Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 918 begins

She is a white dress, and she is surrounded by everyone.

The whole world of time is quiet, all of them.

She, the skin is wins, and the doubles are still like a clear water. They have a temperament of Qing and Juhua, which makes people feel, self-defeating, not daughter.

Beautiful face, beauty is suffocating.

This beauty cannot be described in any language.

In addition, the most attractive, it is her cold proud.

That kind of arrogant, crown in the world, no one.

Cold as frost, the first one of the first per person, and the princess of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the protagonist of this appearance meeting.

Her appearance, making all male cultivators in the scene, incompassionation.

The center of the campus, more than ten people who participated in this appearance of the conference, except for the sword, and the rest saw a fanaticism.

Even that of the shring, the same is the same, the hands are gripped, and the heart is muttered. "Only such a woman is qualified to be my wife."

Looking at the cold as frost sitting on the vacant look, everyone on the campus couldn't help but breathe.

After the cold as frost, the cold emperor has come.

The cold emperor appeared in front of the center of the scene, and the jade hand failed.

"let's start."

As the cold emperor is falling.

! The ancient bell spread, this bell seems to have a special peripheral pressure, which makes everyone on the campus.

On the table, the cold eyes of cold emperor directly overlooks, and the majesty voice is slowly echoed throughout the campus.

"Today, this emperor is hosted for this advice. It is to give her a suitable husband, but the daughter of the emperor, but what is the A cat, Dog can marry, want to welcome this emperor, first I have to come up with enough sincerity, followed by seeing your respective talents. "

"So, the winner of this conference depends on two aspects, the first is your respective hiring, second, it is your strength."

"The Emperor will pick up the most suitable for the cream."

I heard this, everyone in the scene didn't feel unexpected.

After all, the content of this conference is the content of the conference, almost everyone knows.

"This time, the genius Junjie who participated in the appearance of the appearance, now there is a total of seventeen people. Now, please take it out before, I will come out." The cold emperor is clean and neat, there is no nonsense.

The center of the campus includes swords and unparalleled, a total of seventeen people flanses with strange light.

For this conference, these seventeen people have full preparation, and naturally, they are naturally selected.

Among the seventeen people, Dong Yan Chong from Dongyan clan, the first front, the cold emperor on the top of the top of the top, there are many strong people.

"Cold Emperor, the jade is from Dong Yan Chong from Dongyan Fang, this time the arrival of five pieces of five pieces, hoping to be able to marry the princess." Dong Yan Chong is a humble color, and he waves. I took out a Qiankun ring.

This Qiankun does not have a recognition, and anyone can see the things in Qiankun through awareness.

Talk about Dong Yan Chonghui, "I am prepared for five pieces of mortgage, respectively, some resilings of the ancient heart, the blood, in addition, there is also a lot of odd treasurer Chengbao Mountain, as well as the high-level emperor of the 10th level. "

I don't have to say that Dong Yan Chong said that when he took out the Qiankun quit, the top strong people on the stage had already recognized all the treasures.

"Haha, big hand,"

"Gu Xin Dan, the nine-song faction There is also a blood figure of the blood, although it is not too precious, but all have special effects, and the unusual is difficult, Dong Yan clan actually breathed these three treasures? "

"That Treasure Mountain, I have read it carefully, those who refine the odd treasure value is expensive, if the value is worth the value, this treasure mountain is worth having hundreds of billions of crystal, and there is the 10 Higher Emperor The soldiers,, this mortal gift can be true. "

On the table, many people exposed their stunning.

The owner of the Dongyan clan on the table is proud.

Task, in order to make this, they have a lot of money, but it costs a lot.

However, although this Easy clan prepared is extraordinary, but the people have noted that when Dong Yan Chong will come out, the most central cool emperor of the standing station, the look is still ancient wells, and there is no rise. Variety.

Obviously, these five shackles are not placed in the eyes at all.

"Next person."

The voice without the slightest is sent from the cold emperor, and the hiring ceremony to the Emperor and the Emperor will not have a slight evaluation.

See this, Dong Yan is frowned, but it can only be retired.

After Dongyang Chong, the other genius Junjie, and they also came forward to come up with their own cites.

These people, the background is not good, the hiring, it is not a million products, there are many things that have caused the campus, and even the top strong people on the stage are moving, but they can be rim, but There is no big waves to rise.

After about one hour, the seventeen genius Junjie has already taken the hiring ceremony of his prepared before.

Inside the fifteen people, the pro-disciple of the dead wood elderly wit, he took out a very rare and precious nine-color nine-color fruit, which made the many tops on the table, exclaimed, even causing not The eye of the top of the top.

And the cold emperor, when I arrived in the nine-color nine cloud fruit, I also loudly, this is also a lot of mortgages that have changed the giftedness of the 15th genius.

The fifteen genius Junjie who has already sacrificed the campus has been retired, and only the last two are left there.

These two people are the Xia Mang of Xiajiao, and ... sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, there are two left." Xia Mang fell in the sword, "I am very curious, what kind of hiring is available in your background?"

Xia Mang is very clear, the sword is unparalleled from the ancient gates, and the ancient doors are just a paradise in the ordinary domain. In that manner, it may be a big door, but in this vast ancient world, it will not be mesa.

And according to the news he got, the sword is only just a eternal border. The only thing is a bit of powerful, that is his master of his brother.

Such a background is placed in the seventeen geniuses of this monk meeting, although it is not a bottom bottom, but it can also be normal.

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