Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 912, third treasure


The sword is unparalleled.

After he came to the Tang Dynasty, he didn't just listen to the name of this Xia Genzi.

What is the first day of the ancient borders, the first Yongsheng, the ever-eternal in the history of the ancient circles, etc. ...

However, the sword is unparalleled to this so-called first day, the first Yongjing, has been questioned.

"If it is one-on-one, he will defeat!" The sword has no double silence.

"Oh, this confidence is this confident?" Emperor saw that the sword was unparalleled.

He did not know that the sword was unparalleled before he didn't break through, and he already had the seventh step in the seventh step, and now a breakthrough, his strength has already reached a new height.

"The first Yongsheng, the first Yongjing in front of me, he is a joke." The sword has no double eyes.

At this time, the parasitic king in his body opened, "The sword is unparalleled, you are reversible, as a reach of eternal, it is equivalent to the road of normal cultivator, and you also have the high blood pulse of the ancient god In the event, there is a lot of means, such as you, to go with the world's so-called first Yongsheng, it is bullying! "

"Bullying people?" The sword smiled without a pair.

"Since I am hiring, the strength is no problem, then this matter is much simple, you only need to cover the wind of the summer, in the conference, each Everyone is looking at, although the cold emperor is spicy, it should not be ourselves. "Emperor TM smiled.

"Of course, everything is going to do the worst plan."

"If you got the summer, the conference will be lost to Xia Mang, or if the emperor is really going to go, then we can only fight with the cold emperor, and the scenery of the summer is getting cold.

"At that year, the owner lost to the emperor, and she could only leave Dongtun Tang. Although the owner left, he did not give up. He has been secretly saving in the year, but now, despite the strength of the savings, it is not enough With the front side with the cold emperor, Xiajia is competing, but there is also a force! "

"Is the force?" Blood Lingtian looked at it, and admired: "I know that Xiao Emperor has been secretly saving, but I didn't expect such strength, the power of Xiao Emily has reached this. The extent, oh, it is worthy of the four Diji in the second Xiao Em. "

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

In the four great emperors, Xiao Emperor is in the second?

"Seniors, I have never understood that since Xiao Emperor is a husband and wife, why is it a couple? There is also a predecessor's resort in the beginning. How can I be defeated in the hands of the emperor?" The sword is unparalleled.

In the four great emperors, the Qingdi is the strongest recognized, natural row in the first, and since Xiao Emo is in the second place, it is definitely stronger than the cold emperor, how can it be defeated?

"The owner was in the past, and I didn't know this, and I didn't tell me. As for the owner, it was because the cold emperor had a helper, a very helpful view.

"Who?" The sword was unparalleled.

"National Normal University." Emperor Jing Zheng said.

The sword is unparalleled.

He before he was in the Blue Eagle, and he also heard a very good national teacher in Eastern Tang Dynasty, his means.

Like the sea, the bloody eagle is from the hands of the country.

"Yes, swords are unparalleled, since you have to go to the conference, can you have a refund?" Emperor asked.

"Recommended people?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The conference can be seen, of course, someone can recommend it, and this person must have enough parts to make Eastern Tang Tang also politely treated." The vision said.

The sword is unparalleled and looked at your master brother.

Bloody day is one of the 18th lords of the void Temple, this identity is not low.

"Don't look at your brother, his identity does have this qualification, but the void Temple has been very superficial, there is no fight, never interrupted the battle of the power of the people of the ancient circles, and this advice, it may be a cold emperor The collision of the two power of the owner, your brother's identity is not advotard to go in. "The Emperor said.

Bloody sky also helpless shrugged.

"If no one is introduced to you, the owner is given to you." Emperor said.

"Who?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Dan Zun ... Fire." The nature of the vision is slightly opened, "this Dan Zun is the first refining Dan teacher, which is recognized by the ancient circles. It has a prominent status in the ancient circles. There are many strong people in the ancient circles to find him. Refining over the medicinal medicine, owing others, even though he has been alone, as long as he ordered, you can easily replace him, and he represents a strong throne. "

"In addition, this Dan Zun is your brother's master."

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled, and immediately saw the prince.

"Haha, the old three, you are relieved, the teacher has already sent it, promised to introduce you, after all, you give him a few good things, he is quite Huaixi." Wang Yuan grinned.

"It turns out that your master is the first refining Dan teacher, no wonder your alchemy ability will have such a big improvement." The sword is unhealthy and dark, and I will open, "Thank you, Thank you."

"No problem." Wang Yuan waved.

"Okay, the explanation is also over, three years later, the conference will start, you still have three years, let's prepare, three years, don't let the master, don't let Miss Disappointed. "Emperor Jing said.

"Well." The sword is unparalleled.

Soon, the vision is coming to the snow, and the blood is not anxious to leave, but the sword has brought the sword to a void of no one.

"Teacher, three years later, I will arrive in person, my identity is special, it is inconvenient to refer to you, but if there is any accident, I will take a private identity, help you." Bloody Tianzheng said.

"Thank you Master." The sword is not grateful.

"I came today, in addition to asking about the things at the pleadlon meeting, there is something, it is this." Blood Lingtian waved, took out an ancient scroll that seems to be yellow. .

"this is?"

The sword is unparalleled to see this painting volume.

"I have returned to the Tian Doyo shortly, and I also saw the Master, this painting volume, is the teacher Zun, I will give it to you."

Bloody Tian said: "The Master said, we have left the treasures of the sky, and he has given three treasures we have to use, you also gave it, but he only gave you two pieces, this Is the third! "


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