Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 919 Xia Er

"I can take out what to hire, I have nothing to do with you? You still worry about yourself, if you take it out, you are not enough, be careful to be poured with me?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Press me?"

"If you are you?"

Xia Mang couldn't help but laugh, "The sword is unparalleled, you really don't know the highland thick, you will rely on your ancient gates, with your brother, you want to compose my Xiajiao? Occupant dream!"

"You open your eyes, look at it."

The sound of Xia Mang is inextricably, and the spin is a step.

However, the pace of Xia Mang across the routing, the people around the campus, and the many top-strokes in the top of the stage, they all gave a look at him.

These people also look forward to it.

Because the fifteen genius took out the citizenship, there were many already awkward, and now, it is the summer of Xia.

Xia Ezu, as the first hegemony of Eastern Tang Dynasty, in the Tang Datang, can always be a giant.

There are so deep in the summer, no one knows.

It can be clear, that is, the Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty in the Tongsheng, and the Sixth Emperor is quite jealous.

Today, in the eyes of many people, in fact, it is the marriage of Eastern Tang Dynasty and Xia Ec. Compared to it.

"Cold Emperor, the old man Xiao Mang, this time, in order to marry the princess hall, the junior specially prepared for three ." Xia Man is humble, and the tone is gentle.


"Only three congratulations?"

"What is the triple, the mortal is not a quantity, but the quality, maybe he casually took a gift, and the value is far more than all the greetings prepared by other talents."

People around the campus have discussions, noisy.

I heard these attractions, Xia Mang smiled slightly, and immediately waved, took out a jade bottle. "Please see, this is the first gift I prepared, I am stationed in Yan Dan."

People on the campus immediately saw the milk whose milky in the jade bottle exuded special aroma.

I heard the name of Lu'an, and many people in the scene were one, especially some female practitioners.

"Is it in Yan Dan, is it in Yan Dan?"

"It is said that this is in Yan Dan, there is a long-lasting, long-lasting, and even a wife will immediately recover the girl's appearance, and it will be extremely beautiful."

"This is stationed in Yan Dan, although there is no role in the war, it can be a Dan medicine that many female practitioners can be dreamed of."

A piece of campus.

"Cold Emperor." Xia Mang voice is cool, "this refining material in Yan Dan, I have already disappeared in Wange, so there is no one can refine this medicinal medicine again, but I am in summer. There are still some bottoms. Just have two embarrassments in Yan Dan, so the first time I sent two embarrassments, the cold emperor and the princess, I can take one of them. "

"You have a heart." The emperor nodded slightly, and the coldness on his face also slowly converges.

Xia Mang's mouth was a war, but then waved again, immediately had two streams of flow, appearing above the air.

These two streams, in order to be two high school shadows in two, the high school shadow, standing there, their eyes also scarlet, even if there is no action, there is still two horrible suffocation to spread, order A turmoil on the campus.

"That is……"

On the top of the top, many top scorpions are locked on these two high school shadows.

"So terrible suffocation, will not be wrong, it is the blood emperor, and there are two respects!"

"It's a blood emperor? This thing, all the ancient times are not much."

"Hey, this blood emperor, just take out a respect, it is enough to match the general road, and this summer will take out two respects, it is a summer, the bottom is really deep!"

Those who know the goods are secretly amazed.

They are very clear about the preciousness of the two high figures.

And Xia Mang also said directly, "I am prepared for the second job, it is the two blood emperors, I believe people who know the goods know that the blood emperor, each is full of normal road, and two The emperor is equivalent to two respect. "

When I heard this, the campus suddenly turned.

Previously, Xia Mang took out the first job, that is in Yan Dan, although rare, but it is not too big, and it is not too shocking.

But this blood emperor is different.

This can be equivalent to the two genuine high-priced strong people, why is it precious?

Compared with these two blood emperors, the five congratulations prepared by Dong Yan Chong before.

After all, those greetings can be bought with Shen Jing, how to have two tricks of the Dao Zun's power?

"I heard that there were a few blood emperors in Xia Kei. I didn't expect that you have brought two respects." The cold emperor nodded again and was obviously quite satisfactory.

When I heard the cold emperor, the smile on the face of Xia Mang was even more.

On the campus, everyone has begun to look forward to the third mortal routing of Xia Mang.

The second time, it is already two so rare and precious blood emperors, and the third job is inevitably be more precious than the second job.

What will it be?

Xia Mang also did not hang his appetite, but it was directly to take four strokes.

The four consecutive characters look forward, there is nothing to surprise, and they are not convincing.

"Cold Emperor, there is a predecessor in the field, you are all the top of the ancient circles, see extraordinary, I have heard that the magic clouds have been heard?" Xia Mang Lang said, voice spread.

"Magic Valley?" Most of the ordinary militors around the campus.

The tops of the tops on the table, but they have revealed.

"Magic Yun Valley? Billion years ago, in the vast world, is a virtuous Valley of a hegemony?"

"It's it, it is a very strong force, if you really have to compare, the magic cloud of the peak period, the overall strength is better than the current summer, it will not be too much!"

"But unfortunately, this magic mountain is completely covered in hundreds of millions of years ago."

Those topped strong people are very living very long, and some secrets of the ancient circles have some understanding, naturally they have heard of the magic village.

"You are also clear, you are also clear, the reason of the magic clouds in the billion years ago, that is because of a unprecedented battle in the magic cloud valley, that war, too fierce, many strong people die, and that The waves are too huge, causing the space where the magic clouds are completely collapsed. "

Xia Mang's model said.

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