other genius to participate in the appearance conference, but can be compared with Xiajiaku prepared, the sword is unparalleled.

After all, Xiajia, that is, the first Dynasty, the Eastern Tang Dynasty, in the Eastern Tang Tang standing so many years, what is deep.

Xiajia is carefully prepared, naturally, it is not small.

What's more, in the conference of the appearance, the sword is unparalleled, not because it is poor than that of the summer, but to put the Sham Mang on the road.

"The owner said, if the mortal is not enough, you will prepare for you to prepare a copy." The Emperor said.

"Xiao Emperor is prepared for me?" The sword was not a sidebrow.

Xiao Emi is the father of cold as frost, how can he be a husband, give your son-in-law?

At this time, the bloody days who did not talk late, finally opened, "If you are hiring, there is no need for Xiao Emperor, the brother is an old door, he is going to marry, the mortal, natural, there is an old door to go ready."

"Xiaoyi." Bloody Tian Yang sword watched, "I will tell the Master this matter. Master will definitely prepare for you, rest assured, the teacher is prepared by the teacher, it will not let You are disappointed. "

"Well." The sword has no double heart, and I think that his master is mysterious and extraordinary means, the sword is full of two.

The night next to him heard this, but the face became quite quite.

According to his information, the sword is unparalleled, there is a master of bloody days, but it is a remote domain, one of the ordinary people in the ordinary gate.

A small eternal, can you prepare?

Although doubt, but seeing swords without double and bloody days are so confident, and the vision is not said.

"Since I have no problem, I only have strength, the sword is unparalleled, the strength, do you have to face the summer?"

The emperor looked at the sword.

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