In the secret room, the two major names of the swords also emerged.

Subsequently, his World Restoration continued to stay in the room in the room, the Kyushu Print on the Mountain River Society, and the killing of the Zun is quietly left the Huangcheng, and went to an incomparably lonely mountain forest.

Above the void, the sword is unparalleled, and in front of him, there is a shank that has a shank that exudes a lilac rays.

Writing, three-foot sword, foot seventy-two handles!

The sword is unparalleled to show the nine days of swords, and they have always used blood, but now they have replaced a stronger three-foot sword.

After deep sucking, the sword didn't have a double eyeliner, the vast spirit, and directly exploded.

"Nine Day Sword, Combination!"

~~~ The three-foot sword of the handle, immediately started crazy with amazing speed, just combined into a lavender light sword.

This shank is not much, the size is not much, but it is abnormal.


The sword is unblocked to kill, this lavender light sword immediately exposed.

In the void, the light is flashing.


It is a huge cavity that has a huge cave, which is directly worn by the hole, and the hole is obviously broken by a strong strand force.

"The power is not enough, and it is displayed, too much for spiritual power, not perfect enough."

The sword is unparalleled to drive the sword in the second time.

In the mountain forest, the sword is unparalleled, the killing of this is started to put into the practice of the second heavy sword array.

The second heavy sword array, the sword is unparalleled, but after all, I have never realized it, and I naturally take time to gradually practice.

The two major respects, mutual interference, do their best to do their own things, try their best to improve the strength, prepare for the unconventional meeting.

Time is ruthless.

Three years, the moment is turned away.

The conference of the appearance is only two days left.

The depths of the palace, covered by the banned garden.

A white robe like ice is like a frost, lifting the head, looking up at the sky, "Time, is it?"

"Drag for so many years, the total return is coming."

Cold as frost muff, slowly reach out your own jade hand, a cold wind blows, ice is cold.

"Good wind ..."

In the Tang Dynasty, there are many genus clan, the strongest, there is no doubt that nature is called the first hegemony.

In addition to the summer, there are still some topic people in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and their strength is not to be underestimated.

The northern clan is a very strong clan, in the Native Tang Dynasty, and the strength of the strength is second only to Xia.

In the northern clan, a magnificent man is in the middle of the gray, a handsome-graying robe middle-aged, forcing the eyes, sitting quietly on a seat, finger tap the plants.

In front of this gray robber, I have a few black robes, and these black robes look like Pu Tutong. If there is no breath, it can be horrible.

These black robes, it is all the strong proud of the price of the price.

"The owner, everything is ready." Among the black robe, one of the thin old people said.

If the sword is unparalleled here, naturally it is recognized, this thin and weak old is the nature.

In this ancient world, there is a qualification to call the master, only one, that is Xiao Emperor!

The middle-aged manager is Xiao Emperor!

"What about you?" Xiao Emperor was indifferent, glanced at a Ziyi man with a woman.

This Ziyi man is the north of the North Talent, and his sexy is coming, but in front of Xiao Em, he has to converge.

"Xiao Emperor, my north clan is already ready, just wait for you to order." Northern Dao Zong.

"Well." Xiao Emi nodded slightly, and the depths of the deep eyes were like a gem-like light. Of the most important, the bit has promised to come out. "


There are several black rones, and there are also Northern Pluto, and I heard the one mentioned in Xiao Emperor, it exposed a excitement.

If they are now savings with the cold, then the joining is enough to make them at least 30%.

"Although not much, it is not enough, but it is also enough." Xiao Emily held his hands. "Of course, everything still has to look at the end result, if the sword is unparalleled, the little family is full, and that , Maybe we have no need to shoot. "

"Everything, it will be two days later."


There is a domain world in the sky, in the ancient world.

The day is still in the three giants, but the ancient gates, still is just the strongest one top.

Within the huge sects of the ancient doctors, a temple in the mountains, wearing a white robe, and carrying his hands standing there, looking up at the sky.

His figure is very straight, like pine cymbals.

A figure is brushing from the distance and appears behind him.

"Xuan Yi Palace Lord."

Come on the destruction of the Master of the 12th Palace of the Gumen Road Palace.

"According to your instructions, I have let my ancient gates, all the disciples of the ancient gates, all went to Tianfeng Valley, and I can start the hunting ratio tomorrow." Destroy the Palace Logger.

"Oh?" Xuan Yi Palace main eyebrows, laughed: "All disciples have went there, then the peak valley is now unparalleled, and these palace owners have rushed the order."

"Yes." Destroy the palace main point nodded, but it was very confused.

This ancient door held an unprecedented hunting, the purpose is to exacerbate the quantity between the disciples.

It is nothing to do, but the key is this big ratio, but it is to let all the disciples of all ancient gods participate.

Whether it is a foreign disciple or an inner-door disciple, I went to Tianfeng Valley, including the many strong people of the ancient doors, and I also went to the order.

Inside this big ancient giant, there is only one side of the mysterious palace.

Once hunting, do you have all disciples to participate before?

Although doubts, the destruction of the palace is not asking.

The mountains of the mountains, only one of the mysterious palaces, and at this moment, the mysterious palace is slowly reaching out, covering the sky above.

"Wind and rain, come ..."

"Little guy, I have been sending you, as for the next thing, I will rely on yourself, I hope you can stay, don't let the teacher disappointed."

Xuan muttered, his voice was flat, with a smile, between this endless sky, slowly circulating, long time.


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