Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 915 was scared

When the three-year period arrived, the conference immediately wanted to hold, the sword is unparalleled.

In the three years, his two major bodies were drilled with Jiuzhou Printing and the second heavy nine-day sword array, and they also have their own gains.

Among them, the second heavy nine-day sword array, the sword is unparalleled, and it is quite relaxed to the small completion.

As for the Kyushu Print in the Mountain Holiday Map ... This is a secret, and the mountains and riverside maps are displayed, and the power to just to the Yang, extremely, more secrets that have been touched by the swords, have been strong.

For three years, the sword is unparalleled to force only the first style of Jiuzhou India, but it is not possible to show it.

No way, the spiritual power that drives the mountain river society is too large.


In the morning, the sky was not bright, a darkness.

In the hall, the sword is unparalleled with both hands, sitting quietly on the seat, next to him, and the existence of the three people.

In the three, there are two people who have two good brothers, Wang Yuan and Yang Zi Xuan!

Yang Chang Xuan has been staying in Zihinia before, but in this abstains of the conference, it also rushed to the power of the Huangcheng helium sword.

When I just saw Yang Zi Xuan, I couldn't help but exclaimed in the sword. "Good amazing emperor, high blood."

Yang Zai Xuan has got a inheritance with the help of Xiao Em, and it should be the kind of blood inheritance. It has a very high blood vessel.

These years, Yang Zai Xuan's progress is not small. At this moment, it has been standing on the top of the eternal science. If he does not hesitate to completely break out the blood in the body, maybe it is enough to respect the battle.

In addition to Wang Yuan and Yang Zai Xuan, there is also a turbid vicissitudes of life, sitting calm.

This vicissitudes are close to the eyes, just like wood, quiet.

This old man is Wang Yuan's Master, the first refining Dan teacher, and Dan Zun fire!

This time I enrogated the conference, this Dan Zun is unparalleled to the sword.

Four people gathered in this, did not talk, one is silent, waiting for the arrival of dawn.

This is awaiting, just didn't take long.

At the end of the sky, the sun is rising, the first Roars Lauze finally shines above the ancient emperor.

Time, the entire royal city is shocked.


The ancient and unbearable bells are also the first in the Imperial City, and the first bell has not been completely scattered, and the second bell of the horse is coming again.

An ancient bell, echoed to the imperial city.

In the hall, there is no four people who have been waiting quietly, and they have open eyes, and they have seen the past.

"Finally ... is it coming?"

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, and the slightly rolling luster that is reversed from the gap from the window, but the face is revealing a cold smile.

"lets go."

Dan Zun also stood up and said a word.

Subsequently, the four people got moving, and they went towards the conference of the conference.

At the same time, in the corner of the Huangcheng, all parties from the ancient circles are strong, and they have rumored.

A touch of breath, like the Yellow Horizontal, the most central center, is the huge campus before the Palace.

When the sword is unparalleled in the campus, the campus is already the people of the people.

"Is there a lot of people?" The sword was unparalleled to watch the world of clouds, and there were still countless people in the nearby void.

"This, this is at least millions of people, but it is more than not." Wang Yuan is to show a shock color.

Around the campus, the people are surging, and those who come to this imperial city will have some people who have a conference, and there are many more powerful.

Fortunately, the most elite rival of the Rong Dynasty is dispatched. At the scene, the many bloody eagles have also been present, and the strong people who have a respective level of the road have not appeared. Large-scale riots.

"Blood peaks, two days ago, the old man has been referred to this advice, and according to your requirements, the old man will use the sword unparalleled name." Dan Zun said.

"There is a Sundan predecessor." The sword is unparalleled.

He is going to be bright, and the church is just a cold as frost, of course, you have to use his own real name.

Although it will lead to a lot of trouble with your own name, you can face these troubles.

"The people who are resistant to Xiajiao, what are the people who compete in this conference, they must know in advance, and when they see my name, the expression is afraid that it will be quite exciting." The sword was laughing.

He will kill the Xia Ezon's two son Xia Yu.

Xia Zai has been searching for his trails in the year, but unfortunately did not find it.

This time, Xia is knowing that he is so excited to participate in this monk meeting, and the charm of the Summer Mang is as cold, and it will definitely be crazy.

At this moment, a body shape suddenly appeared next to the sword.

"Master." The sword shouted.

It is his master of his master.

"Xiaochie, Master to prepare for you, I will bring you, you have a look, you are not satisfied." Blood Lingtian took a Qiankun to the sword unparalleled.

"Is the routing?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled and immediately took the Qiankun.

However, when I took the Qiankun ring, the sword was unparalleled, but there was a very mysterious smile on his face, which made the sword unparalleled curiosity could not rise.

"The Master is carefully prepared for me. What will be?" The sword has no double with curiosity and expectation, and immediately go to Qiankun.

However, after he saw the true look of the mortal routing in Qiankun, it was not only a sword, but also parasitic kings in the sword, unparalleled, all shocked.

"How could it be!" The sword is unparalleled, revealing a pair of unprecedented shock.

"Monsters, swords are unparalleled, your master is a big big moon." The king is directly roaring, "these things, what is he getting out? Is it a refining? It is impossible, it is impossible Oh! "

"Monster, metamorphosis!"

"Big metamorphosis!"

The King of the King roared, the roaring roaring sounded in the sword.

I don't want to be so lost, because the mood of the sword is nothing more than the king.


Unprecedented shock, even shame.

He was completely scared by this mortal routing of his master to him.

And he believes that no matter who, when you see this, you will be scared.

After all, this time is really ... it is too shocking, too much to think!

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