"He is dead, I am killed."

Simply a few words, in this big campus, it is clear, but it is a whole campus instantly boiling.

"Xia Mang's younger brother, is he killed?"

"Yes, yes, I remember, more than two hundred years ago, in Zihinia, the summer is passioned by a sense of God, and the result is defeated by the other three sword. Later, Xia Yu died, it is said to be retalled The name of the name, the result was killed by the other party, the name of the God, called the sword and unparalleled! "

"Sword is not double?"

"It's him, it is him!"

"We can't find him directly. It turns out that he is a sword. It has killed the sword in the summer for more than two hundred years."

Countless excitement, this starts.

Everyone took a trace of steady swords.

In the first summer, the Xia Ezu, Xia Yi, Xia Ecmaid, but the whole Eastern Tang Dynasty has set off a wind and waves, and these years have always traced the drop of the hero, but there is no result.

Who once thought that the hero killed Xia Yi, but now not only breakthroughs to the eternal bodies, but also come to the conference of the appearance.

Such a light is big?

He is not worried about Xia Keri to kill him?

"Sure enough, you have your hand." The Xia mang has become cloudy and cold, and the murder is not hidden.

"What is it?" The sword didn't double the summer.

"Very good, I like your arrogance." Xia Mang smiled, "Reassured, here is the scene of the appearance of the conference, there is a cold emperor, I still don't have to kill you directly, but I will wait for the conference. At the end, you will die! "

"No one saved you, no matter what you introduce your Danzun, or your brother blood blade, can't protect you."

"The protection is not to protect, and I am dead, but I am not going to say." The sword is unparalleled.

"I said that you will die, you will die." Xia Mang lowered, the speech seems to have determined the fate of the sword.

"Yes? I am waiting." The sword is unparalleled, and there is no change in turf, and it seems that this summer is not placed.

Around the campus, listening to the sword is unparalleled with Xia Mang full of gunpowder dialogue, many people are secretly looking forward.

In the case of the voids in front of the campus, the huge look at the quiet suspension, there is a case, the case, a stylish figure is sitting there, look at it, at least dozens of dozens people.

These people are either some of the big clan, a great powerful manager, or some of the unsolicited monet of strength.

The brothers like a sword is bloody, Dan Zun is here.

These strong people will clearly see everything below.

"Haha, the gunpowder is very strong, but it is also right, the sword is unparalleled, and the killing is the brother of Xia Mang."

"I have admired this kid, and I know that Xiakou has been trying to raise his falling. He doesn't find a place to hide, and it is still so bright to participate in this advice, do you think he thinks him? Brother, or Dan Zun can protect him? "

"Although Dan Zun has a good power, it can be seen as far as I know, this sword is unparalleled with Danzun should not be too big, and Dan Zun is impossible for him to tell Xia Kei, as for him. The brother of the brother, the honorable owner ... Hey, the void Temple 18th Lord, this identity is indeed underestimated, but the sword is unparalleled with Xia Ethi, and there is no relationship with the void temple. The void Temple is impossible. Just with the blood blade of the land, in front of Xia Kei, it is still not enough. "

Those powers before the cricket laughed, and they did not avoid anything between them, and the people of Xia is still bloody, listening to the ear.

Before the closer to the central, the end sitting is the two strong people in Xiajiao.

These two Daozun, one of them is the old man who has seen in Zihina, there is one person, and a mess, dark skin, it is like a savage, this person is Xia Zai, old, Xia Yu.

I heard some strong talks around the surrounding strong, but this summer is directly cold, "A young man who does not know the high earth, dare to kill my summer people, he will die!"

But the sound of this summer, just sitting on the bloody days before the sorrow of Xia Yu, but the eyes are a condensed, and the arrogance is long, "Xia Yu is old, is the fire is quite big?"

"Blood Blade, the sword is unparalleled to kill my Xia Ezu, I didn't pull his ancient gates, and I was very giving you a face. You can don't know." Xia Yu said coldly. .

"I don't know how to lift? Why, do you want to kill?" Bloody Tian smiled, "Xia Yu, not me, I am sitting here, I don't resist, you have guts, directly It is. "

After that, the bloody days did not forget the wine glass on the record, drink a wine.

When I heard this, Xia Yu's brow was a wrinkle.

Kill the bloody days?

I don't dare to borrow him two gallbladies.

Don't say him, even if the old man of Xia is, even the old ancestors behind Xia Kei, I don't dare to kill the blood in the world.

After all, the anger of the Hall of the Hall of the Hall of the Temple, the whole dragonfield, there is no power to afford.

"Hey, I don't dare to kill you, but I dare to kill the sword and have no pairs, I don't believe it, who can save him today." Xia Yu cooled.

"Walking down." Blood Lingtian was too lazy to say more to Xia Yu.

"Blood blade, your brother, it seems that there is a lot of trouble today." At the side of the blood blade, there is a white old man, this old is a smile, it is very kind. "

This is the same as the bloody sky, and it is also one of the 18th owners of the void temple.

"Small trouble." Bloody sky smiled.

In front of another, there is a thin old man who is a Tong Yan haircut. Next to this thin and weak, he is also followed by a green hair.

These two people, Herzhama also has his daughter, Lin Zai.

"Father, the sword is unparalleled. Because I will help me, if you are a summer, you can help him." Lin said.

"Xiajiao is the first Dynasty, the first Dynasty, and your father can can't afford it." Zijing island shook his head.

"Father ..." Lin Yu is anxious.

"Okay, don't worry, watch it is, this matter today, it is not as simple as you think." Zijing Island is a little impatient waving.

Lin Yi is not too much to say.

At this moment, from the palace from the distance, in a large group of people, a beautiful cold proud movement slowly.

Everyone on the campus is not from the autonomous action, and all the eyes have seen the past.

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